import Module from '../__module'; import $ from '../dom'; import _ from '../utils'; import { BlockTool, BlockToolConstructable, PasteConfig, PasteEvent, PasteEventDetail, } from '../../../types'; import Block from '../block'; /** * Tag substitute object. */ interface TagSubstitute { /** * Name of related Tool * @type {string} */ tool: string; } /** * Pattern substitute object. */ interface PatternSubstitute { /** * Pattern`s key * @type {string} */ key: string; /** * Pattern regexp * @type {RegExp} */ pattern: RegExp; /** * Name of related Tool * @type {string} */ tool: string; } /** * Files` types substitutions object. */ interface FilesSubstitution { /** * Array of file extensions Tool can handle * @type {string[]} */ extensions: string[]; /** * Array of MIME types Tool can handle * @type {string[]} */ mimeTypes: string[]; } /** * Processed paste data object. */ interface PasteData { /** * Name of related Tool * @type {string} */ tool: string; /** * Pasted data. Processed and wrapped to HTML element * @type {HTMLElement} */ content: HTMLElement; /** * Pasted data */ event: PasteEvent; /** * True if content should be inserted as new Block * @type {boolean} */ isBlock: boolean; } /** * @class Paste * @classdesc Contains methods to handle paste on editor * * @module Paste * * @version 2.0.0 */ export default class Paste extends Module { /** If string`s length is greater than this number we don't check paste patterns */ public static readonly PATTERN_PROCESSING_MAX_LENGTH = 450; /** * Tags` substitutions parameters */ private toolsTags: {[tag: string]: TagSubstitute} = {}; /** * Store tags to substitute by tool name */ private tagsByTool: {[tools: string]: string[]} = {}; /** Patterns` substitutions parameters */ private toolsPatterns: PatternSubstitute[] = []; /** Files` substitutions parameters */ private toolsFiles: { [tool: string]: FilesSubstitution, } = {}; /** * Set onPaste callback and collect tools` paste configurations * * @public */ public async prepare(): Promise { this.setCallback(); this.processTools(); } /** * Handle pasted or dropped data transfer object * * @param {DataTransfer} dataTransfer - pasted or dropped data transfer object * @param {boolean} isDragNDrop */ public async processDataTransfer(dataTransfer: DataTransfer, isDragNDrop = false): Promise { const { Sanitizer } = this.Editor; const types = dataTransfer.types; /** * In Microsoft Edge types is DOMStringList. So 'contains' is used to check if 'Files' type included */ const includesFiles = types.includes ? types.includes('Files') : (types as any).contains('Files'); if (includesFiles) { await this.processFiles(dataTransfer.files); return; } const plainData = dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'); let htmlData = dataTransfer.getData('text/html'); /** * If text was drag'n'dropped, wrap content with P tag to insert it as the new Block */ if (isDragNDrop && plainData.trim() && htmlData.trim()) { htmlData = '

' + ( htmlData.trim() ? htmlData : plainData ) + '

'; } /** Add all tags that can be substituted to sanitizer configuration */ const toolsTags = Object.keys(this.toolsTags).reduce((result, tag) => { result[tag.toLowerCase()] = true; return result; }, {}); const customConfig = Object.assign({}, toolsTags, Sanitizer.getAllInlineToolsConfig(), {br: {}}); const cleanData = Sanitizer.clean(htmlData, customConfig); /** If there is no HTML or HTML string is equal to plain one, process it as plain text */ if (!cleanData.trim() || cleanData.trim() === plainData || !$.isHTMLString(cleanData)) { await this.processText(plainData); } else { await this.processText(cleanData, true); } } /** * Process pasted text and divide them into Blocks * * @param {string} data - text to process. Can be HTML or plain. * @param {boolean} isHTML - if passed string is HTML, this parameter should be true */ public async processText(data: string, isHTML: boolean = false) { const {Caret, BlockManager, Tools} = this.Editor; const dataToInsert = isHTML ? this.processHTML(data) : this.processPlain(data); if (!dataToInsert.length) { return; } if (dataToInsert.length === 1) { if (!dataToInsert[0].isBlock) { this.processInlinePaste(dataToInsert.pop()); } else { this.processSingleBlock(dataToInsert.pop()); } return; } const isCurrentBlockInitial = BlockManager.currentBlock && Tools.isInitial(BlockManager.currentBlock.tool); const needToReplaceCurrentBlock = isCurrentBlockInitial && BlockManager.currentBlock.isEmpty; await Promise.all( async (content, i) => await this.insertBlock(content, i === 0 && needToReplaceCurrentBlock), )); if (BlockManager.currentBlock) { Caret.setToBlock(BlockManager.currentBlock, Caret.positions.END); } } /** * Set onPaste callback handler */ private setCallback(): void { const {Listeners} = this.Editor; Listeners.on(document, 'paste', this.handlePasteEvent); } /** * Get and process tool`s paste configs */ private processTools(): void { const tools = this.Editor.Tools.blockTools; Object.entries(tools).forEach(this.processTool); } /** * Process paste config for each tool * * @param {string} name * @param {Tool} tool */ private processTool = ([name, tool]: [string, BlockToolConstructable]): void => { try { const toolInstance = new this.Editor.Tools.blockTools[name]({ api: this.Editor.API.methods, config: {}, data: {}, }) as BlockTool; if (!toolInstance.onPaste || typeof toolInstance.onPaste !== 'function') { return; } const toolPasteConfig = tool.pasteConfig || {}; this.getTagsConfig(name, toolPasteConfig); this.getFilesConfig(name, toolPasteConfig); this.getPatternsConfig(name, toolPasteConfig); } catch (e) { _.log( `Paste handling for «${name}» Tool hasn't been set up because of the error`, 'warn', e, ); } } /** * Get tags to substitute by Tool * * @param {string} name - Tool name * @param {PasteConfig} toolPasteConfig - Tool onPaste configuration */ private getTagsConfig(name: string, toolPasteConfig: PasteConfig): void { const tags = toolPasteConfig.tags || []; tags.forEach((tag) => { if (this.toolsTags.hasOwnProperty(tag)) { _.log( `Paste handler for «${name}» Tool on «${tag}» tag is skipped ` + `because it is already used by «${this.toolsTags[tag].tool}» Tool.`, 'warn', ); return; } this.toolsTags[tag.toUpperCase()] = { tool: name, }; }); this.tagsByTool[name] = => t.toUpperCase()); } /** * Get files` types and extensions to substitute by Tool * * @param {string} name - Tool name * @param {PasteConfig} toolPasteConfig - Tool onPaste configuration */ private getFilesConfig(name: string, toolPasteConfig: PasteConfig): void { const {files = {}} = toolPasteConfig; let {extensions, mimeTypes} = files; if (!extensions && !mimeTypes) { return; } if (extensions && !Array.isArray(extensions)) { _.log(`«extensions» property of the onDrop config for «${name}» Tool should be an array`); extensions = []; } if (mimeTypes && !Array.isArray(mimeTypes)) { _.log(`«mimeTypes» property of the onDrop config for «${name}» Tool should be an array`); mimeTypes = []; } if (mimeTypes) { mimeTypes = mimeTypes.filter((type) => { if (!_.isValidMimeType(type)) { _.log(`MIME type value «${type}» for the «${name}» Tool is not a valid MIME type`, 'warn'); return false; } return true; }); } this.toolsFiles[name] = { extensions: extensions || [], mimeTypes: mimeTypes || [], }; } /** * Get RegExp patterns to substitute by Tool * * @param {string} name - Tool name * @param {PasteConfig} toolPasteConfig - Tool onPaste configuration */ private getPatternsConfig(name: string, toolPasteConfig: PasteConfig): void { if (!toolPasteConfig.patterns || _.isEmpty(toolPasteConfig.patterns)) { return; } Object.entries(toolPasteConfig.patterns).forEach(([key, pattern]: [string, RegExp]) => { /** Still need to validate pattern as it provided by user */ if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) { _.log( `Pattern ${pattern} for «${name}» Tool is skipped because it should be a Regexp instance.`, 'warn', ); } this.toolsPatterns.push({ key, pattern, tool: name, }); }); } /** * Check if browser behavior suits better * * @param {EventTarget} element - element where content has been pasted * @returns {boolean} */ private isNativeBehaviour(element: EventTarget): boolean { return $.isNativeInput(element); } /** * Check if Editor should process pasted data and pass data transfer object to handler * * @param {ClipboardEvent} event */ private handlePasteEvent = async (event: ClipboardEvent): Promise => { const {BlockManager, Tools, Toolbar} = this.Editor; /** If target is native input or is not Block, use browser behaviour */ if ( !BlockManager.currentBlock || this.isNativeBehaviour( && !event.clipboardData.types.includes('Files') ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); this.processDataTransfer(event.clipboardData); BlockManager.clearFocused(); Toolbar.close(); } /** * Get files from data transfer object and insert related Tools * * @param {FileList} items - pasted or dropped items */ private async processFiles(items: FileList) { const {BlockManager, Tools} = this.Editor; let dataToInsert: Array<{type: string, event: PasteEvent}>; dataToInsert = await Promise.all( Array .from(items) .map((item) => this.processFile(item)), ); dataToInsert = dataToInsert.filter((data) => !!data); const isCurrentBlockInitial = Tools.isInitial(BlockManager.currentBlock.tool); const needToReplaceCurrentBlock = isCurrentBlockInitial && BlockManager.currentBlock.isEmpty; dataToInsert.forEach( (data, i) => { BlockManager.paste(data.type, data.event, i === 0 && needToReplaceCurrentBlock); }, ); } /** * Get information about file and find Tool to handle it * * @param {File} file */ private async processFile(file: File) { const extension = _.getFileExtension(file); const foundConfig = Object .entries(this.toolsFiles) .find(([toolName, {mimeTypes, extensions}]) => { const [fileType, fileSubtype] = file.type.split('/'); const foundExt = extensions.find((ext) => ext.toLowerCase() === extension.toLowerCase()); const foundMimeType = mimeTypes.find((mime) => { const [type, subtype] = mime.split('/'); return type === fileType && (subtype === fileSubtype || subtype === '*'); }); return !!foundExt || !!foundMimeType; }); if (!foundConfig) { return; } const [tool] = foundConfig; const pasteEvent = this.composePasteEvent('file', { file, }); return { event: pasteEvent, type: tool, }; } /** * Split HTML string to blocks and return it as array of Block data * * @param {string} innerHTML * @returns {PasteData[]} */ private processHTML(innerHTML: string): PasteData[] { const {Tools, Sanitizer} = this.Editor; const initialTool = this.config.initialBlock; const wrapper = $.make('DIV'); wrapper.innerHTML = innerHTML; const nodes = this.getNodes(wrapper); return nodes .map((node) => { let content, tool = initialTool, isBlock = false; switch (node.nodeType) { /** If node is a document fragment, use temp wrapper to get innerHTML */ case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: content = $.make('div'); content.appendChild(node); break; /** If node is an element, then there might be a substitution */ case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: content = node as HTMLElement; isBlock = true; if (this.toolsTags[content.tagName]) { tool = this.toolsTags[content.tagName].tool; } break; } const {tags} = Tools.blockTools[tool].pasteConfig; const toolTags = tags.reduce((result, tag) => { result[tag.toLowerCase()] = {}; return result; }, {}); const customConfig = Object.assign({}, toolTags, Sanitizer.getInlineToolsConfig(tool)); content.innerHTML = Sanitizer.clean(content.innerHTML, customConfig); const event = this.composePasteEvent('tag', { data: content, }); return {content, isBlock, tool, event}; }) .filter((data) => !$.isNodeEmpty(data.content) || $.isSingleTag(data.content)); } /** * Split plain text by new line symbols and return it as array of Block data * * @param {string} plain * @returns {PasteData[]} */ private processPlain(plain: string): PasteData[] { const {initialBlock} = this.config as {initialBlock: string}, {Tools} = this.Editor; if (!plain) { return []; } const tool = initialBlock; return plain .split(/\r?\n/) .filter((text) => text.trim()) .map((text) => { const content = $.make('div'); content.innerHTML = text; const event = this.composePasteEvent('tag', { data: content, }); return {content, tool, isBlock: false, event}; }); } /** * Process paste of single Block tool content * * @param {PasteData} dataToInsert */ private async processSingleBlock(dataToInsert: PasteData): Promise { const {Caret, BlockManager, Tools} = this.Editor; const {currentBlock} = BlockManager; /** * If pasted tool isn`t equal current Block or if pasted content contains block elements, insert it as new Block */ if ( !currentBlock || dataToInsert.tool !== || !$.containsOnlyInlineElements(dataToInsert.content.innerHTML) ) { this.insertBlock(dataToInsert, currentBlock && Tools.isInitial(currentBlock.tool) && currentBlock.isEmpty); return; } Caret.insertContentAtCaretPosition(dataToInsert.content.innerHTML); } /** * Process paste to single Block: * 1. Find patterns` matches * 2. Insert new block if it is not the same type as current one * 3. Just insert text if there is no substitutions * * @param {PasteData} dataToInsert */ private async processInlinePaste(dataToInsert: PasteData): Promise { const {BlockManager, Caret, Sanitizer, Tools} = this.Editor; const {content, tool} = dataToInsert; const currentBlockIsInitial = BlockManager.currentBlock && Tools.isInitial(BlockManager.currentBlock.tool); if (currentBlockIsInitial && content.textContent.length < Paste.PATTERN_PROCESSING_MAX_LENGTH) { const blockData = await this.processPattern(content.textContent); if (blockData) { let insertedBlock; const needToReplaceCurrentBlock = BlockManager.currentBlock && Tools.isInitial(BlockManager.currentBlock.tool) && BlockManager.currentBlock.isEmpty; insertedBlock = BlockManager.paste(blockData.tool, blockData.event, needToReplaceCurrentBlock); Caret.setToBlock(insertedBlock, Caret.positions.END); return; } } /** If there is no pattern substitute - insert string as it is */ if (BlockManager.currentBlock && BlockManager.currentBlock.currentInput) { const currentToolSanitizeConfig = Sanitizer.getInlineToolsConfig(; document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, Sanitizer.clean(content.innerHTML, currentToolSanitizeConfig)); } else { this.insertBlock(dataToInsert); } } /** * Get patterns` matches * * @param {string} text * @returns Promise<{data: BlockToolData, tool: string}> */ private async processPattern(text: string): Promise<{event: PasteEvent, tool: string}> { const pattern = this.toolsPatterns.find((substitute) => { const execResult = substitute.pattern.exec(text); if (!execResult) { return false; } return text === execResult.shift(); }); if (!pattern) { return; } const event = this.composePasteEvent('pattern', { key: pattern.key, data: text, }); return { event, tool: pattern.tool, }; } /** * * @param {PasteData} data * @param {Boolean} canReplaceCurrentBlock - if true and is current Block is empty, will replace current Block * @returns {Promise} */ private async insertBlock(data: PasteData, canReplaceCurrentBlock: boolean = false): Promise { const {BlockManager, Caret} = this.Editor; const {currentBlock} = BlockManager; let block: Block; if (canReplaceCurrentBlock && currentBlock && currentBlock.isEmpty) { block = BlockManager.paste(data.tool, data.event, true); Caret.setToBlock(block, Caret.positions.END); return; } block = BlockManager.paste(data.tool, data.event); Caret.setToBlock(block, Caret.positions.END); } /** * Recursively divide HTML string to two types of nodes: * 1. Block element * 2. Document Fragments contained text and markup tags like a, b, i etc. * * @param {Node} wrapper * @returns {Node[]} */ private getNodes(wrapper: Node): Node[] { const children = Array.from(wrapper.childNodes), tags = Object.keys(this.toolsTags); const reducer = (nodes: Node[], node: Node): Node[] => { if ($.isEmpty(node) && !$.isSingleTag(node as HTMLElement)) { return nodes; } const lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; let destNode: Node = new DocumentFragment(); if (lastNode && $.isFragment(lastNode)) { destNode = nodes.pop(); } switch (node.nodeType) { /** * If node is HTML element: * 1. Check if it is inline element * 2. Check if it contains another block or substitutable elements */ case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: const element = node as HTMLElement; if (element.tagName === 'BR') { return [...nodes, destNode, new DocumentFragment()]; } const {tool = ''} = this.toolsTags[element.tagName] || {}; const toolTags = this.tagsByTool[tool] || []; const isSubstitutable = tags.includes(element.tagName); const isBlockElement = $.blockElements.includes(element.tagName.toLowerCase()); const containsAnotherToolTags = Array .from(element.children) .some( ({tagName}) => tags.includes(tagName) && !toolTags.includes(tagName), ); const containsBlockElements = Array.from(element.children).some( ({tagName}) => $.blockElements.includes(tagName.toLowerCase()), ); /** Append inline elements to previous fragment */ if (!isBlockElement && !isSubstitutable && !containsAnotherToolTags) { destNode.appendChild(element); return [...nodes, destNode]; } if ( (isSubstitutable && !containsAnotherToolTags) || (isBlockElement && !containsBlockElements && !containsAnotherToolTags ) ) { return [...nodes, destNode, element]; } break; /** * If node is text node, wrap it with DocumentFragment */ case Node.TEXT_NODE: destNode.appendChild(node); return [...nodes, destNode]; default: return [...nodes, destNode]; } return [...nodes, ...Array.from(node.childNodes).reduce(reducer, [])]; }; return children.reduce(reducer, []); } /** * Compose paste event with passed type and detail * * @param {string} type * @param {PasteEventDetail} detail */ private composePasteEvent(type: string, detail: PasteEventDetail): PasteEvent { return new CustomEvent(type, { detail, }) as PasteEvent; } }