/** * @class BlockSelection * @classdesc Manages Block selection with shortcut CMD+A * * @module BlockSelection * @version 1.0.0 */ import Module from '../__module'; import Block from '../block'; import * as _ from '../utils'; import $ from '../dom'; import Shortcuts from '../utils/shortcuts'; import SelectionUtils from '../selection'; import { SanitizerConfig } from '../../../types/configs'; import { clean } from '../utils/sanitizer'; /** * */ export default class BlockSelection extends Module { /** * Sometimes .anyBlockSelected can be called frequently, * for example at ui@selectionChange (to clear native browser selection in CBS) * We use cache to prevent multiple iterations through all the blocks * * @private */ private anyBlockSelectedCache: boolean | null = null; /** * Sanitizer Config * * @returns {SanitizerConfig} */ private get sanitizerConfig(): SanitizerConfig { return { p: {}, h1: {}, h2: {}, h3: {}, h4: {}, h5: {}, h6: {}, ol: {}, ul: {}, li: {}, br: true, img: { src: true, width: true, height: true, }, a: { href: true, }, b: {}, i: {}, u: {}, }; } /** * Flag that identifies all Blocks selection * * @returns {boolean} */ public get allBlocksSelected(): boolean { const { BlockManager } = this.Editor; return BlockManager.blocks.every((block) => block.selected === true); } /** * Set selected all blocks * * @param {boolean} state - state to set */ public set allBlocksSelected(state: boolean) { const { BlockManager } = this.Editor; BlockManager.blocks.forEach((block) => { block.selected = state; }); this.clearCache(); } /** * Flag that identifies any Block selection * * @returns {boolean} */ public get anyBlockSelected(): boolean { const { BlockManager } = this.Editor; if (this.anyBlockSelectedCache === null) { this.anyBlockSelectedCache = BlockManager.blocks.some((block) => block.selected === true); } return this.anyBlockSelectedCache; } /** * Return selected Blocks array * * @returns {Block[]} */ public get selectedBlocks(): Block[] { return this.Editor.BlockManager.blocks.filter((block: Block) => block.selected); } /** * Flag used to define block selection * First CMD+A defines it as true and then second CMD+A selects all Blocks * * @type {boolean} */ private needToSelectAll = false; /** * Flag used to define native input selection * In this case we allow double CMD+A to select Block * * @type {boolean} */ private nativeInputSelected = false; /** * Flag identifies any input selection * That means we can select whole Block * * @type {boolean} */ private readyToBlockSelection = false; /** * SelectionUtils instance * * @type {SelectionUtils} */ private selection: SelectionUtils; /** * Module Preparation * Registers Shortcuts CMD+A and CMD+C * to select all and copy them */ public prepare(): void { this.selection = new SelectionUtils(); /** * CMD/CTRL+A selection shortcut */ Shortcuts.add({ name: 'CMD+A', handler: (event) => { const { BlockManager, ReadOnly } = this.Editor; /** * We use Editor's Block selection on CMD+A ShortCut instead of Browsers */ if (ReadOnly.isEnabled) { event.preventDefault(); this.selectAllBlocks(); return; } /** * When one page consist of two or more EditorJS instances * Shortcut module tries to handle all events. * Thats why Editor's selection works inside the target Editor, but * for others error occurs because nothing to select. * * Prevent such actions if focus is not inside the Editor */ if (!BlockManager.currentBlock) { return; } this.handleCommandA(event); }, on: this.Editor.UI.nodes.redactor, }); } /** * Toggle read-only state * * - Remove all ranges * - Unselect all Blocks * * @param {boolean} readOnlyEnabled - "read only" state */ public toggleReadOnly(readOnlyEnabled: boolean): void { SelectionUtils.get() .removeAllRanges(); this.allBlocksSelected = false; } /** * Remove selection of Block * * @param {number?} index - Block index according to the BlockManager's indexes */ public unSelectBlockByIndex(index?): void { const { BlockManager } = this.Editor; let block; if (isNaN(index)) { block = BlockManager.currentBlock; } else { block = BlockManager.getBlockByIndex(index); } block.selected = false; this.clearCache(); } /** * Clear selection from Blocks * * @param {Event} reason - event caused clear of selection * @param {boolean} restoreSelection - if true, restore saved selection */ public clearSelection(reason?: Event, restoreSelection = false): void { const { BlockManager, Caret, RectangleSelection } = this.Editor; this.needToSelectAll = false; this.nativeInputSelected = false; this.readyToBlockSelection = false; const isKeyboard = reason && (reason instanceof KeyboardEvent); const isPrintableKey = isKeyboard && _.isPrintableKey((reason as KeyboardEvent).keyCode); /** * If reason caused clear of the selection was printable key and any block is selected, * remove