import { BlockAPI as BlockAPIInterface, Blocks } from '../../../../types/api'; import { BlockToolData, OutputData, ToolConfig } from '../../../../types'; import * as _ from './../../utils'; import BlockAPI from '../../block/api'; import Module from '../../__module'; import Block from '../../block'; import { capitalize } from './../../utils'; /** * @class BlocksAPI * provides with methods working with Block */ export default class BlocksAPI extends Module { /** * Available methods * * @returns {Blocks} */ public get methods(): Blocks { return { clear: (): void => this.clear(), render: (data: OutputData): Promise => this.render(data), renderFromHTML: (data: string): Promise => this.renderFromHTML(data), delete: (index?: number): void => this.delete(index), swap: (fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): void => this.swap(fromIndex, toIndex), move: (toIndex: number, fromIndex?: number): void => this.move(toIndex, fromIndex), getBlockByIndex: (index: number): BlockAPIInterface | undefined => this.getBlockByIndex(index), getById: (id: string): BlockAPIInterface | null => this.getById(id), getCurrentBlockIndex: (): number => this.getCurrentBlockIndex(), getBlockIndex: (id: string): number => this.getBlockIndex(id), getBlocksCount: (): number => this.getBlocksCount(), stretchBlock: (index: number, status = true): void => this.stretchBlock(index, status), insertNewBlock: (): void => this.insertNewBlock(), insert: this.insert, update: this.update, composeBlockData: this.composeBlockData, convert: this.convert, }; } /** * Returns Blocks count * * @returns {number} */ public getBlocksCount(): number { return this.Editor.BlockManager.blocks.length; } /** * Returns current block index * * @returns {number} */ public getCurrentBlockIndex(): number { return this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlockIndex; } /** * Returns the index of Block by id; * * @param id - block id */ public getBlockIndex(id: string): number | undefined { const block = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlockById(id); if (!block) { _.logLabeled('There is no block with id `' + id + '`', 'warn'); return; } return this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlockIndex(block); } /** * Returns BlockAPI object by Block index * * @param {number} index - index to get */ public getBlockByIndex(index: number): BlockAPIInterface | undefined { const block = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlockByIndex(index); if (block === undefined) { _.logLabeled('There is no block at index `' + index + '`', 'warn'); return; } return new BlockAPI(block); } /** * Returns BlockAPI object by Block id * * @param id - id of block to get */ public getById(id: string): BlockAPIInterface | null { const block = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlockById(id); if (block === undefined) { _.logLabeled('There is no block with id `' + id + '`', 'warn'); return null; } return new BlockAPI(block); } /** * Call Block Manager method that swap Blocks * * @param {number} fromIndex - position of first Block * @param {number} toIndex - position of second Block * @deprecated — use 'move' instead */ public swap(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): void { _.log( '`blocks.swap()` method is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. ' + 'Use `block.move()` method instead', 'info' ); this.Editor.BlockManager.swap(fromIndex, toIndex); } /** * Move block from one index to another * * @param {number} toIndex - index to move to * @param {number} fromIndex - index to move from */ public move(toIndex: number, fromIndex?: number): void { this.Editor.BlockManager.move(toIndex, fromIndex); } /** * Deletes Block * * @param {number} blockIndex - index of Block to delete */ public delete(blockIndex: number = this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlockIndex): void { try { const block = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlockByIndex(blockIndex); this.Editor.BlockManager.removeBlock(block); } catch (e) { _.logLabeled(e, 'warn'); return; } /** * in case of last block deletion * Insert the new default empty block */ if (this.Editor.BlockManager.blocks.length === 0) { this.Editor.BlockManager.insert(); } /** * After Block deletion currentBlock is updated */ if (this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock) { this.Editor.Caret.setToBlock(this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock, this.Editor.Caret.positions.END); } this.Editor.Toolbar.close(); } /** * Clear Editor's