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import { Tool, ToolConstructable, ToolSettings } from '../../../types/tools';
import { SanitizerConfig } from '../../../types';
import * as _ from '../utils';
import type InlineTool from './inline';
import type BlockTool from './block';
import type BlockTune from './tune';
import API from '../modules/api';
* What kind of plugins developers can create
export enum ToolType {
* Block tool
* Inline tool
* Block tune
* Enum of Tool options provided by user
export enum UserSettings {
* Shortcut for Tool
Shortcut = 'shortcut',
* Toolbox config for Tool
Toolbox = 'toolbox',
* Enabled Inline Tools for Block Tool
EnabledInlineTools = 'inlineToolbar',
* Enabled Block Tunes for Block Tool
EnabledBlockTunes = 'tunes',
* Tool configuration
Config = 'config',
* Enum of Tool options provided by Tool
export enum CommonInternalSettings {
* Shortcut for Tool
Shortcut = 'shortcut',
* Sanitize configuration for Tool
SanitizeConfig = 'sanitize',
* Enum of Tool optoins provided by Block Tool
export enum InternalBlockToolSettings {
* Is linebreaks enabled for Tool
IsEnabledLineBreaks = 'enableLineBreaks',
* Tool Toolbox config
Toolbox = 'toolbox',
* Tool conversion config
ConversionConfig = 'conversionConfig',
* Is readonly mode supported for Tool
IsReadOnlySupported = 'isReadOnlySupported',
* Tool paste config
PasteConfig = 'pasteConfig'
* Enum of Tool options provided by Inline Tool
export enum InternalInlineToolSettings {
* Flag specifies Tool is inline
IsInline = 'isInline',
* Inline Tool title for toolbar
Title = 'title', // for Inline Tools. Block Tools can pass title along with icon through the 'toolbox' static prop.
* Enum of Tool options provided by Block Tune
export enum InternalTuneSettings {
* Flag specifies Tool is Block Tune
IsTune = 'isTune',
export type ToolOptions = Omit<ToolSettings, 'class'>
interface ConstructorOptions {
name: string;
constructable: ToolConstructable;
config: ToolOptions;
api: API;
isDefault: boolean;
isInternal: boolean;
defaultPlaceholder?: string | false;
* Base abstract class for Tools
export default abstract class BaseTool<Type extends Tool = Tool> {
* Tool type: Block, Inline or Tune
public type: ToolType;
* Tool name specified in EditorJS config
public name: string;
* Flag show is current Tool internal (bundled with EditorJS core) or not
public readonly isInternal: boolean;
* Flag show is current Tool default or not
public readonly isDefault: boolean;
* EditorJS API for current Tool
protected api: API;
* Current tool user configuration
protected config: ToolOptions;
* Tool's constructable blueprint
protected constructable: ToolConstructable;
* Default placeholder specified in EditorJS user configuration
protected defaultPlaceholder?: string | false;
* @class
* @param {ConstructorOptions} - Constructor options
isInternal = false,
}: ConstructorOptions) {
this.api = api;
this.name = name;
this.constructable = constructable;
this.config = config;
this.isDefault = isDefault;
this.isInternal = isInternal;
this.defaultPlaceholder = defaultPlaceholder;
* Returns Tool user configuration
public get settings(): ToolOptions {
const config = this.config[UserSettings.Config] || {};
if (this.isDefault && !('placeholder' in config) && this.defaultPlaceholder) {
config.placeholder = this.defaultPlaceholder;
return config;
* Calls Tool's reset method
public reset(): void | Promise<void> {
if (_.isFunction(this.constructable.reset)) {
return this.constructable.reset();
* Calls Tool's prepare method
public prepare(): void | Promise<void> {
if (_.isFunction(this.constructable.prepare)) {
return this.constructable.prepare({
toolName: this.name,
config: this.settings,
* Returns shortcut for Tool (internal or specified by user)
public get shortcut(): string | undefined {
const toolShortcut = this.constructable[CommonInternalSettings.Shortcut];
const userShortcut = this.config[UserSettings.Shortcut];
return userShortcut || toolShortcut;
* Returns Tool's sanitizer configuration
public get sanitizeConfig(): SanitizerConfig {
return this.constructable[CommonInternalSettings.SanitizeConfig] || {};
* Returns true if Tools is inline
public isInline(): this is InlineTool {
return this.type === ToolType.Inline;
* Returns true if Tools is block
public isBlock(): this is BlockTool {
return this.type === ToolType.Block;
* Returns true if Tools is tune
public isTune(): this is BlockTune {
return this.type === ToolType.Tune;
* Constructs new Tool instance from constructable blueprint
* @param args
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
public abstract create(...args: any[]): Type;