selected blocks and insert pressed key */ if (this.anyBlockSelected && isKeyboard && isPrintableKey && !SelectionUtils.isSelectionExists) { const indexToInsert = BlockManager.removeSelectedBlocks(); BlockManager.insertDefaultBlockAtIndex(indexToInsert, true); Caret.setToBlock(BlockManager.currentBlock); _.delay(() => { const eventKey = (reason as KeyboardEvent).key; /** * If event.key length >1 that means key is special (e.g. Enter or Dead or Unidentifier). * So we use empty string * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key */ Caret.insertContentAtCaretPosition(eventKey.length > 1 ? '' : eventKey); }, 20)(); } this.Editor.CrossBlockSelection.clear(reason); if (!this.anyBlockSelected || RectangleSelection.isRectActivated()) { this.Editor.RectangleSelection.clearSelection(); return; } /** * Restore selection when Block is already selected * but someone tries to write something. */ if (restoreSelection) { this.selection.restore(); } /** Now all blocks cleared */ this.allBlocksSelected = false; } /** * Reduce each Block and copy its content * * @param {ClipboardEvent} e - copy/cut event * * @returns {Promise} */ public async copySelectedBlocks(e: ClipboardEvent): Promise { /** * Prevent default copy */ e.preventDefault(); const fakeClipboard = $.make('div'); this.selectedBlocks.forEach((block) => { /** * Make

tag that holds clean HTML */ const cleanHTML = clean(block.holder.innerHTML, this.sanitizerConfig); const fragment = $.make('p'); fragment.innerHTML = cleanHTML; fakeClipboard.appendChild(fragment); }); const savedData = await Promise.all(this.selectedBlocks.map((block) => block.save())); const textPlain = Array.from(fakeClipboard.childNodes).map((node) => node.textContent) .join('\n\n'); const textHTML = fakeClipboard.innerHTML; e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', textPlain); e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', textHTML); e.clipboardData.setData(this.Editor.Paste.MIME_TYPE, JSON.stringify(savedData)); } /** * select Block * * @param {number?} index - Block index according to the BlockManager's indexes */ public selectBlockByIndex(index?): void { const { BlockManager } = this.Editor; /** * Remove previous focused Block's state */ BlockManager.clearFocused(); let block; if (isNaN(index)) { block = BlockManager.currentBlock; } else { block = BlockManager.getBlockByIndex(index); } /** Save selection */ this.selection.save(); SelectionUtils.get() .removeAllRanges(); block.selected = true; this.clearCache(); /** close InlineToolbar when we selected any Block */ this.Editor.InlineToolbar.close(); } /** * Clear anyBlockSelected cache */ public clearCache(): void { this.anyBlockSelectedCache = null; } /** * Module destruction * De-registers Shortcut CMD+A */ public destroy(): void { /** Selection shortcut */ Shortcuts.remove(this.Editor.UI.nodes.redactor, 'CMD+A'); } /** * First CMD+A selects all input content by native behaviour, * next CMD+A keypress selects all blocks * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - keyboard event */ private handleCommandA(event: KeyboardEvent): void { this.Editor.RectangleSelection.clearSelection(); /** allow default selection on native inputs */ if ($.isNativeInput(event.target) && !this.readyToBlockSelection) { this.readyToBlockSelection = true; return; } const workingBlock = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlock(event.target as HTMLElement); const inputs = workingBlock.inputs; /** * If Block has more than one editable element allow native selection * Second cmd+a will select whole Block */ if (inputs.length > 1 && !this.readyToBlockSelection) { this.readyToBlockSelection = true; return; } if (inputs.length === 1 && !this.needToSelectAll) { this.needToSelectAll = true; return; } if (this.needToSelectAll) { /** * Prevent default selection */ event.preventDefault(); this.selectAllBlocks(); /** * Disable any selection after all Blocks selected */ this.needToSelectAll = false; this.readyToBlockSelection = false; /** * Close ConversionToolbar when all Blocks selected */ this.Editor.ConversionToolbar.close(); } else if (this.readyToBlockSelection) { /** * prevent default selection when we use custom selection */ event.preventDefault(); /** * select working Block */ this.selectBlockByIndex(); /** * Enable all Blocks selection if current Block is selected */ this.needToSelectAll = true; } } /** * Select All Blocks * Each Block has selected setter that makes Block copyable */ private selectAllBlocks(): void { /** * Save selection * Will be restored when closeSelection fired */ this.selection.save(); /** * Remove Ranges from Selection */ SelectionUtils.get() .removeAllRanges(); this.allBlocksSelected = true; /** close InlineToolbar if we selected all Blocks */ this.Editor.InlineToolbar.close(); } }