/** * Codex Editor toolbar module * * Contains: * - Inline toolbox * - Toolbox within plus button * - Settings section * * @author Codex Team * @version 1.0 */ module.exports = (function (toolbar) { let editor = codex.editor; toolbar.settings = require('./settings'); toolbar.inline = require('./inline'); toolbar.toolbox = require('./toolbox'); /** * Margin between focused node and toolbar */ toolbar.defaultToolbarHeight = 49; toolbar.defaultOffset = 34; toolbar.opened = false; toolbar.current = null; /** * @protected */ toolbar.open = function () { if (editor.hideToolbar) { return; } editor.nodes.toolbar.classList.add('opened'); this.opened = true; }; /** * @protected */ toolbar.close = function () { editor.nodes.toolbar.classList.remove('opened'); toolbar.opened = false; toolbar.current = null; for (var button in editor.nodes.toolbarButtons) { editor.nodes.toolbarButtons[button].classList.remove('selected'); } /** Close toolbox when toolbar is not displayed */ editor.toolbar.toolbox.close(); editor.toolbar.settings.close(); }; toolbar.toggle = function () { if ( !this.opened ) { this.open(); } else { this.close(); } }; toolbar.hidePlusButton = function () { editor.nodes.plusButton.classList.add('hide'); }; toolbar.showPlusButton = function () { editor.nodes.plusButton.classList.remove('hide'); }; /** * Moving toolbar to the specified node */ toolbar.move = function () { /** Close Toolbox when we move toolbar */ editor.toolbar.toolbox.close(); if (!editor.content.currentNode) { return; } var newYCoordinate = editor.content.currentNode.offsetTop - (editor.toolbar.defaultToolbarHeight / 2) + editor.toolbar.defaultOffset; editor.nodes.toolbar.style.transform = `translate3D(0, ${Math.floor(newYCoordinate)}px, 0)`; /** Close trash actions */ editor.toolbar.settings.hideRemoveActions(); }; return toolbar; })({});