
562 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* @class BlockManager
* @classdesc Manage editor`s blocks storage and appearance
* @module BlockManager
* @version 2.0.0
import Block from '../block';
import Module from '../__module';
import $ from '../dom';
import _ from '../utils';
import Blocks from '../blocks';
import {BlockTool, BlockToolConstructable, BlockToolData, PasteEvent, ToolConfig} from '../../../types';
* @typedef {BlockManager} BlockManager
* @property {Number} currentBlockIndex - Index of current working block
* @property {Proxy} _blocks - Proxy for Blocks instance {@link Blocks}
export default class BlockManager extends Module {
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* Returns current Block index
* @return {number}
public get currentBlockIndex(): number {
return this._currentBlockIndex;
* Set current Block index and fire Block lifecycle callbacks
* @param newIndex
public set currentBlockIndex(newIndex: number) {
if (this._blocks[this._currentBlockIndex]) {
if (this._blocks[newIndex]) {
this._currentBlockIndex = newIndex;
* returns first Block
* @return {Block}
public get firstBlock(): Block {
return this._blocks[0];
* returns last Block
* @return {Block}
public get lastBlock(): Block {
return this._blocks[this._blocks.length - 1];
* Get current Block instance
* @return {Block}
public get currentBlock(): Block {
return this._blocks[this.currentBlockIndex];
* Returns next Block instance
* @return {Block|null}
public get nextBlock(): Block {
const isLastBlock = this.currentBlockIndex === (this._blocks.length - 1);
if (isLastBlock) {
return null;
return this._blocks[this.currentBlockIndex + 1];
* Return first Block with inputs after current Block
* @returns {Block | undefined}
public get nextContentfulBlock(): Block {
const nextBlocks = this.blocks.slice(this.currentBlockIndex + 1);
return nextBlocks.find((block) => !!block.inputs.length);
* Return first Block with inputs before current Block
* @returns {Block | undefined}
public get previousContentfulBlock(): Block {
const previousBlocks = this.blocks.slice(0, this.currentBlockIndex).reverse();
return previousBlocks.find((block) => !!block.inputs.length);
* Returns previous Block instance
* @return {Block|null}
public get previousBlock(): Block {
const isFirstBlock = this.currentBlockIndex === 0;
if (isFirstBlock) {
return null;
return this._blocks[this.currentBlockIndex - 1];
* Get array of Block instances
* @returns {Block[]} {@link Blocks#array}
public get blocks(): Block[] {
return this._blocks.array;
* Index of current working block
* @type {number}
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private _currentBlockIndex: number = -1;
* Proxy for Blocks instance {@link Blocks}
* @type {Proxy}
* @private
private _blocks: Blocks = null;
* Should be called after Editor.UI preparation
* Define this._blocks property
* @returns {Promise}
public async prepare() {
const blocks = new Blocks(this.Editor.UI.nodes.redactor);
const { BlockEvents, Shortcuts } = this.Editor;
* We need to use Proxy to overload set/get [] operator.
* So we can use array-like syntax to access blocks
* @example
* this._blocks[0] = new Block(...);
* block = this._blocks[0];
* @todo proxy the enumerate method
* @type {Proxy}
* @private
this._blocks = new Proxy(blocks, {
set: Blocks.set,
get: Blocks.get,
/** Copy shortcut */
name: 'CMD+C',
handler: (event) => {
/** Copy and cut */
name: 'CMD+X',
handler: (event) => {
* Creates Block instance by tool name
* @param {String} toolName - tools passed in editor config {@link EditorConfig#tools}
* @param {Object} data - constructor params
* @param {Object} settings - block settings
* @return {Block}
public composeBlock(toolName: string, data: BlockToolData = {}, settings: ToolConfig = {}): Block {
const toolInstance = this.Editor.Tools.construct(toolName, data) as BlockTool;
const toolClass = this.Editor.Tools.available[toolName] as BlockToolConstructable;
const block = new Block(toolName, toolInstance, toolClass, settings, this.Editor.API.methods);
return block;
* Insert new block into _blocks
* @param {String} toolName plugin name, by default method inserts initial block type
* @param {Object} data plugin data
* @param {Object} settings - default settings
* @return {Block}
public insert(
toolName: string = this.config.initialBlock,
data: BlockToolData = {},
settings: ToolConfig = {},
): Block {
// Increment index before construct,
// because developers can use API/Blocks/getCurrentInputIndex on the render() method
const newIndex = ++this.currentBlockIndex;
const block = this.composeBlock(toolName, data, settings);
this._blocks[newIndex] = block;
return block;
* Insert pasted content. Call onPaste callback after insert.
