import Dom from '../dom'; import Listeners from './listeners'; /** * Item that could be searched */ interface SearchableItem { label: string; } /** * Provides search input element and search logic */ export default class SearchInput { /** * Input wrapper element */ private wrapper: HTMLElement; /** * Editable input itself */ private input: HTMLInputElement; /** * The instance of the Listeners util */ private listeners: Listeners; /** * Items for local search */ private items: SearchableItem[]; /** * Current search query */ private searchQuery: string; /** * Externally passed callback for the search */ private readonly onSearch: (items: SearchableItem[]) => void; /** * Styles */ private static get CSS(): { input: string; icon: string; wrapper: string; } { return { wrapper: 'cdx-search-field', icon: 'cdx-search-field__icon', input: 'cdx-search-field__input', }; } /** * @param options - available config * @param options.items - searchable items list * @param options.onSearch - search callback * @param options.placeholder - input placeholder */ constructor({ items, onSearch, placeholder }: { items: SearchableItem[]; onSearch: (items: SearchableItem[]) => void; placeholder: string; }) { this.listeners = new Listeners(); this.items = items; this.onSearch = onSearch; this.render(placeholder); } /** * Returns search field element */ public getElement(): HTMLElement { return this.wrapper; } /** * Sets focus to the input */ public focus(): void { this.input.focus(); } /** * Clears search query and results */ public clear(): void { this.input.value = ''; this.searchQuery = ''; this.onSearch(this.foundItems); } /** * Clears memory */ public destroy(): void { this.listeners.removeAll(); } /** * Creates the search field * * @param placeholder - input placeholder */ private render(placeholder: string): void { this.wrapper = Dom.make('div', SearchInput.CSS.wrapper); const iconWrapper = Dom.make('div', SearchInput.CSS.icon); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers const icon = Dom.svg('search', 16, 16); this.input = Dom.make('input', SearchInput.CSS.input, { placeholder, }) as HTMLInputElement; iconWrapper.appendChild(icon); this.wrapper.appendChild(iconWrapper); this.wrapper.appendChild(this.input); this.listeners.on(this.input, 'input', () => { this.searchQuery = this.input.value; this.onSearch(this.foundItems); }); } /** * Returns list of found items for the current search query */ private get foundItems(): SearchableItem[] { return this.items.filter(item => this.checkItem(item)); } /** * Contains logic for checking whether passed item conforms the search query * * @param item - item to be checked */ private checkItem(item: SearchableItem): boolean { const text = item.label.toLowerCase(); const query = this.searchQuery.toLowerCase(); return text.includes(query); } }