/** * Module to compose output JSON preview */ const cPreview = (function (module) { /** * Shows JSON in pretty preview * @param {object} output - what to show * @param {Element} holder - where to show */ module.show = function(output, holder) { /** Make JSON pretty */ output = JSON.stringify( output, null, 4 ); /** Encode HTML entities */ output = encodeHTMLEntities( output ); /** Stylize! */ output = stylize( output ); holder.innerHTML = output; }; /** * Converts '>', '<', '&' symbols to entities */ function encodeHTMLEntities(string) { return string.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>'); } /** * Some styling magic */ function stylize(string) { /** Stylize JSON keys */ string = string.replace( /"(\w+)"\s?:/g, '"$1" :'); /** Stylize tool names */ string = string.replace( /"(paragraph|quote|list|header|link|code|image|delimiter|raw)"/g, '"$1"'); /** Stylize HTML tags */ string = string.replace( /(<[\/a-z]+(>)?)/gi, '$1' ); /** Stylize strings */ string = string.replace( /"([^"]+)"/gi, '"$1"' ); /** Boolean/Null */ string = string.replace( /\b(true|false|null)\b/gi, '$1' ); return string; } return module; })({});