import { BlockMutationType } from '../../../../types/events/block/mutation-type'; /** * There will be described test cases of BlockAPI */ describe('BlockAPI', () => { const firstBlock = { id: 'bwnFX5LoX7', type: 'paragraph', data: { text: 'The first block content mock.', }, }; const editorDataMock = { blocks: [ firstBlock, ], }; /** * EditorJS API is passed as the first parameter of the onChange callback */ const EditorJSApiMock = Cypress.sinon.match.any; beforeEach(() => { if (this && this.editorInstance) { this.editorInstance.destroy(); } else { const config = { data: editorDataMock, onChange: (): void => { console.log('something changed'); }, }; cy.createEditor(config).as('editorInstance'); cy.spy(config, 'onChange').as('onChange'); } }); /** * block.dispatchChange(); */ describe('.dispatchChange()', () => { /** * Check that blocks.dispatchChange() triggers Editor 'onChange' callback */ it('should trigger onChange with corresponded block', () => { cy.get('@editorInstance').then(async (editor: any) => { const block = editor.blocks.getById(; block.dispatchChange(); cy.get('@onChange').should('be.calledWithMatch', EditorJSApiMock, Cypress.sinon.match({ type: BlockMutationType.Changed, detail: { index: 0, }, })); }); }); }); });