import DomIterator from './domIterator'; import * as _ from './utils'; /** * Flipper construction options * * @interface FlipperOptions */ export interface FlipperOptions { /** * CSS-modifier for focused item */ focusedItemClass?: string; /** * If flipping items are the same for all Block (for ex. Toolbox), ypu can pass it on constructing */ items?: HTMLElement[]; /** * Optional callback for button click */ activateCallback?: (item: HTMLElement) => void; /** * List of keys allowed for handling. * Can include codes of the following keys: * - Tab * - Enter * - Arrow up * - Arrow down * - Arrow right * - Arrow left * If not specified all keys are enabled */ allowedKeys?: number[]; } /** * Flipper is a component that iterates passed items array by TAB or Arrows and clicks it by ENTER */ export default class Flipper { /** * True if flipper is currently activated */ public get isActivated(): boolean { return this.activated; } /** * Instance of flipper iterator */ private readonly iterator: DomIterator | null = null; /** * Flag that defines activation status */ private activated = false; /** * List codes of the keys allowed for handling */ private readonly allowedKeys: number[]; /** * Call back for button click/enter */ private readonly activateCallback: (item: HTMLElement) => void; /** * Contains list of callbacks to be executed on each flip */ private flipCallbacks: Array<() => void> = []; /** * @param options - different constructing settings */ constructor(options: FlipperOptions) { this.iterator = new DomIterator(options.items, options.focusedItemClass); this.activateCallback = options.activateCallback; this.allowedKeys = options.allowedKeys || Flipper.usedKeys; } /** * Array of keys (codes) that is handled by Flipper * Used to: * - preventDefault only for this keys, not all keydowns (@see constructor) * - to skip external behaviours only for these keys, when filler is activated (@see BlockEvents@arrowRightAndDown) */ public static get usedKeys(): number[] { return [ _.keyCodes.TAB, _.keyCodes.LEFT, _.keyCodes.RIGHT, _.keyCodes.ENTER, _.keyCodes.UP, _.keyCodes.DOWN, ]; } /** * Active tab/arrows handling by flipper * * @param items - Some modules (like, InlineToolbar, BlockSettings) might refresh buttons dynamically * @param cursorPosition - index of the item that should be focused once flipper is activated */ public activate(items?: HTMLElement[], cursorPosition?: number): void { this.activated = true; if (items) { this.iterator.setItems(items); } if (cursorPosition !== undefined) { this.iterator.setCursor(cursorPosition); } /** * Listening all keydowns on document and react on TAB/Enter press * TAB will leaf iterator items * ENTER will click the focused item * * Note: the event should be handled in capturing mode on following reasons: * - prevents plugins inner keydown handlers from being called while keyboard navigation * - otherwise this handler will be called at the moment it is attached which causes false flipper firing (see */ document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown, true); } /** * Disable tab/arrows handling by flipper */ public deactivate(): void { this.activated = false; this.dropCursor(); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown); } /** * Focus first item */ public focusFirst(): void { this.dropCursor(); this.flipRight(); } /** * Focuses previous flipper iterator item */ public flipLeft(): void { this.iterator.previous(); this.flipCallback(); } /** * Focuses next flipper iterator item */ public flipRight(): void {; this.flipCallback(); } /** * Return true if some button is focused */ public hasFocus(): boolean { return !!this.iterator.currentItem; } /** * Registeres function that should be executed on each navigation action * * @param cb - function to execute */ public onFlip(cb: () => void): void { this.flipCallbacks.push(cb); } /** * Unregisteres function that is executed on each navigation action * * @param cb - function to stop executing */ public removeOnFlip(cb: () => void): void { this.flipCallbacks = this.flipCallbacks.filter(fn => fn !== cb); } /** * Drops flipper's iterator cursor * * @see DomIterator#dropCursor */ private dropCursor(): void { this.iterator.dropCursor(); } /** * KeyDown event handler * * @param event - keydown event */ private onKeyDown = (event): void => { const isReady = this.isEventReadyForHandling(event); if (!isReady) { return; } /** * Prevent only used keys default behaviour * (allows to navigate by ARROW DOWN, for example) */ if (Flipper.usedKeys.includes(event.keyCode)) { event.preventDefault(); } switch (event.keyCode) { case _.keyCodes.TAB: this.handleTabPress(event); break; case _.keyCodes.LEFT: case _.keyCodes.UP: this.flipLeft(); break; case _.keyCodes.RIGHT: case _.keyCodes.DOWN: this.flipRight(); break; case _.keyCodes.ENTER: this.handleEnterPress(event); break; } }; /** * This function is fired before handling flipper keycodes * The result of this function defines if it is need to be handled or not * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - keydown keyboard event * @returns {boolean} */ private isEventReadyForHandling(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean { return this.activated && this.allowedKeys.includes(event.keyCode); } /** * When flipper is activated tab press will leaf the items * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - tab keydown event */ private handleTabPress(event: KeyboardEvent): void { /** this property defines leaf direction */ const shiftKey = event.shiftKey, direction = shiftKey ? DomIterator.directions.LEFT : DomIterator.directions.RIGHT; switch (direction) { case DomIterator.directions.RIGHT: this.flipRight(); break; case DomIterator.directions.LEFT: this.flipLeft(); break; } } /** * Enter press will click current item if flipper is activated * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - enter keydown event */ private handleEnterPress(event: KeyboardEvent): void { if (!this.activated) { return; } if (this.iterator.currentItem) { /** * Stop Enter propagation only if flipper is ready to select focused item */ event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();; } if (_.isFunction(this.activateCallback)) { this.activateCallback(this.iterator.currentItem); } } /** * Fired after flipping in any direction */ private flipCallback(): void { if (this.iterator.currentItem) { this.iterator.currentItem.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); } this.flipCallbacks.forEach(cb => cb()); } }