import * as _ from '../utils'; import { BlockToolAPI } from '../block'; import Shortcuts from '../utils/shortcuts'; import BlockTool from '../tools/block'; import ToolsCollection from '../tools/collection'; import { API, BlockToolData, ToolboxConfigEntry, PopoverItem } from '../../../types'; import EventsDispatcher from '../utils/events'; import Popover, { PopoverEvent } from '../utils/popover'; import I18n from '../i18n'; import { I18nInternalNS } from '../i18n/namespace-internal'; /** * @todo the first Tab on the Block — focus Plus Button, the second — focus Block Tunes Toggler, the third — focus next Block */ /** * Event that can be triggered by the Toolbox */ export enum ToolboxEvent { /** * When the Toolbox is opened */ Opened = 'toolbox-opened', /** * When the Toolbox is closed */ Closed = 'toolbox-closed', /** * When the new Block added by Toolbox */ BlockAdded = 'toolbox-block-added', } /** * Available i18n dict keys that should be passed to the constructor */ type ToolboxTextLabelsKeys = 'filter' | 'nothingFound'; /** * Toolbox * This UI element contains list of Block Tools available to be inserted * It appears after click on the Plus Button * * @implements {EventsDispatcher} with some events, see {@link ToolboxEvent} */ export default class Toolbox extends EventsDispatcher { /** * Returns True if Toolbox is Empty and nothing to show * * @returns {boolean} */ public get isEmpty(): boolean { return this.toolsToBeDisplayed.length === 0; } /** * Opening state * * @type {boolean} */ public opened = false; /** * Editor API */ private api: API; /** * Popover instance. There is a util for vertical lists. */ private popover: Popover; /** * List of Tools available. Some of them will be shown in the Toolbox */ private tools: ToolsCollection; /** * Text labels used in the Toolbox. Should be passed from the i18n module */ private i18nLabels: Record; /** * Current module HTML Elements */ private nodes: { toolbox: HTMLElement; } = { toolbox: null, }; /** * CSS styles * * @returns {Object} */ private static get CSS(): { [name: string]: string } { return { toolbox: 'ce-toolbox', }; } /** * Id of listener added used to remove it on destroy() */ private clickListenerId: string = null; /** * Toolbox constructor * * @param options - available parameters * @param options.api - Editor API methods * @param - Tools available to check whether some of them should be displayed at the Toolbox or not */ constructor({ api, tools, i18nLabels }: {api: API; tools: ToolsCollection; i18nLabels: Record}) { super(); this.api = api; = tools; this.i18nLabels = i18nLabels; } /** * Makes the Toolbox */ public make(): Element { this.popover = new Popover({ scopeElement: this.api.ui.nodes.redactor, className: Toolbox.CSS.toolbox, searchable: true, filterLabel: this.i18nLabels.filter, nothingFoundLabel: this.i18nLabels.nothingFound, items: this.toolboxItemsToBeDisplayed, }); this.popover.on(PopoverEvent.OverlayClicked, this.onOverlayClicked); /** * Enable tools shortcuts */ this.enableShortcuts(); this.nodes.toolbox = this.popover.getElement(); return this.nodes.toolbox; } /** * Returns true if the Toolbox has the Flipper activated and the Flipper has selected button */ public hasFocus(): boolean { return this.popover.hasFocus(); } /** * Destroy Module */ public destroy(): void { super.destroy(); if (this.nodes && this.nodes.toolbox) { this.nodes.toolbox.remove(); this.nodes.toolbox = null; } this.api.listeners.offById(this.clickListenerId); this.removeAllShortcuts();, this.onOverlayClicked); } /** * Toolbox Tool's button click handler * * @param toolName - tool type to be activated * @param blockDataOverrides - Block data predefined by the activated Toolbox item */ public toolButtonActivated(toolName: string, blockDataOverrides: BlockToolData): void { this.insertNewBlock(toolName, blockDataOverrides); } /** * Open Toolbox with Tools */ public open(): void { if (this.isEmpty) { return; }; this.opened = true; this.emit(ToolboxEvent.Opened); } /** * Close Toolbox */ public close(): void { this.popover.hide(); this.opened = false; this.emit(ToolboxEvent.Closed); } /** * Close Toolbox */ public