/** * @class MoveUpTune * @classdesc Editor's default tune that moves up selected block * * @copyright 2018 */ import $ from '../dom'; import { API, BlockTune, BlockAPI, PopoverItem } from '../../../types'; import Popover from '../../components/utils/popover'; /** * */ export default class MoveUpTune implements BlockTune { /** * Set Tool is Tune */ public static readonly isTune = true; /** * Property that contains Editor.js API methods * * @see {@link docs/api.md} */ private readonly api: API; /** * Styles */ private CSS = { animation: 'wobble', }; /** * MoveUpTune constructor * * @param {API} api - Editor's API */ constructor({ api }) { this.api = api; } /** * Tune's appearance in block settings menu */ public render(): PopoverItem { return { icon: $.svg('arrow-up', 14, 14).outerHTML, label: this.api.i18n.t('Move up'), onActivate: (item, e): void => this.handleClick(e), name: 'move-up', }; } /** * Move current block up * * @param {MouseEvent} event - click event */ public handleClick(event: MouseEvent): void { const currentBlockIndex = this.api.blocks.getCurrentBlockIndex(); const currentBlock = this.api.blocks.getBlockByIndex(currentBlockIndex); const previousBlock = this.api.blocks.getBlockByIndex(currentBlockIndex - 1); if (currentBlockIndex === 0 || !currentBlock || !previousBlock) { const button = (event.target as HTMLElement) .closest('.' + Popover.CSS.item) .querySelector('.' + Popover.CSS.itemIcon); button.classList.add(this.CSS.animation); window.setTimeout(() => { button.classList.remove(this.CSS.animation); }, 500); return; } const currentBlockElement = currentBlock.holder; const previousBlockElement = previousBlock.holder; /** * Here is two cases: * - when previous block has negative offset and part of it is visible on window, then we scroll * by window's height and add offset which is mathematically difference between two blocks * * - when previous block is visible and has offset from the window, * than we scroll window to the difference between this offsets. */ const currentBlockCoords = currentBlockElement.getBoundingClientRect(), previousBlockCoords = previousBlockElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let scrollUpOffset; if (previousBlockCoords.top > 0) { scrollUpOffset = Math.abs(currentBlockCoords.top) - Math.abs(previousBlockCoords.top); } else { scrollUpOffset = window.innerHeight - Math.abs(currentBlockCoords.top) + Math.abs(previousBlockCoords.top); } window.scrollBy(0, -1 * scrollUpOffset); /** Change blocks positions */ this.api.blocks.move(currentBlockIndex - 1); this.api.toolbar.toggleBlockSettings(true); } }