import {ToolConstructable, ToolSettings} from '../tools'; import {API, LogLevels, OutputData} from '../index'; import {SanitizerConfig} from './sanitizer-config'; import {I18nConfig} from './i18n-config'; export interface EditorConfig { /** * Element where Editor will be append * @deprecated property will be removed in the next major release, use holder instead */ holderId?: string | HTMLElement; /** * Element where Editor will be append */ holder?: string | HTMLElement; /** * If true, set caret at the first Block after Editor is ready */ autofocus?: boolean; /** * This Tool will be used as default * Name should be equal to one of Tool`s keys of passed tools * If not specified, Paragraph Tool will be used */ defaultBlock?: string; /** * @deprecated * This property will be deprecated in the next major release. * Use the 'defaultBlock' property instead. */ initialBlock?: string; /** * First Block placeholder */ placeholder?: string|false; /** * Define default sanitizer configuration * @see {@link sanitizer} */ sanitizer?: SanitizerConfig; /** * If true, toolbar won't be shown */ hideToolbar?: boolean; /** * Map of Tools to use */ tools?: {[toolName: string]: ToolConstructable|ToolSettings}; /** * Data to render on Editor start */ data?: OutputData; /** * Height of Editor's bottom area that allows to set focus on the last Block */ minHeight?: number; /** * Editors log level (how many logs you want to see) */ logLevel?: LogLevels; /** * Enable read-only mode */ readOnly?: boolean; /** * Internalization config */ i18n?: I18nConfig; /** * Fires when Editor is ready to work */ onReady?(): void; /** * Fires when something changed in DOM * @param {API} api - editor.js api */ onChange?(api: API): void; /** * Defines default toolbar for all tools. */ inlineToolbar?: string[]|boolean; }