[tool.poetry] name = "buzz-captions" version = "0.9.0" description = "" authors = ["Chidi Williams "] license = "MIT" readme = "README.md" include = ["buzz/libwhisper.*", "buzz/whisper_cpp.py"] repository = "https://github.com/chidiwilliams/buzz" packages = [ { include = "buzz" }, ] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = ">=3.9.13,<3.11" sounddevice = "^0.4.5" humanize = "^4.4.0" PyQt6 = "^6.4.0" openai = "^1.14.2" keyring = "^25.0.0" platformdirs = "^4.2.0" dataclasses-json = "^0.6.4" numpy = "^1.21.2" requests = "^2.31.0" yt-dlp = "2024.3.10" stable-ts = "2.15.9" faster-whisper = "^1.0.1" openai-whisper = "v20231117" transformers = "^4.39.1" [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] autopep8 = "^1.7.0" pyinstaller = "^6.5.0" # Lock to 2023.11 to fix error in 2023.12: # AttributeError: module 'dataclasses' has no attribute '__version__' pyinstaller-hooks-contrib = "^2024.3" six = "^1.16.0" pytest = "^7.1.3" pytest-cov = "^4.0.0" pytest-qt = "^4.1.0" pytest-xvfb = "^2.0.0" pytest-mock = "^3.12.0" pylint = "^2.15.5" pre-commit = "^2.20.0" pytest-benchmark = "^4.0.0" ruff = "^0.1.3" polib = "^1.2.0" [tool.poetry.group.build.dependencies] ctypesgen = "^1.1.1" cmake = "^3.26.4" [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core", "ctypesgen", "setuptools", "cmake"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.poetry.build] script = "build.py" [tool.poetry.scripts] buzz = "buzz.buzz:main" [tool.ruff] exclude = [ "**/whisper.cpp", ]