/** * Codex Editor Paste module * * @author Codex Team * @version 1.1.1 */ module.exports = function (paste) { let editor = codex.editor; var patterns = []; paste.prepare = function () { var tools = editor.tools; for (var tool in tools) { if (!tools[tool].renderOnPastePatterns || !Array.isArray(tools[tool].renderOnPastePatterns)) { continue; } tools[tool].renderOnPastePatterns.map(function (pattern) { patterns.push(pattern); }); } return Promise.resolve(); }; /** * Saves data * @param event */ paste.pasted = function (event) { var clipBoardData = event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData, content = clipBoardData.getData('Text'); var result = analize(content); if (result) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } return result; }; /** * Analizes pated string and calls necessary method */ var analize = function (string) { var result = false, content = editor.content.currentNode, plugin = content.dataset.tool; patterns.map( function (pattern) { var execArray = pattern.regex.exec(string), match = execArray && execArray[0]; if ( match && match === string.trim()) { /** current block is not empty */ if ( content.textContent.trim() && plugin == editor.settings.initialBlockPlugin ) { pasteToNewBlock_(); } pattern.callback(string, pattern); result = true; } }); return result; }; var pasteToNewBlock_ = function () { /** Create new initial block */ editor.content.insertBlock({ type : editor.settings.initialBlockPlugin, block : editor.tools[editor.settings.initialBlockPlugin].render({ text : '' }) }, false); }; /** * This method prevents default behaviour. * * @param {Object} event * @protected * * @description We get from clipboard pasted data, sanitize, make a fragment that contains of this sanitized nodes. * Firstly, we need to memorize the caret position. We can do that by getting the range of selection. * After all, we insert clear fragment into caret placed position. Then, we should move the caret to the last node */ paste.blockPasteCallback = function (event) { if (!needsToHandlePasteEvent(event.target)) { return; } /** Prevent default behaviour */ event.preventDefault(); /** get html pasted data - dirty data */ var htmlData = event.clipboardData.getData('text/html'), plainData = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); /** Temporary DIV that is used to work with text's paragraphs as DOM-elements*/ var paragraphs = editor.draw.node('DIV', '', {}), cleanData, wrappedData; /** Create fragment, that we paste to range after proccesing */ cleanData = editor.sanitizer.clean(htmlData); /** * We wrap pasted text with

tags to split it logically * @type {string} */ wrappedData = editor.content.wrapTextWithParagraphs(cleanData, plainData); paragraphs.innerHTML = wrappedData; /** * If there only one paragraph, just insert in at the caret location */ if (paragraphs.childNodes.length == 1) { emulateUserAgentBehaviour(paragraphs.firstChild); return; } insertPastedParagraphs(paragraphs.childNodes); }; /** * Checks if we should handle paste event on block * @param block * * @return {boolean} */ var needsToHandlePasteEvent = function (block) { /** If area is input or textarea then allow default behaviour */ if ( editor.core.isNativeInput(block) ) { return false; } var editableParent = editor.content.getEditableParent(block); /** Allow paste when event target placed in Editable element */ if (!editableParent) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Inserts new initial plugin blocks with data in paragraphs * * @param {Array} paragraphs - array of paragraphs (

) whit content, that should be inserted */ var insertPastedParagraphs = function (paragraphs) { var NEW_BLOCK_TYPE = editor.settings.initialBlockPlugin, currentBlockContent = editor.content.currentNode.firstChild.firstChild; paragraphs.forEach(function (paragraph, index) { /** Don't allow empty paragraphs */ if (paragraph.innerHTML.trim() === '') { return; } /** * If there was no data in working node, replace it with first paragraph of pasted text */ if (index == 0 && currentBlockContent.innerHTML.trim() === '') { editor.content.switchBlock(editor.content.currentNode, editor.tools[NEW_BLOCK_TYPE].render({ text : paragraph.innerHTML }), NEW_BLOCK_TYPE); return; } editor.content.insertBlock({ type : NEW_BLOCK_TYPE, block : editor.tools[NEW_BLOCK_TYPE].render({ text : paragraph.innerHTML }) }); editor.caret.inputIndex++; }); editor.caret.setToPreviousBlock(editor.caret.getCurrentInputIndex() + 1); }; /** * Inserts node content at the caret position * * @param {Node} node - DOM node (could be DocumentFragment), that should be inserted at the caret location */ var emulateUserAgentBehaviour = function (node) { var newNode; if (node.childElementCount) { newNode = document.createDocumentFragment(); node.childNodes.forEach(function (current) { if (!editor.core.isDomNode(current) && current.data.trim() === '') { return; } newNode.appendChild(current.cloneNode(true)); }); } else { newNode = document.createTextNode(node.textContent); } editor.caret.insertNode(newNode); }; return paste; }({});