import { ToolboxConfig, BlockToolData, ToolboxConfigEntry, PasteConfig } from '../../../../types'; import EditorJS from '../../../../types'; import { HTMLPasteEvent, TunesMenuConfig } from '../../../../types/tools'; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */ const ICON = ''; describe('Editor Tools Api', () => { context('Toolbox', () => { it('should render a toolbox entry for tool if configured', () => { /** * Tool with single toolbox entry configured */ class TestTool { /** * Returns toolbox config as list of entries */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfigEntry { return { title: 'Entry 1', icon: ICON, }; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-toolbar__plus') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-popover__item[data-item-name=testTool]') .should('have.length', 1); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-popover__item[data-item-name=testTool] .ce-popover__item-icon') .should('contain.html', TestTool.toolbox.icon); }); it('should render several toolbox entries for one tool if configured', () => { /** * Tool with several toolbox entries configured */ class TestTool { /** * Returns toolbox config as list of entries */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfig { return [ { title: 'Entry 1', icon: ICON, }, { title: 'Entry 2', icon: ICON, }, ]; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-toolbar__plus') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-popover__item[data-item-name=testTool]') .should('have.length', 2); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-popover__item[data-item-name=testTool]') .first() .should('contain.text', TestTool.toolbox[0].title); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-popover__item[data-item-name=testTool]') .last() .should('contain.text', TestTool.toolbox[1].title); }); it('should insert block with overridden data on entry click in case toolbox entry provides data overrides', () => { const text = 'Text'; const dataOverrides = { testProp: 'new value', }; /** * Tool with default data to be overridden */ class TestTool { private _data = { testProp: 'default value', }; /** * Tool constructor * * @param data - previously saved data */ constructor({ data }) { this._data = data; } /** * Returns toolbox config as list of entries with overridden data */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfig { return [ { title: 'Entry 1', icon: ICON, data: dataOverrides, }, ]; } /** * Return Tool's view */ public render(): HTMLElement { const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true'); return wrapper; } /** * Extracts Tool's data from the view * * @param el - tool view */ public save(el: HTMLElement): BlockToolData { return { ...this._data, text: el.innerHTML, }; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-toolbar__plus') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-popover__item[data-item-name=testTool]') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .last() .click() .type(text); cy.get('@editorInstance') .then(async (editor: unknown) => { const editorData = await (editor as EditorJS).save(); expect(editorData.blocks[0].data){ ...dataOverrides, text, }); }); }); }); context('Tunes — renderSettings()', () => { it('should contain a single block tune configured in tool\'s renderSettings() method', () => { /** Tool with single tunes menu entry configured */ class TestTool { /** Returns toolbox config as list of entries */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfigEntry { return { title: 'Test tool', icon: ICON, }; } /** Returns configuration for block tunes menu */ public renderSettings(): TunesMenuConfig { return { label: 'Test tool tune', icon: ICON, name: 'testToolTune', onActivate: (): void => { }, }; } /** Save method stub */ public save(): void { } /** Renders a block */ public render(): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('div'); element.contentEditable = 'true'; element.setAttribute('data-name', 'testBlock'); return element; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-toolbar__plus') .click(); // Insert test tool block cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get(`[data-item-name="testTool"]`) .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-name=testBlock]') .type('some text') .click(); // Open block tunes cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); // Expect preconfigured tune to exist in tunes menu cy.get('[data-item-name=testToolTune]').should('exist'); }); it('should contain multiple block tunes if configured in tool\'s renderSettings() method', () => { /** Tool with single tunes menu entry configured */ class TestTool { /** Returns toolbox config as list of entries */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfigEntry { return { title: 'Test tool', icon: ICON, }; } /** Returns configuration for block tunes menu */ public renderSettings(): TunesMenuConfig { return [ { label: 'Test tool tune 1', icon: ICON, name: 'testToolTune1', onActivate: (): void => { }, }, { label: 'Test tool tune 2', icon: ICON, name: 'testToolTune2', onActivate: (): void => { }, }, ]; } /** Save method stub */ public save(): void { } /** Renders a block */ public render(): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('div'); element.contentEditable = 'true'; element.setAttribute('data-name', 'testBlock'); return element; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-toolbar__plus') .click(); // Insert test tool block cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get(`[data-item-name="testTool"]`) .