# Block Tunes Similar with [Tools](tools.md) represented Blocks, you can create Block Tunes and connect it to particular Tool or for all Tools. Block Tunes allows you to set any additional options to Blocks. For example, with corresponded Block Tunes you can mark Block as «spoiler», give it an anchor, set a background, and so on. ## Base structure Tune's class should have the `isTune` property (static getter) set to `true`. Block Tune must implement the `render()` method which returns an HTML Element that will be appended to the Block Settings panel. - `render()` — create a button Also, you can provide optional methods - `wrap()` — wraps Block content with own HTML elements - `save()` — save Tunes state on Editor's save At the constructor of Tune's class exemplar you will receive an object with following parameters: | Parameter | Description | | --------- | ----------- | | api | Editor's [API](api.md) obejct | | settings | Configuration of Block Tool Tune is connected to (might be useful in some cases) | | block | [Block API](api.md#block-api) methods for block Tune is connected to | | data | Saved Tune data | --- ### render(): HTMLElement Method that returns button to append to the block settings area #### Parameters Method does not accept any parameters #### Return value type | description | -- | -- | `HTMLElement` | element that will be added to the block settings area | --- ### wrap(blockContent: HTMLElement): HTMLElement Method that accepts Block's content and wrap it with your own layout. Might be useful if you want to modify Block appearance. ```javascript class Tune { wrap(blockContent) { const myWrapper = document.createElement('div'); myWrapper.append(blockContent); return myWrapper; } } ``` #### Parameters name | type | description | -- |-- | -- | blockContent | HTMLElement | Block's content (might be wrapped by other Tunes) | #### Return value | type | description | | -- | -- | | HTMLElement | Your element that wraps block content | --- ### save() Method should return Tune's state you want to save to Editor's output #### Parameters No parameters #### Return value type | description | -- | -- | `any` | any data you want to save | --- ### static prepare() If you need to prepare some data for Tune (eg. load external script, create HTML nodes in the document, etc) you can use the static `prepare()` method. It accepts tunes config passed on Editor's initialization as an argument: ```javascript class Tune { static prepare(config) { loadScript(); insertNodes(); ... } } ``` #### Parameters type | description | -- | -- | `object` | your Tune configuration | #### Return value No return value --- ### static reset() On Editor destroy you can use an opposite method `reset` to clean up all prepared data: ```javascript class Tune { static reset() { cleanUpScripts(); deleteNodes(); ... } } ``` #### Parameters No parameters #### Return value No return value --- #### Format Tunes data is saved to `tunes` property of output object: ``` { blocks: [ { type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'This is paragraph with Tune' }, tunes: { 'my-tune-name': {}, favorite: true, anchor: 'might be string' } } ] } ```