var codex = require('../editor'); var parser = (function(parser) { parser.init = function() { }; /** * Splits content by `\n` and returns blocks */ parser.getSeparatedTexttSeparatedTextFromContent = function(content) { return content.split('\n'); }; /** inserting text */ parser.insertPastedContent = function(content) { var blocks = this.getSeparatedTextFromContent(content), i, inputIndex = cEditor.caret.getCurrentInputIndex(), textNode, parsedTextContent; for(i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { blocks[i].trim(); if (blocks[i]) { var data = cEditor.draw.pluginsRender('paragraph', blocks[i]); cEditor.content.insertBlock(data); } } }; /** * Asynchronously parses textarea input string to HTML editor blocks */ parser.parseTextareaContent = function () { var initialContent = cEditor.nodes.textarea.value; if ( initialContent.trim().length === 0 ) return true; cEditor.parser /** Get child nodes async-aware */ .getNodesFromString(initialContent) /** Then append nodes to the redactor */ .then(cEditor.parser.appendNodesToRedactor) /** Write log if something goes wrong */ .catch(function(error) { cEditor.core.log('Error while parsing content: %o', 'warn', error); }); }; /** * Parses string to nodeList * @param string inputString * @return Primise -> nodeList */ parser.getNodesFromString = function (inputString) { return Promise.resolve().then(function() { var contentHolder = document.createElement('div'); contentHolder.innerHTML = inputString; /** * Returning childNodes will include: * - Elements (html-tags), * - Texts (empty-spaces or non-wrapped strings ) * - Comments and other */ return contentHolder.childNodes; }); }; /** * Appends nodes to the redactor * @param nodeList nodes - list for nodes to append */ parser.appendNodesToRedactor = function(nodes) { /** * Sequence of one-by-one nodes appending * Uses to save blocks order after async-handler */ var nodeSequence = Promise.resolve(); for (var index = 0; index < nodes.length ; index++ ) { /** Add node to sequence at specified index */ cEditor.parser.appendNodeAtIndex(nodeSequence, nodes, index); } }; /** * Append node at specified index */ parser.appendNodeAtIndex = function (nodeSequence, nodes, index) { /** We need to append node to sequence */ nodeSequence /** first, get node async-aware */ .then(function() { return cEditor.parser.getNodeAsync(nodes , index); }) /** * second, compose editor-block from node * and append it to redactor */ .then(function(node){ var block = cEditor.parser.createBlockByDomNode(node); if ( cEditor.core.isDomNode(block) ) { block.contentEditable = "true"; /** Mark node as redactor block*/ block.classList.add('ce-block'); /** Append block to the redactor */ cEditor.nodes.redactor.appendChild(block); /** Save block to the cEditor.state array */ cEditor.state.blocks.push(block); return block; } return null; }) .then(cEditor.ui.addBlockHandlers) /** Log if something wrong with node */ .catch(function(error) { cEditor.core.log('Node skipped while parsing because %o', 'warn', error); }); }; /** * Asynchronously returns node from nodeList by index * @return Promise to node */ parser.getNodeAsync = function (nodeList, index) { return Promise.resolve().then(function() { return nodeList.item(index); }); }; /** * Creates editor block by DOM node * * First-level blocks (see cEditor.settings.blockTags) saves as-is, * other wrapps with

-tag * * @param DOMnode node * @return First-level node (paragraph) */ parser.createBlockByDomNode = function (node) { /** First level nodes already appears as blocks */ if ( cEditor.parser.isFirstLevelBlock(node) ){ /** Save plugin type in data-type */ node = this.storeBlockType(node); return node; } /** Other nodes wraps into parent block (paragraph-tag) */ var parentBlock, nodeContent = node.textContent.trim(), isPlainTextNode = node.nodeType != cEditor.core.nodeTypes.TAG; /** Skip empty textNodes with space-symbols */ if (isPlainTextNode && !nodeContent.length) return null; /** Make

tag */ parentBlock = cEditor.draw.block('P'); if (isPlainTextNode){ parentBlock.textContent = nodeContent.replace(/(\s){2,}/, '$1'); // remove double spaces } else { parentBlock.appendChild(node); } /** Save plugin type in data-type */ parentBlock = this.storeBlockType(parentBlock); return parentBlock; }; /** * It's a crutch * - - - - - - - * We need block type stored as data-attr * Now supports only simple blocks : P, HEADER, QUOTE, CODE * Remove it after updating parser module for the block-oriented structure: * - each block must have stored type * @param {Element} node */ parser.storeBlockType = function (node) { switch (node.tagName) { case 'P' : node.dataset.tool = 'paragraph'; break; case 'H1': case 'H2': case 'H3': case 'H4': case 'H5': case 'H6': node.dataset.tool = 'header'; break; case 'BLOCKQUOTE': node.dataset.tool = 'quote'; break; case 'CODE': node.dataset.tool = 'code'; break; } return node; }; /** * Check DOM node for display style: separated block or child-view */ parser.isFirstLevelBlock = function (node) { return node.nodeType == cEditor.core.nodeTypes.TAG && node.classList.contains(cEditor.ui.className.BLOCK_CLASSNAME); }; return parser; })({}); parser.init(); codex.parser = parser; module.exports = parser;