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-name=testBlock]') .type('some text') .click(); // Open block tunes cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); // Expect preconfigured tunes to exist in tunes menu cy.get('[data-item-name=testToolTune1]').should('exist'); cy.get('[data-item-name=testToolTune2]').should('exist'); }); it('should contain block tunes represented as custom html if so configured in tool\'s renderSettings() method', () => { const sampleText = 'sample text'; /** Tool with single tunes menu entry configured */ class TestTool { /** Returns toolbox config as list of entries */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfigEntry { return { title: 'Test tool', icon: ICON, }; } /** Returns configuration for block tunes menu */ public renderSettings(): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('div'); element.textContent = sampleText; return element; } /** Save method stub */ public save(): void { } /** Renders a block */ public render(): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('div'); element.contentEditable = 'true'; element.setAttribute('data-name', 'testBlock'); return element; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-toolbar__plus') .click(); // Insert test tool block cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get(`[data-item-name="testTool"]`) .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-name=testBlock]') .type('some text') .click(); // Open block tunes cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); // Expect preconfigured custom html tunes to exist in tunes menu cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-popover') .should('contain.text', sampleText); }); it('should support label alias', () => { /** Tool with single tunes menu entry configured */ class TestTool { /** Returns toolbox config as list of entries */ public static get toolbox(): ToolboxConfigEntry { return { title: 'Test tool', icon: ICON, }; } /** Returns configuration for block tunes menu */ public renderSettings(): TunesMenuConfig { return [ { icon: ICON, name: 'testToolTune1', onActivate: (): void => {}, // Set text via title property title: 'Test tool tune 1', }, { icon: ICON, name: 'testToolTune2', onActivate: (): void => {}, // Set test via label property label: 'Test tool tune 2', }, ]; } /** Save method stub */ public save(): void {} /** Renders a block */ public render(): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('div'); element.contentEditable = 'true'; element.setAttribute('data-name', 'testBlock'); return element; } } cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-toolbar__plus') .click(); // Insert test tool block cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get(`[data-item-name="testTool"]`) .click(); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('[data-name=testBlock]') .type('some text') .click(); // Open block tunes cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('.ce-toolbar__settings-btn') .click(); // Expect both tunes to have correct text cy.get('[data-item-name=testToolTune1]').contains('Test tool tune 1'); cy.get('[data-item-name=testToolTune2]').contains('Test tool tune 2'); }); }); /** * @todo cover all the pasteConfig properties */ context('Paste — pasteConfig()', () => { context('tags', () => { /** * tags: ['H1', 'H2'] */ it('should use corresponding tool when the array of tag names specified', () => { /** * Test tool with pasteConfig.tags specified */ class TestImgTool { /** config specified handled tag */ public static get pasteConfig(): PasteConfig { return { tags: ['img'], // only tag name specified. Attributes should be sanitized }; } /** onPaste callback will be stubbed below */ public onPaste(): void { } /** save is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public save(): void { } /** render is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public render(): HTMLElement { return document.createElement('img'); } } const toolsOnPaste = cy.spy(TestImgTool.prototype, 'onPaste'); cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestImgTool, }, }).as('editorInstance'); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click() .paste({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention 'text/html': '', }) .then(() => { expect(toolsOnPaste); }); }); /** * tags: ['img'] -> */ it('should sanitize all attributes from tag, if only tag name specified ', () => { /** * Variable used for spying the pasted element we are passing to the Tool */ let pastedElement; /** * Test tool with pasteConfig.tags specified */ class TestImageTool { /** config specified handled tag */ public static get pasteConfig(): PasteConfig { return { tags: ['img'], // only tag name specified. Attributes should be sanitized }; } /** onPaste