
459 lines
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package view
import (
type ViewOptionChangeListener func() error
// FileTree holds the UI objects and data models for populating the right pane. Specifically the pane that
// shows selected layer or aggregate file ASCII tree.
type FileTree struct {
name string
gui *gocui.Gui
view *gocui.View
header *gocui.View
vm *viewmodel.FileTreeViewModel
title string
filterRegex *regexp.Regexp
listeners []ViewOptionChangeListener
helpKeys []*key.Binding
requestedWidthRatio float64
// newFileTreeView creates a new view object attached the the global [gocui] screen object.
func newFileTreeView(gui *gocui.Gui, tree *filetree.FileTree, refTrees []*filetree.FileTree, cache filetree.Comparer) (controller *FileTree, err error) {
controller = new(FileTree)
controller.listeners = make([]ViewOptionChangeListener, 0)
// populate main fields
controller.name = "filetree"
controller.gui = gui
controller.vm, err = viewmodel.NewFileTreeViewModel(tree, refTrees, cache)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
requestedWidthRatio := viper.GetFloat64("filetree.pane-width")
if requestedWidthRatio >= 1 || requestedWidthRatio <= 0 {
logrus.Errorf("invalid config value: 'filetree.pane-width' should be 0 < value < 1, given '%v'", requestedWidthRatio)
requestedWidthRatio = 0.5
controller.requestedWidthRatio = requestedWidthRatio
return controller, err
func (v *FileTree) AddViewOptionChangeListener(listener ...ViewOptionChangeListener) {
v.listeners = append(v.listeners, listener...)
func (v *FileTree) SetTitle(title string) {
v.title = title
func (v *FileTree) SetFilterRegex(filterRegex *regexp.Regexp) {
v.filterRegex = filterRegex
func (v *FileTree) Name() string {
return v.name
// Setup initializes the UI concerns within the context of a global [gocui] view object.
func (v *FileTree) Setup(view, header *gocui.View) error {
logrus.Tracef("view.Setup() %s", v.Name())
// set controller options
v.view = view
v.view.Editable = false
v.view.Wrap = false
v.view.Frame = false
v.header = header
v.header.Editable = false
v.header.Wrap = false
v.header.Frame = false
var infos = []key.BindingInfo{
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-collapse-dir"},
OnAction: v.toggleCollapse,
Display: "Collapse dir",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-collapse-all-dir"},
OnAction: v.toggleCollapseAll,
Display: "Collapse all dir",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-sort-order"},
OnAction: v.toggleSortOrder,
Display: "Toggle sort order",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-added-files"},
OnAction: func() error { return v.toggleShowDiffType(filetree.Added) },
IsSelected: func() bool { return !v.vm.HiddenDiffTypes[filetree.Added] },
Display: "Added",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-removed-files"},
OnAction: func() error { return v.toggleShowDiffType(filetree.Removed) },
IsSelected: func() bool { return !v.vm.HiddenDiffTypes[filetree.Removed] },
Display: "Removed",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-modified-files"},
OnAction: func() error { return v.toggleShowDiffType(filetree.Modified) },
IsSelected: func() bool { return !v.vm.HiddenDiffTypes[filetree.Modified] },
Display: "Modified",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-unchanged-files", "keybinding.toggle-unmodified-files"},
OnAction: func() error { return v.toggleShowDiffType(filetree.Unmodified) },
IsSelected: func() bool { return !v.vm.HiddenDiffTypes[filetree.Unmodified] },
Display: "Unmodified",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-filetree-attributes"},
OnAction: v.toggleAttributes,
IsSelected: func() bool { return v.vm.ShowAttributes },
Display: "Attributes",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.toggle-wrap-tree"},
OnAction: v.toggleWrapTree,
IsSelected: func() bool { return v.view.Wrap },
Display: "Wrap",
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.page-up"},
OnAction: v.PageUp,
ConfigKeys: []string{"keybinding.page-down"},
OnAction: v.PageDown,
Key: gocui.KeyArrowDown,
Modifier: gocui.ModNone,
OnAction: v.CursorDown,
Key: gocui.KeyArrowUp,
Modifier: gocui.ModNone,
OnAction: v.CursorUp,
Key: gocui.KeyArrowLeft,
Modifier: gocui.ModNone,
OnAction: v.CursorLeft,
Key: gocui.KeyArrowRight,
Modifier: gocui.ModNone,
OnAction: v.CursorRight,
helpKeys, err := key.GenerateBindings(v.gui, v.name, infos)
if err != nil {
return err
v.helpKeys = helpKeys
_, height := v.view.Size()
v.vm.Setup(0, height)
_ = v.Update()
_ = v.Render()
return nil
// IsVisible indicates if the file tree view pane is currently initialized
func (v *FileTree) IsVisible() bool {
return v != nil
// ResetCursor moves the cursor back to the top of the buffer and translates to the top of the buffer.
