2018-12-30 14:07:56 -05:00

162 lines
4.3 KiB

package filetree
import (
func TestAddChild(t *testing.T) {
var expected, actual int
tree := NewFileTree()
payload := FileInfo{
Path: "stufffffs",
one := tree.Root.AddChild("first node!", payload)
two := tree.Root.AddChild("nil node!", FileInfo{})
tree.Root.AddChild("third node!", FileInfo{})
two.AddChild("forth, one level down...", FileInfo{})
two.AddChild("fifth, one level down...", FileInfo{})
two.AddChild("fifth, one level down...", FileInfo{})
expected, actual = 5, tree.Size
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected a tree size of %d got %d.", expected, actual)
expected, actual = 2, len(two.Children)
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected 'twos' number of children to be %d got %d.", expected, actual)
expected, actual = 3, len(tree.Root.Children)
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected 'twos' number of children to be %d got %d.", expected, actual)
expectedFC := FileInfo{
Path: "stufffffs",
actualFC := one.Data.FileInfo
if expectedFC.Path != actualFC.Path {
t.Errorf("Expected 'ones' payload to be %+v got %+v.", expectedFC, actualFC)
func TestRemoveChild(t *testing.T) {
var expected, actual int
tree := NewFileTree()
tree.Root.AddChild("first", FileInfo{})
two := tree.Root.AddChild("nil", FileInfo{})
tree.Root.AddChild("third", FileInfo{})
forth := two.AddChild("forth", FileInfo{})
two.AddChild("fifth", FileInfo{})
expected, actual = 4, tree.Size
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected a tree size of %d got %d.", expected, actual)
if tree.Root.Children["forth"] != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected 'forth' node to be deleted.")
expected, actual = 2, tree.Size
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected a tree size of %d got %d.", expected, actual)
if tree.Root.Children["nil"] != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected 'nil' node to be deleted.")
func TestPath(t *testing.T) {
expected := "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
tree := NewFileTree()
node, _, _ := tree.AddPath(expected, FileInfo{})
actual := node.Path()
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected path '%s' got '%s'", expected, actual)
func TestIsWhiteout(t *testing.T) {
tree1 := NewFileTree()
p1, _, _ := tree1.AddPath("/etc/nginx/public1", FileInfo{})
p2, _, _ := tree1.AddPath("/etc/nginx/.wh.public2", FileInfo{})
p3, _, _ := tree1.AddPath("/etc/nginx/public3/.wh..wh..opq", FileInfo{})
if p1.IsWhiteout() != false {
t.Errorf("Expected path '%s' to **not** be a whiteout file", p1.Name)
if p2.IsWhiteout() != true {
t.Errorf("Expected path '%s' to be a whiteout file", p2.Name)
if p3 != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to not be able to add path '%s'", p2.Name)
func TestDiffTypeFromAddedChildren(t *testing.T) {
tree := NewFileTree()
node, _, _ := tree.AddPath("/usr", *BlankFileChangeInfo("/usr"))
node.Data.DiffType = Unchanged
node, _, _ = tree.AddPath("/usr/bin", *BlankFileChangeInfo("/usr/bin"))
node.Data.DiffType = Added
node, _, _ = tree.AddPath("/usr/bin2", *BlankFileChangeInfo("/usr/bin2"))
node.Data.DiffType = Removed
if tree.Root.Children["usr"].Data.DiffType != Changed {
t.Errorf("Expected Changed but got %v", tree.Root.Children["usr"].Data.DiffType)
func TestDiffTypeFromRemovedChildren(t *testing.T) {
tree := NewFileTree()
node, _, _ := tree.AddPath("/usr", *BlankFileChangeInfo("/usr"))
info1 := BlankFileChangeInfo("/usr/.wh.bin")
node, _, _ = tree.AddPath("/usr/.wh.bin", *info1)
node.Data.DiffType = Removed
info2 := BlankFileChangeInfo("/usr/.wh.bin2")
node, _, _ = tree.AddPath("/usr/.wh.bin2", *info2)
node.Data.DiffType = Removed
if tree.Root.Children["usr"].Data.DiffType != Changed {
t.Errorf("Expected Changed but got %v", tree.Root.Children["usr"].Data.DiffType)
func TestDirSize(t *testing.T) {
tree1 := NewFileTree()
tree1.AddPath("/etc/nginx/public1", FileInfo{Size: 100})
tree1.AddPath("/etc/nginx/thing1", FileInfo{Size: 200})
tree1.AddPath("/etc/nginx/public3/thing2", FileInfo{Size: 300})
node, _ := tree1.GetNode("/etc/nginx")
expected, actual := "---------- 0:0 600 B ", node.MetadataString()
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected metadata '%s' got '%s'", expected, actual)