import type EditorJS from '../../../../types/index'; import { ConversionConfig, ToolboxConfig } from '../../../../types/index'; import ToolMock from '../../fixtures/tools/ToolMock'; describe('Toolbox', function () { describe('Shortcuts', function () { it('should covert current Block to the Shortcuts\'s Block if both tools provides a "conversionConfig" ', function () { /** * Mock of Tool with conversionConfig */ class ConvertableTool extends ToolMock { /** * Specify how to import string data to this Tool */ public static get conversionConfig(): ConversionConfig { return { import: 'text', }; } /** * Specify how to display Tool in a Toolbox */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfig { return { icon: '', title: 'Convertable tool', }; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { convertableTool: { class: ConvertableTool, shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+H', }, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-paragraph') .click() .type('Some text') .type('{cmd}{shift}H'); // call a shortcut /** * Check that block was converted */ cy.get('@editorInstance') .then(async (editor) => { const { blocks } = await; expect(blocks.length).to.eq(1); expect(blocks[0].type).to.eq('convertableTool'); expect(blocks[0].data.text).to.eq('Some text'); }); }); it('should insert a Shortcuts\'s Block below the current if some (original or target) tool does not provide a "conversionConfig" ', function () { /** * Mock of Tool with conversionConfig */ class ToolWithoutConversionConfig extends ToolMock { /** * Specify how to display Tool in a Toolbox */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfig { return { icon: '', title: 'Convertable tool', }; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { nonConvertableTool: { class: ToolWithoutConversionConfig, shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+H', }, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-paragraph') .click() .type('Some text') .type('{cmd}{shift}H'); // call a shortcut /** * Check that the new block was appended */ cy.get('@editorInstance') .then(async (editor) => { const { blocks } = await; expect(blocks.length).to.eq(2); expect(blocks[1].type).to.eq('nonConvertableTool'); }); }); }); });