area */ public clear(): void { this.Editor.BlockManager.clear(true); this.Editor.InlineToolbar.close(); } /** * Fills Editor with Blocks data * * @param {OutputData} data — Saved Editor data */ public render(data: OutputData): Promise { this.Editor.BlockManager.clear(); return this.Editor.Renderer.render(data.blocks); } /** * Render passed HTML string * * @param {string} data - HTML string to render * @returns {Promise} */ public renderFromHTML(data: string): Promise { this.Editor.BlockManager.clear(); return this.Editor.Paste.processText(data, true); } /** * Stretch Block's content * * @param {number} index - index of Block to stretch * @param {boolean} status - true to enable, false to disable * @deprecated Use BlockAPI interface to stretch Blocks */ public stretchBlock(index: number, status = true): void { _.deprecationAssert( true, 'blocks.stretchBlock()', 'BlockAPI' ); const block = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlockByIndex(index); if (!block) { return; } block.stretched = status; } /** * Insert new Block and returns it's API * * @param {string} type — Tool name * @param {BlockToolData} data — Tool data to insert * @param {ToolConfig} config — Tool config * @param {number?} index — index where to insert new Block * @param {boolean?} needToFocus - flag to focus inserted Block * @param replace - pass true to replace the Block existed under passed index * @param {string} id — An optional id for the new block. If omitted then the new id will be generated */ public insert = ( type: string = this.config.defaultBlock, data: BlockToolData = {}, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, no-unused-vars config: ToolConfig = {}, index?: number, needToFocus?: boolean, replace?: boolean, id?: string ): BlockAPIInterface => { const insertedBlock = this.Editor.BlockManager.insert({ id, tool: type, data, index, needToFocus, replace, }); return new BlockAPI(insertedBlock); }; /** * Creates data of an empty block with a passed type. * * @param toolName - block tool name */ public composeBlockData = async (toolName: string): Promise => { const tool = this.Editor.Tools.blockTools.get(toolName); const block = new Block({ tool, api: this.Editor.API, readOnly: true, data: {}, tunesData: {}, }); return; }; /** * Insert new Block * After set caret to this Block * * @todo remove in 3.0.0 * @deprecated with insert() method */ public insertNewBlock(): void { _.log('Method blocks.insertNewBlock() is deprecated and it will be removed in the next major release. ' + 'Use blocks.insert() instead.', 'warn'); this.insert(); } /** * Updates block data by id * * @param id - id of the block to update * @param data - the new data */ public update = (id: string, data: BlockToolData): void => { const { BlockManager } = this.Editor; const block = BlockManager.getBlockById(id); if (!block) { _.log('blocks.update(): Block with passed id was not found', 'warn'); return; } const blockIndex = BlockManager.getBlockIndex(block); BlockManager.insert({ id:, tool:, data, index: blockIndex, replace: true, tunes:, }); }; /** * Converts block to another type. Both blocks should provide the conversionConfig. * * @param id - id of the existing block to convert. Should provide 'conversionConfig.export' method * @param newType - new block type. Should provide 'conversionConfig.import' method * @param dataOverrides - optional data overrides for the new block * @throws Error if conversion is not possible */ private convert = (id: string, newType: string, dataOverrides?: BlockToolData): void => { const { BlockManager, Tools } = this.Editor; const blockToConvert = BlockManager.getBlockById(id); if (!blockToConvert) { throw new Error(`Block with id "${id}" not found`); } const originalBlockTool = Tools.blockTools.get(; const targetBlockTool = Tools.blockTools.get(newType); if (!targetBlockTool) { throw new Error(`Block Tool with type "${newType}" not found`); } const originalBlockConvertable = originalBlockTool?.conversionConfig?.export !== undefined; const targetBlockConvertable = targetBlockTool.conversionConfig?.import !== undefined; if (originalBlockConvertable && targetBlockConvertable) { BlockManager.convert(blockToConvert, newType, dataOverrides); } else { const unsupportedBlockTypes = [ !originalBlockConvertable ? capitalize( : false, !targetBlockConvertable ? capitalize(newType) : false, ].filter(Boolean).join(' and '); throw new Error(`Conversion from "${}" to "${newType}" is not possible. ${unsupportedBlockTypes} tool(s) should provide a "conversionConfig"`); } }; }