func (v *FileTree) resetCursor() {
_ = v.view.SetCursor(0, 0)
// SetTreeByLayer populates the view model by stacking the indicated image layer file trees.
func (v *FileTree) SetTree(bottomTreeStart, bottomTreeStop, topTreeStart, topTreeStop int) error {
err := v.vm.SetTreeByLayer(bottomTreeStart, bottomTreeStop, topTreeStart, topTreeStop)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = v.Update()
return v.Render()
// CursorDown moves the cursor down and renders the view.
// Note: we cannot use the gocui buffer since any state change requires writing the entire tree to the buffer.
// Instead we are keeping an upper and lower bounds of the tree string to render and only flushing
// this range into the view buffer. This is much faster when tree sizes are large.
func (v *FileTree) CursorDown() error {
if v.vm.CursorDown() {
return v.Render()
return nil
// CursorUp moves the cursor up and renders the view.
// Note: we cannot use the gocui buffer since any state change requires writing the entire tree to the buffer.
// Instead we are keeping an upper and lower bounds of the tree string to render and only flushing
// this range into the view buffer. This is much faster when tree sizes are large.
func (v *FileTree) CursorUp() error {
if v.vm.CursorUp() {
return v.Render()
return nil
// CursorLeft moves the cursor up until we reach the Parent Node or top of the tree
func (v *FileTree) CursorLeft() error {
err := v.vm.CursorLeft(v.filterRegex)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = v.Update()
return v.Render()
// CursorRight descends into directory expanding it if needed
func (v *FileTree) CursorRight() error {
err := v.vm.CursorRight(v.filterRegex)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = v.Update()
return v.Render()
// PageDown moves to next page putting the cursor on top
func (v *FileTree) PageDown() error {
err := v.vm.PageDown()
if err != nil {
return err
return v.Render()
// PageUp moves to previous page putting the cursor on top
func (v *FileTree) PageUp() error {
err := v.vm.PageUp()
if err != nil {
return err
return v.Render()
// getAbsPositionNode determines the selected screen cursor's location in the file tree, returning the selected FileNode.
// func (controller *FileTree) getAbsPositionNode() (node *filetree.FileNode) {
// return controller.vm.getAbsPositionNode(filterRegex())
// }
// ToggleCollapse will collapse/expand the selected FileNode.
func (v *FileTree) toggleCollapse() error {
err := v.vm.ToggleCollapse(v.filterRegex)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = v.Update()
return v.Render()
// ToggleCollapseAll will collapse/expand the all directories.
