/** * Codex Editor Caret Module * * @author Codex Team * @version 1.0 */ module.exports = (function (caret) { let editor = codex.editor; /** * @var {int} InputIndex - editable element in DOM */ caret.inputIndex = null; /** * @var {int} offset - caret position in a text node. */ caret.offset = null; /** * @var {int} focusedNodeIndex - we get index of child node from first-level block */ caret.focusedNodeIndex = null; /** * Creates Document Range and sets caret to the element. * @protected * @uses caret.save — if you need to save caret position * @param {Element} el - Changed Node. */ caret.set = function ( el, index, offset) { offset = offset || caret.offset || 0; index = index || caret.focusedNodeIndex || 0; var childs = el.childNodes, nodeToSet; if ( childs.length === 0 ) { nodeToSet = el; } else { nodeToSet = childs[index]; } /** If Element is INPUT */ if (el.contentEditable != 'true') { el.focus(); return; } if (editor.core.isDomNode(nodeToSet)) { nodeToSet = editor.content.getDeepestTextNodeFromPosition(nodeToSet, nodeToSet.childNodes.length); } var range = document.createRange(), selection = window.getSelection(); window.setTimeout(function () { range.setStart(nodeToSet, offset); range.setEnd(nodeToSet, offset); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); editor.caret.saveCurrentInputIndex(); }, 20); }; /** * @protected * Updates index of input and saves it in caret object */ caret.saveCurrentInputIndex = function () { /** Index of Input that we paste sanitized content */ var selection = window.getSelection(), inputs = editor.state.inputs, focusedNode = selection.anchorNode, focusedNodeHolder; if (!focusedNode) { return; } /** Looking for parent contentEditable block */ while (focusedNode.contentEditable != 'true') { focusedNodeHolder = focusedNode.parentNode; focusedNode = focusedNodeHolder; } /** Input index in DOM level */ var editableElementIndex = 0; while (focusedNode != inputs[editableElementIndex]) { editableElementIndex ++; } caret.inputIndex = editableElementIndex; }; /** * Returns current input index (caret object) */ caret.getCurrentInputIndex = function () { return caret.inputIndex; }; /** * @param {int} index - index of first-level block after that we set caret into next input */ caret.setToNextBlock = function (index) { var inputs = editor.state.inputs, nextInput = inputs[index + 1]; if (!nextInput) { editor.core.log('We are reached the end'); return; } /** * When new Block created or deleted content of input * We should add some text node to set caret */ if (!nextInput.childNodes.length) { var emptyTextElement = document.createTextNode(''); nextInput.appendChild(emptyTextElement); } editor.caret.inputIndex = index + 1; editor.caret.set(nextInput, 0, 0); editor.content.workingNodeChanged(nextInput); }; /** * @param {int} index - index of target input. * Sets caret to input with this index */ caret.setToBlock = function (index) { var inputs = editor.state.inputs, targetInput = inputs[index]; if ( !targetInput ) { return; } /** * When new Block created or deleted content of input * We should add some text node to set caret */ if (!targetInput.childNodes.length) { var emptyTextElement = document.createTextNode(''); targetInput.appendChild(emptyTextElement); } editor.caret.inputIndex = index; editor.caret.set(targetInput, 0, 0); editor.content.workingNodeChanged(targetInput); }; /** * @param {int} index - index of input */ caret.setToPreviousBlock = function (index) { index = index || 0; var inputs = editor.state.inputs, previousInput = inputs[index - 1], lastChildNode, lengthOfLastChildNode, emptyTextElement; if (!previousInput) { editor.core.log('We are reached first node'); return; } lastChildNode = editor.content.getDeepestTextNodeFromPosition(previousInput, previousInput.childNodes.length); lengthOfLastChildNode = lastChildNode.length; /** * When new Block created or deleted content of input * We should add some text node to set caret */ if (!previousInput.childNodes.length) { emptyTextElement = document.createTextNode(''); previousInput.appendChild(emptyTextElement); } editor.caret.inputIndex = index - 1; editor.caret.set(previousInput, previousInput.childNodes.length - 1, lengthOfLastChildNode); editor.content.workingNodeChanged(inputs[index - 1]); }; caret.position = { atStart : function () { var selection = window.getSelection(), anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset, anchorNode = selection.anchorNode, firstLevelBlock = editor.content.getFirstLevelBlock(anchorNode), pluginsRender = firstLevelBlock.childNodes[0]; if (!editor.core.isDomNode(anchorNode)) { anchorNode = anchorNode.parentNode; } var isFirstNode = anchorNode === pluginsRender.childNodes[0], isOffsetZero = anchorOffset === 0; return isFirstNode && isOffsetZero; }, atTheEnd : function () { var selection = window.getSelection(), anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset, anchorNode = selection.anchorNode; /** Caret is at the end of input */ return !anchorNode || !anchorNode.length || anchorOffset === anchorNode.length; } }; /** * Inserts node at the caret location * @param {HTMLElement|DocumentFragment} node */ caret.insertNode = function (node) { var selection, range, lastNode = node; if (node.nodeType == editor.core.nodeTypes.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) { lastNode = node.lastChild; } selection = window.getSelection(); range = selection.getRangeAt(0); range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(node); range.setStartAfter(lastNode); range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }; return caret; })({});