/** * Code Plugin\ * Creates code tag and adds content to this tag */ var listTool = { baseClass : "tool-list", elementClasses : { li : "tool-list-li" }, /** * Make initial header block * @param {object} JSON with block data * @return {Element} element to append */ make : function () { var tag = listTool.ui.make(), li = listTool.ui.block("li", "tool-link-li"); tag.appendChild(li); return tag; }, /** * Method to render HTML block from JSON */ render : function (data) { var type = data.type == 'ordered' ? 'OL' : 'UL', tag = listTool.ui.make(type); data.items.forEach(function (element, index, array) { var newLi = listTool.ui.block("li", listTool.elementClasses.li); newLi.innerHTML = element; tag.appendChild(newLi); }); return tag; }, /** * Method to extract JSON data from HTML block */ save : function (block){ var data = { text : null }; data.text = blockData.textContent; return data; }, makeSettings : function(data) { var holder = document.createElement('DIV'), caption = document.createElement('SPAN'), selectTypeButton; /** Add holder classname */ holder.className = 'ce_plugin_list--settings'; /** Add settings helper caption */ caption.textContent = 'Настройки списков'; caption.className = 'ce_plugin_list--caption'; var orderedButton = listTool.ui.button("ordered"), unorderedButton = listTool.ui.button("unordered"); orderedButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) { listTool.changeBlockStyle(event, 'ol'); cEditor.toolbar.settings.close(); }); unorderedButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) { listTool.changeBlockStyle(event, 'ul'); cEditor.toolbar.settings.close(); }); holder.appendChild(caption); holder.appendChild(orderedButton); holder.appendChild(unorderedButton); return holder; }, changeBlockStyle : function (event, blockType) { var currentBlock = cEditor.content.currentNode, newEditable = listTool.ui.make(blockType), oldEditable = currentBlock.querySelector("[contenteditable]"); newEditable.innerHTML = oldEditable.innerHTML; currentBlock.appendChild(newEditable); oldEditable.remove(); }, }; listTool.ui = { make : function (blockType) { var wrapper = this.block(blockType || 'UL', listTool.baseClass); wrapper.contentEditable = true; return wrapper; }, block : function (blockType, blockClass) { var block = document.createElement(blockType); if ( blockClass ) block.classList.add(blockClass); return block; }, button : function (buttonType) { var types = { unordered : 'Обычный список', ordered : 'Нумерованный список' }, button = document.createElement('SPAN'); button.textContent = types[buttonType]; button.className = 'ce_plugin_list--select_button'; return button; } }; /** * Now plugin is ready. * Add it to redactor tools */ cEditor.tools.list = { type : 'list', iconClassname : 'ce-icon-list-bullet', make : listTool.make, appendCallback : null, settings : listTool.makeSettings(), render : listTool.render, save : listTool.save };