version := $$(poetry version -s) version_escaped := $$(echo ${version} | sed -e 's/\./\\./g') mac_app_path := ./dist/ mac_zip_path := ./dist/Buzz-${version} mac_dmg_path := ./dist/Buzz-${version}-mac.dmg unix_zip_path := Buzz-${version}-unix.tar.gz windows_zip_path := Buzz-${version}-windows.tar.gz bundle_linux: dist/Buzz cd dist && tar -czf ${unix_zip_path} Buzz/ && cd - bundle_windows: dist/Buzz iscc //DAppVersion=${version} installer.iss cd dist && tar -czf ${windows_zip_path} Buzz/ && cd - bundle_mac: dist/ codesign_all_mac zip_mac notarize_zip staple_app_mac dmg_mac UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) LIBWHISPER := ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT) LIBWHISPER=whisper.dll else ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Darwin) LIBWHISPER=libwhisper.dylib else endif endif clean: rm -f $(LIBWHISPER) rm -f whisper_cpp rm -f buzz/ rm -rf dist/* || true test: buzz/ translation_mo pytest -vv --cov=buzz --cov-report=xml --cov-report=html dist/Buzz dist/ buzz/ translation_mo pyinstaller --noconfirm Buzz.spec version: poetry version ${version} echo "VERSION = \"${version}\"" > buzz/ sed -i "" "s/version=.*,/version=\'${version_escaped}\',/" Buzz.spec CMAKE_FLAGS= ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) AVX1_M := $(shell sysctl machdep.cpu.features) ifeq (,$(findstring AVX1.0,$(AVX1_M))) CMAKE_FLAGS += -DWHISPER_NO_AVX=ON endif ifeq (,$(findstring FMA,$(AVX1_M))) CMAKE_FLAGS += -DWHISPER_NO_FMA=ON endif AVX2_M := $(shell sysctl machdep.cpu.leaf7_features) ifeq (,$(findstring AVX2,$(AVX2_M))) CMAKE_FLAGS += -DWHISPER_NO_AVX2=ON endif else ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT) CMAKE_FLAGS += -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON endif endif $(LIBWHISPER) whisper_cpp: cmake -S whisper.cpp -B whisper.cpp/build/ $(CMAKE_FLAGS) cmake --build whisper.cpp/build --verbose cp whisper.cpp/build/bin/Debug/$(LIBWHISPER) . || true cp whisper.cpp/build/bin/Debug/main whisper_cpp || true cp whisper.cpp/build/$(LIBWHISPER) . || true cp whisper.cpp/build/bin/main whisper_cpp || true buzz/ $(LIBWHISPER) ctypesgen ./whisper.cpp/whisper.h -l$(LIBWHISPER) -o buzz/ # Prints all the Mac developer identities used for code signing print_identities_mac: security find-identity -p basic -v dmg_mac: ditto -x -k "${mac_zip_path}" dist/dmg create-dmg \ --volname "Buzz" \ --volicon "./assets/buzz.icns" \ --window-pos 200 120 \ --window-size 600 300 \ --icon-size 100 \ --icon "./assets/buzz.icns" 175 120 \ --hide-extension "" \ --app-drop-link 425 120 \ --codesign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" \ --notarize "$$BUZZ_KEYCHAIN_NOTARY_PROFILE" \ "${mac_dmg_path}" \ "dist/dmg/" staple_app_mac: xcrun stapler staple ${mac_app_path} notarize_zip: xcrun notarytool submit ${mac_zip_path} --keychain-profile "$$BUZZ_KEYCHAIN_NOTARY_PROFILE" --wait zip_mac: ditto -c -k --keepParent "${mac_app_path}" "${mac_zip_path}" codesign_all_mac: dist/ codesign --force --options=runtime --sign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp dist/ codesign --force --options=runtime --sign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp dist/ for i in $$(find dist/ -name "*" -type f); \ do \ codesign --force --options=runtime --sign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp "$$i"; \ done for i in $$(find dist/ -name "*.dylib" -o -name "*.so" -type f); \ do \ codesign --force --options=runtime --sign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp "$$i"; \ done for i in $$(find dist/ -name "*.dylib" -o -name "*.so" -o -name "Qt*" -o -name "Python" -type f); \ do \ codesign --force --options=runtime --sign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp "$$i"; \ done codesign --force --options=runtime --sign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp dist/ codesign --force --options=runtime --sign "$$BUZZ_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" --entitlements ./entitlements.plist --timestamp dist/ codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=2 dist/ # HELPERS # Get the build logs for a notary upload notarize_log: xcrun notarytool log ${id} --keychain-profile "$$BUZZ_KEYCHAIN_NOTARY_PROFILE" VENV_PATH := $(shell poetry env info -p) # Make GGML model from whisper. Example: make ggml model_path=/Users/chidiwilliams/.cache/whisper/ ggml: python3 ./whisper.cpp/models/ ${model_path} $(VENV_PATH)/src/whisper dist upload_brew: brew bump-cask-pr --version ${version} --verbose buzz UPGRADE_VERSION_BRANCH := upgrade-to-${version} gh_upgrade_pr: git checkout main && git pull git checkout -B ${UPGRADE_VERSION_BRANCH} make version version=${version} git commit -am "Upgrade to ${version}" git push --set-upstream origin ${UPGRADE_VERSION_BRANCH} gh pr create --fill gh pr merge ${UPGRADE_VERSION_BRANCH} --auto --squash # Internationalization translation_po_all: $(MAKE) translation_po locale=ca_ES TMP_POT_FILE_PATH := $(shell mktemp) PO_FILE_PATH := locale/${locale}/LC_MESSAGES/buzz.po translation_po: if [[ -f "${PO_FILE_PATH}" ]]; then \ xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 -o ${TMP_POT_FILE_PATH} -l python buzz/; \ sed -i.bak 's/CHARSET/UTF-8/' ${TMP_POT_FILE_PATH} && rm ${TMP_POT_FILE_PATH}.bak; \ msgmerge -U ${PO_FILE_PATH} ${TMP_POT_FILE_PATH}; \ else \ mkdir -p locale/${locale}/LC_MESSAGES; \ xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 -o ${PO_FILE_PATH} -l python buzz/; \ sed -i.bak 's/CHARSET/UTF-8/' ${PO_FILE_PATH} && rm ${PO_FILE_PATH}.bak; \ fi translation_mo: for dir in locale/*/ ; do \ msgfmt --check $$dir/LC_MESSAGES/buzz.po -o $$dir/LC_MESSAGES/; \ done