toggle(): void { if (!this.opened) {; } else { this.close(); } } /** * Handles overlay click */ private onOverlayClicked = (): void => { this.close(); }; /** * Returns list of tools that enables the Toolbox (by specifying the 'toolbox' getter) */ @_.cacheable private get toolsToBeDisplayed(): BlockTool[] { return Array .from( .reduce((result, tool) => { const toolToolboxSettings = tool.toolbox; if (toolToolboxSettings) { const validToolboxSettings = toolToolboxSettings.filter(item => { return this.areToolboxSettingsValid(item,; }); result.push({ ...tool, toolbox: validToolboxSettings, }); } return result; }, []); } /** * Returns list of items that will be displayed in toolbox */ @_.cacheable private get toolboxItemsToBeDisplayed(): PopoverItem[] { /** * Maps tool data to popover item structure */ const toPopoverItem = (toolboxItem: ToolboxConfigEntry, tool: BlockTool): PopoverItem => { return { icon: toolboxItem.icon, label: I18n.t(I18nInternalNS.toolNames, toolboxItem.title || _.capitalize(, name:, onActivate: (): void => { this.toolButtonActivated(,; }, secondaryLabel: tool.shortcut ? _.beautifyShortcut(tool.shortcut) : '', }; }; return this.toolsToBeDisplayed .reduce((result, tool) => { if (Array.isArray(tool.toolbox)) { tool.toolbox.forEach(item => { result.push(toPopoverItem(item, tool)); }); } else { result.push(toPopoverItem(tool.toolbox, tool)); } return result; }, []); } /** * Validates tool's toolbox settings * * @param toolToolboxSettings - item to validate * @param toolName - name of the tool used in console warning if item is not valid */ private areToolboxSettingsValid(toolToolboxSettings: ToolboxConfigEntry, toolName: string): boolean { /** * Skip tools that don't pass 'toolbox' property */ if (!toolToolboxSettings) { return false; } if (toolToolboxSettings && !toolToolboxSettings.icon) { _.log('Toolbar icon is missed. Tool %o skipped', 'warn', toolName); return false; } return true; } /** * Iterate all tools and enable theirs shortcuts if specified */ private enableShortcuts(): void { this.toolsToBeDisplayed.forEach((tool: BlockTool) => { const shortcut = tool.shortcut; if (shortcut) { this.enableShortcutForTool(, shortcut); } }); } /** * Enable shortcut Block Tool implemented shortcut * * @param {string} toolName - Tool name * @param {string} shortcut - shortcut according to the ShortcutData Module format */ private enableShortcutForTool(toolName: string, shortcut: string): void { Shortcuts.add({ name: shortcut, on: this.api.ui.nodes.redactor, handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); this.insertNewBlock(toolName); }, }); } /** * Removes all added shortcuts * Fired when the Read-Only mode is activated */ private removeAllShortcuts(): void { this.toolsToBeDisplayed.forEach((tool: BlockTool) => { const shortcut = tool.shortcut; if (shortcut) { Shortcuts.remove(this.api.ui.nodes.redactor, shortcut); } }); } /** * Inserts new block * Can be called when button clicked on Toolbox or by ShortcutData * * @param {string} toolName - Tool name * @param blockDataOverrides - predefined Block data */ private async insertNewBlock(toolName: string, blockDataOverrides?: BlockToolData): Promise { const currentBlockIndex = this.api.blocks.getCurrentBlockIndex(); const currentBlock = this.api.blocks.getBlockByIndex(currentBlockIndex); if (!currentBlock) { return; } /** * On mobile version, we see the Plus Button even near non-empty blocks, * so if current block is not empty, add the new block below the current */ const index = currentBlock.isEmpty ? currentBlockIndex : currentBlockIndex + 1; let blockData; if (blockDataOverrides) { /** * Merge real tool's data with data overrides */ const defaultBlockData = await this.api.blocks.composeBlockData(toolName); blockData = Object.assign(defaultBlockData, blockDataOverrides); } const newBlock = this.api.blocks.insert( toolName, blockData, undefined, index, undefined, currentBlock.isEmpty ); /** * Apply callback before inserting html */; this.api.caret.setToBlock(index); this.emit(ToolboxEvent.BlockAdded, { block: newBlock, }); /** * close toolbar when node is changed */ this.api.toolbar.close(); } }