describe('Slash keydown', function () { describe('pressed in empty block', function () { it('should open Toolbox', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: '', }, }, ], }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-paragraph') .click() .type('/'); cy.get('[data-cy="toolbox"] .ce-popover') .should('be.visible'); }); [ 'ctrl', 'cmd', ].forEach((key) => { it(`should not open Toolbox if Slash pressed with ${key}`, () => { cy.createEditor({ data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: '', }, }, ], }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-paragraph') .click() .type(`{${key}}/`); cy.get('[data-cy="toolbox"] .ce-popover') .should(''); }); }); }); describe('pressed in non-empty block', function () { it('should not open Toolbox and just add the / char', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Hello', }, }, ], }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-paragraph') .click() .type('/'); cy.get('[data-cy="toolbox"] .ce-popover') .should(''); /** * Block content should contain slash */ cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-paragraph') .invoke('text') .should('eq', 'Hello/'); }); }); }); describe('CMD+Slash keydown', function () { it('should open Block Tunes', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: '', }, }, ], }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-paragraph') .click() .type('{cmd}/'); cy.get('[data-cy="block-tunes"] .ce-popover') .should('be.visible'); }); });