callback will be stubbed below */ public onPaste(): void { } /** save is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public save(): void { } /** render is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public render(): HTMLElement { return document.createElement('img'); } } /** * Stub the onPaste method to access the PasteEvent data for assertion */ cy.stub(TestImageTool.prototype, 'onPaste').callsFake((event: HTMLPasteEvent) => { pastedElement =; }); cy.createEditor({ tools: { testImageTool: TestImageTool, }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click() .paste({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention 'text/html': '', // all attributes should be sanitized }) .then(() => { expect(pastedElement); expect(pastedElement.tagName.toLowerCase()).eq('img'); expect(pastedElement.attributes.length).eq(0); }); }); /** * tags: ['OL','LI',] * ->
  1. *
  2. *
*/ it('should sanitize all attributes from tags, even if tag names specified in uppercase', () => { /** * Variable used for spying the pasted element we are passing to the Tool */ let pastedElement; /** * Test tool with pasteConfig.tags specified */ class TestListTool { /** config specified handled tag */ public static get pasteConfig(): PasteConfig { return { tags: ['OL', 'LI'], // tag names specified in upper case }; } /** onPaste callback will be stubbed below */ public onPaste(): void { } /** save is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public save(): void { } /** render is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public render(): HTMLElement { return document.createElement('ol'); } } /** * Stub the onPaste method to access the PasteEvent data for assertion */ cy.stub(TestListTool.prototype, 'onPaste').callsFake((event: HTMLPasteEvent) => { pastedElement =; }); cy.createEditor({ tools: { testListTool: TestListTool, }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click() .paste({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention 'text/html': '
  1. Orderd List
  2. Unorderd List
', // all attributes should be sanitized,
  • should be preserved }) .then(() => { expect(pastedElement); expect(pastedElement.tagName.toLowerCase()).eq('ol'); expect(pastedElement.attributes.length).eq(0); // check number of children expect(pastedElement.children.length).eq(2); /** * Check that all children are
  • tags */ pastedElement.childNodes.forEach((child) => { expect(child.tagName.toLowerCase()).eq('li'); expect(child.attributes.length).eq(0); }); }); }); /** * tags: [{ * img: { * src: true * } * }] * -> * */ it('should leave attributes if entry specified as a sanitizer config ', () => { /** * Variable used for spying the pasted element we are passing to the Tool */ let pastedElement; /** * Test tool with pasteConfig.tags specified */ class TestImageTool { /** config specified handled tag */ public static get pasteConfig(): PasteConfig { return { tags: [ { img: { src: true, }, }, ], }; } /** onPaste callback will be stubbed below */ public onPaste(): void { } /** save is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public save(): void { } /** render is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public render(): HTMLElement { return document.createElement('img'); } } /** * Stub the onPaste method to access the PasteEvent data for assertion */ cy.stub(TestImageTool.prototype, 'onPaste').callsFake((event: HTMLPasteEvent) => { pastedElement =; }); cy.createEditor({ tools: { testImageTool: TestImageTool, }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click() .paste({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention 'text/html': '', }) .then(() => { expect(pastedElement); /** * Check that the has only "src" attribute */ expect(pastedElement.tagName.toLowerCase()).eq('img'); expect(pastedElement.getAttribute('src')).eq('foo'); expect(pastedElement.attributes.length).eq(1); }); }); /** * tags: [ * 'video', * { * source: { * src: true * } * } * ] */ it('should support mixed tag names and sanitizer config ', () => { /** * Variable used for spying the pasted element we are passing to the Tool */ let pastedElement; /** * Test tool with pasteConfig.tags specified */ class TestTool { /** config specified handled tag */ public static get pasteConfig(): PasteConfig { return { tags: [ 'video', // video should not have attributes { source: { // source should have only src attribute src: true, }, }, ], }; } /** onPaste callback will be stubbed below */ public onPaste(): void { } /** save is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public save(): void { } /** render is required for correct implementation of the BlockTool class */ public render(): HTMLElement { return document.createElement('video'); } } /** * Stub the onPaste method to access the PasteEvent data for assertion */ cy.stub(TestTool.prototype, 'onPaste').callsFake((event: HTMLPasteEvent) => { pastedElement =; }); cy.createEditor({ tools: { testTool: TestTool, }, }); cy.get('[data-cy=editorjs]') .get('div.ce-block') .click() .paste({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention 'text/html': '', }) .then(() => { expect(pastedElement); /** * Check that