import type EditorJS from '../../../../types/index'; import type { ConversionConfig, ToolboxConfig } from '../../../../types'; import ToolMock from '../../fixtures/tools/ToolMock'; /** * There will be described test cases of 'blocks.*' API */ describe('api.blocks', () => { const firstBlock = { id: 'bwnFX5LoX7', type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'The first block content mock.', }, }; const editorDataMock = { blocks: [ firstBlock, ], }; /** * api.blocks.getById(id) */ describe('.getById()', () => { /** * Check that api.blocks.getByUd(id) returns the Block for existed id */ it('should return Block API for existed id', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: editorDataMock, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('@editorInstance').then(async (editor) => { const block = editor.blocks.getById(; expect(block); expect(; }); }); /** * Check that api.blocks.getByUd(id) returns null for the not-existed id */ it('should return null for not-existed id', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: editorDataMock, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('@editorInstance').then(async (editor) => { expect(editor.blocks.getById('not-existed-id')); }); }); }); /** * api.blocks.update(id, newData) */ describe('.update()', () => { /** * Check if block is updated in DOM */ it('should update block in DOM', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: editorDataMock, }).then((editor) => { const idToUpdate =; const newBlockData = { text: 'Updated text', }; editor.blocks.update(idToUpdate, newBlockData); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .should('have.text', newBlockData.text); }); }); /** * Check if block's data is updated after saving */ it('should update block in saved data', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: editorDataMock, }).then((editor) => { const idToUpdate =; const newBlockData = { text: 'Updated text', }; editor.blocks.update(idToUpdate, newBlockData); // wait a little since some tools (paragraph) could have async hydration cy.wait(100).then(() => { => { const text = output.blocks[0].data.text; expect(text); }); }); }); }); /** * When incorrect id passed, editor should not update any block */ it('shouldn\'t update any block if not-existed id passed', () => { cy.createEditor({ data: editorDataMock, }).then((editor) => { const idToUpdate = 'wrong-id-123'; const newBlockData = { text: 'Updated text', }; editor.blocks.update(idToUpdate, newBlockData) .catch(error => { expect(error.message)`Block with id "${idToUpdate}" not found`); }) .finally(() => { cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .invoke('text') .then(blockText => { expect(blockText); }); }); }); }); }); /** * api.blocks.insert(type, data, config, index, needToFocus, replace, id) */ describe('.insert()', function () { it('should preserve block id if it is passed', function () { cy.createEditor({ data: editorDataMock, }).then((editor) => { const type = 'paragraph'; const data = { text: 'codex' }; const config = undefined; const index = undefined; const needToFocus = undefined; const replace = undefined; const id = 'test-id-123'; const block = editor.blocks.insert(type, data, config, index, needToFocus, replace, id); expect(block); expect(; }); }); }); /** * api.blocks.insertMany(blocks, index) */ describe('.insertMany()', function () { it('should insert several blocks to passed index', function () { cy.createEditor({ data: { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'first block' }, }, ], }, }).then((editor) => { const index = 0; cy.wrap(editor.blocks.insertMany([ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'inserting block #1' }, }, { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'inserting block #2' }, }, ], index)); // paste to the 0 index cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .find('.ce-block') .each(($el, i) => { switch (i) { case 0: cy.wrap($el).should('have.text', 'inserting block #1'); break; case 1: cy.wrap($el).should('have.text', 'inserting block #2'); break; case 2: cy.wrap($el).should('have.text', 'first block'); break; } }); }); }); }); describe('.convert()', function () { it('should convert a Block to another type if original Tool has "conversionConfig.export" and target Tool has "conversionConfig.import". Should return BlockAPI as well.', function () { /** * Mock of Tool with conversionConfig */ class ConvertableTool extends ToolMock { /** * Specify how to import string data to this Tool */ public static get conversionConfig(): ConversionConfig { return { import: 'text', }; } /** * Specify how to display Tool in a Toolbox */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfig { return { icon: '', title: 'Convertable tool', }; } } const existingBlock = { id: 'test-id-123', type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Some text', }, }; cy.createEditor({ tools: { convertableTool: { class: ConvertableTool, }, }, data: { blocks: [ existingBlock, ], }, }).then(async (editor) => { const { convert } = editor.blocks; const returnValue = await convert(, 'convertableTool'); // wait for block to be converted cy.wait(100).then(async () => { /** * Check that block was converted */ const { blocks } = await; expect(blocks.length).to.eq(1); expect(blocks[0].type).to.eq('convertableTool'); expect(blocks[0].data.text).to.eq(; /** * Check that returned value is BlockAPI */ expect(returnValue).to.containSubset({ name: 'convertableTool', id: blocks[0].id, }); }); }); }); it('should throw an error if nonexisting Block id passed', function () { cy.createEditor({}) .then((editor) => { /** * Call the 'convert' api method with nonexisting Block id */ const fakeId = 'WRNG_ID'; const { convert } = editor.blocks; return convert(fakeId, 'convertableTool') .catch((error) => { expect(error.message)`Block with id "${fakeId}" not found`); }); }); }); it('should throw an error if nonexisting Tool name passed', function () { const existingBlock = { id: 'test-id-123', type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Some text', }, }; cy.createEditor({ data: { blocks: [ existingBlock, ], }, }).then((editor) => { /** * Call the 'convert' api method with nonexisting tool name */ const nonexistingToolName = 'WRNG_TOOL_NAME'; const { convert } = editor.blocks; return convert(, nonexistingToolName) .catch((error) => { expect(error.message)`Block Tool with type "${nonexistingToolName}" not found`); }); }); }); it('should throw an error if some tool does not provide "conversionConfig"', function () { const existingBlock = { id: 'test-id-123', type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'Some text', }, }; /** * Mock of Tool without conversionConfig */ class ToolWithoutConversionConfig extends ToolMock {} cy.createEditor({ tools: { nonConvertableTool: { class: ToolWithoutConversionConfig, shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+H', }, }, data: { blocks: [ existingBlock, ], }, }).then((editor) => { /** * Call the 'convert' api method with tool that does not provide "conversionConfig" */ const { convert } = editor.blocks; return convert(, 'nonConvertableTool') .catch((error) => { expect(error.message)`Conversion from "paragraph" to "nonConvertableTool" is not possible. NonConvertableTool tool(s) should provide a "conversionConfig"`); }); }); }); }); });