* @param {string} toolName
* @param {PasteEvent} pasteEvent - pasted data
* @param {boolean} replace - should replace current block
public paste(
toolName: string,
pasteEvent: PasteEvent,
replace: boolean = false,
): Block {
let block;
if (replace) {
block = this.replace(toolName);
} else {
block = this.insert(toolName);
try {
block.call('onPaste', pasteEvent);
} catch (e) {
_.log(`${toolName}: onPaste callback call is failed`, 'error', e);
return block;
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* Insert new initial block at passed index
* @param {number} index - index where Block should be inserted
* @param {boolean} needToFocus - if true, updates current Block index
* @return {Block} inserted Block
public insertAtIndex(index: number, needToFocus: boolean = false) {
const block = this.composeBlock(this.config.initialBlock, {}, {});
this._blocks[index] = block;
if (needToFocus) {
this.currentBlockIndex = index;
} else if (index <= this.currentBlockIndex) {
return block;
* Always inserts at the end
* @return {Block}
public insertAtEnd(): Block {
* Define new value for current block index
this.currentBlockIndex = this.blocks.length - 1;
* Insert initial typed block
return this.insert();
* Merge two blocks
* @param {Block} targetBlock - previous block will be append to this block
* @param {Block} blockToMerge - block that will be merged with target block
* @return {Promise} - the sequence that can be continued
public async mergeBlocks(targetBlock: Block, blockToMerge: Block): Promise<void> {
const blockToMergeIndex = this._blocks.indexOf(blockToMerge);
if (blockToMerge.isEmpty) {
const blockToMergeData = await blockToMerge.data;
if (!_.isEmpty(blockToMergeData)) {
await targetBlock.mergeWith(blockToMergeData);
this.currentBlockIndex = this._blocks.indexOf(targetBlock);
* Remove block with passed index or remove last
* @param {Number|null} index
public removeBlock(index?: number): void {
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if (index === undefined) {
index = this.currentBlockIndex;
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if (this.currentBlockIndex >= index) {
* If first Block was removed, insert new Initial Block and set focus on it`s first input
if (!this.blocks.length) {
this.currentBlockIndex = -1;
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} else if (index === 0) {
this.currentBlockIndex = 0;
* Attention!
* After removing insert new initial typed Block and focus on it
* Removes all blocks
public removeAllBlocks(): void {
for (let index = this.blocks.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
this.currentBlockIndex = -1;
* Split current Block
* 1. Extract content from Caret position to the Block`s end
* 2. Insert a new Block below current one with extracted content
* @return {Block}
public split(): Block {
const extractedFragment = this.Editor.Caret.extractFragmentFromCaretPosition();
const wrapper = $.make('div');
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wrapper.appendChild(extractedFragment as DocumentFragment);
* @todo make object in accordance with Tool
const data = {
text: $.isEmpty(wrapper) ? '' : wrapper.innerHTML,
* Renew current Block
* @type {Block}
return this.insert(this.config.initialBlock, data);
* Replace current working block
* @param {String} toolName plugin name
* @param {Object} data plugin data
* @return {Block}
public replace(
toolName: string = this.config.initialBlock,
data: BlockToolData = {},
): Block {
const block = this.composeBlock(toolName, data);
this._blocks.insert(this.currentBlockIndex, block, true);
return block;
* Returns Block by passed index
* @param {Number} index
* @return {Block}
public getBlockByIndex(index): Block {
return this._blocks[index];
* Get Block instance by html element
* @param {Node} element
* @returns {Block}
public getBlock(element: HTMLElement): Block {
if (!$.isElement(element)) {
element = element.parentNode as HTMLElement;
const nodes = this._blocks.nodes,
firstLevelBlock = element.closest(`.${Block.CSS.wrapper}`),
index = nodes.indexOf(firstLevelBlock as HTMLElement);
if (index >= 0) {
return this._blocks[index];
* Remove selection from all Blocks then highlight only Current Block
public highlightCurrentNode(): void {
* Remove previous selected Block's state
* Mark current Block as selected
* @type {boolean}
this.currentBlock.focused = true;
* Remove selection from all Blocks
public clearFocused(): void {
this.blocks.forEach( (block) => block.focused = false);
* 1) Find first-level Block from passed child Node
* 2) Mark it as current
* @param {Node} childNode - look ahead from this node.
* @param {string} caretPosition - position where to set caret
* @throws Error - when passed Node is not included at the Block
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public setCurrentBlockByChildNode(childNode: Node): Block {
* If node is Text TextNode
if (!$.isElement(childNode)) {
childNode = childNode.parentNode;
const parentFirstLevelBlock = (childNode as HTMLElement).closest(`.${Block.CSS.wrapper}`);
if (parentFirstLevelBlock) {
* Update current Block's index
* @type {number}
this.currentBlockIndex = this._blocks.nodes.indexOf(parentFirstLevelBlock as HTMLElement);
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return this.currentBlock;
} else {
throw new Error('Can not find a Block from this child Node');
* Return block which contents passed node
* @param {Node} childNode
* @return {Block}
public getBlockByChildNode(childNode: Node): Block {
* If node is Text TextNode
if (!$.isElement(childNode)) {
childNode = childNode.parentNode;
const firstLevelBlock = (childNode as HTMLElement).closest(`.${Block.CSS.wrapper}`);
return this.blocks.find((block) => block.holder === firstLevelBlock);
* Swap Blocks Position
* @param {Number} fromIndex
* @param {Number} toIndex
public swap(fromIndex, toIndex): void {
/** Move up current Block */
this._blocks.swap(fromIndex, toIndex);
/** Now actual block moved up so that current block index decreased */
this.currentBlockIndex = toIndex;
* Sets current Block Index -1 which means unknown
* and clear highlightings
public dropPointer(): void {
this.currentBlockIndex = -1;
* Clears Editor
* @param {boolean} needAddInitialBlock - 1) in internal calls (for example, in api.blocks.render)
* we don't need to add empty initial block
* 2) in api.blocks.clear we should add empty block
public clear(needAddInitialBlock: boolean = false): void {
if (needAddInitialBlock) {
* Bind Events
* @param {Object} block
private bindEvents(block: Block): void {
const {BlockEvents, Listeners} = this.Editor;
Listeners.on(block.holder, 'keydown', (event) => BlockEvents.keydown(event as KeyboardEvent), true);
Listeners.on(block.holder, 'mouseup', (event) => BlockEvents.mouseUp(event));
Listeners.on(block.holder, 'keyup', (event) => BlockEvents.keyup(event));
Listeners.on(block.holder, 'dragover', (event) => BlockEvents.dragOver(event as DragEvent));
Listeners.on(block.holder, 'dragleave', (event) => BlockEvents.dragLeave(event as DragEvent));