func (v *FileTree) toggleCollapseAll() error {
err := v.vm.ToggleCollapseAll()
if err != nil {
return err
if v.vm.CollapseAll {
_ = v.Update()
return v.Render()
func (v *FileTree) toggleSortOrder() error {
err := v.vm.ToggleSortOrder()
if err != nil {
return err
_ = v.Update()
return v.Render()
func (v *FileTree) toggleWrapTree() error {
v.view.Wrap = !v.view.Wrap
return nil
func (v *FileTree) notifyOnViewOptionChangeListeners() error {
for _, listener := range v.listeners {
err := listener()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("notifyOnViewOptionChangeListeners error: %+v", err)
return err
return nil
// ToggleAttributes will show/hide file attributes
func (v *FileTree) toggleAttributes() error {
err := v.vm.ToggleAttributes()
if err != nil {
return err
err = v.Update()
if err != nil {
return err
err = v.Render()
if err != nil {
return err
// we need to render the changes to the status pane as well (not just this contoller/view)
return v.notifyOnViewOptionChangeListeners()
// ToggleShowDiffType will show/hide the selected DiffType in the filetree pane.
func (v *FileTree) toggleShowDiffType(diffType filetree.DiffType) error {
err := v.Update()
if err != nil {
return err
err = v.Render()
if err != nil {
return err
// we need to render the changes to the status pane as well (not just this contoller/view)
return v.notifyOnViewOptionChangeListeners()
// OnLayoutChange is called by the UI framework to inform the view-model of the new screen dimensions
func (v *FileTree) OnLayoutChange() error {
err := v.Update()
if err != nil {
return err
return v.Render()
// Update refreshes the state objects for future rendering.
func (v *FileTree) Update() error {
var width, height int
if v.view != nil {
width, height = v.view.Size()
} else {
// before the TUI is setup there may not be a controller to reference. Use the entire screen as reference.
width, height = v.gui.Size()
// height should account for the header
return v.vm.Update(v.filterRegex, width, height-1)
// Render flushes the state objects (file tree) to the pane.
func (v *FileTree) Render() error {
logrus.Tracef("view.Render() %s", v.Name())
title := v.title
isSelected := v.gui.CurrentView() == v.view
v.gui.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
// update the header
width, _ := g.Size()
headerStr := format.RenderHeader(title, width, isSelected)
if v.vm.ShowAttributes {
headerStr += fmt.Sprintf(filetree.AttributeFormat+" %s", "P", "ermission", "UID:GID", "Size", "Filetree")
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(v.header, headerStr)
// update the contents
err := v.vm.Render()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = fmt.Fprint(v.view, v.vm.Buffer.String())
return err
return nil
// KeyHelp indicates all the possible actions a user can take while the current pane is selected.
func (v *FileTree) KeyHelp() string {
var help string
for _, binding := range v.helpKeys {
help += binding.RenderKeyHelp()
return help
func (v *FileTree) Layout(g *gocui.Gui, minX, minY, maxX, maxY int) error {
logrus.Tracef("view.Layout(minX: %d, minY: %d, maxX: %d, maxY: %d) %s", minX, minY, maxX, maxY, v.Name())
attributeRowSize := 0
// make the layout responsive to the available realestate. Make more room for the main content by hiding auxiliary
// content when there is not enough room
if maxX-minX < 60 {
} else {
if v.vm.ShowAttributes {
attributeRowSize = 1
// header + attribute header
headerSize := 1 + attributeRowSize
// note: maxY needs to account for the (invisible) border, thus a +1
header, headerErr := g.SetView(v.Name()+"header", minX, minY, maxX, minY+headerSize+1, 0)
// we are going to overlap the view over the (invisible) border (so minY will be one less than expected).
// additionally, maxY will be bumped by one to include the border
view, viewErr := g.SetView(v.Name(), minX, minY+headerSize, maxX, maxY+1, 0)
if utils.IsNewView(viewErr, headerErr) {
err := v.Setup(view, header)
if err != nil {
logrus.Error("unable to setup tree controller", err)
return err
return nil
func (v *FileTree) RequestedSize(available int) *int {
// var requestedWidth = int(float64(available) * (1.0 - v.requestedWidthRatio))
// return &requestedWidth
return nil