import BaseTool, { InternalBlockToolSettings, ToolType, UserSettings } from './base'; import { BlockAPI, BlockTool as IBlockTool, BlockToolConstructable, BlockToolData, ConversionConfig, PasteConfig, SanitizerConfig, ToolboxConfig } from '../../../types'; import * as _ from '../utils'; import InlineTool from './inline'; import BlockTune from './tune'; import ToolsCollection from './collection'; /** * Class to work with Block tools constructables */ export default class BlockTool extends BaseTool { /** * Tool type — Block */ public type = ToolType.Block; /** * InlineTool collection for current Block Tool */ public inlineTools: ToolsCollection = new ToolsCollection(); /** * BlockTune collection for current Block Tool */ public tunes: ToolsCollection = new ToolsCollection(); /** * Tool's constructable blueprint */ protected constructable: BlockToolConstructable; /** * Creates new Tool instance * * @param data - Tool data * @param block - BlockAPI for current Block * @param readOnly - True if Editor is in read-only mode */ public create(data: BlockToolData, block: BlockAPI, readOnly: boolean): IBlockTool { // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap return new this.constructable({ data, block, readOnly, api: this.api.getMethodsForTool(this), config: this.settings, }) as IBlockTool; } /** * Returns true if read-only mode is supported by Tool */ public get isReadOnlySupported(): boolean { return this.constructable[InternalBlockToolSettings.IsReadOnlySupported] === true; } /** * Returns true if Tool supports linebreaks */ public get isLineBreaksEnabled(): boolean { return this.constructable[InternalBlockToolSettings.IsEnabledLineBreaks]; } /** * Returns Tool toolbox configuration (internal or user-specified) */ public get toolbox(): ToolboxConfig { const toolToolboxSettings = this.constructable[InternalBlockToolSettings.Toolbox] as ToolboxConfig; const userToolboxSettings = this.config[UserSettings.Toolbox]; if (_.isEmpty(toolToolboxSettings)) { return; } if ((userToolboxSettings ?? toolToolboxSettings) === false) { return; } return Object.assign({}, toolToolboxSettings, userToolboxSettings); } /** * Returns Tool conversion configuration */ public get conversionConfig(): ConversionConfig { return this.constructable[InternalBlockToolSettings.ConversionConfig]; } /** * Returns enabled inline tools for Tool */ public get enabledInlineTools(): boolean | string[] { return this.config[UserSettings.EnabledInlineTools] || false; } /** * Returns enabled tunes for Tool */ public get enabledBlockTunes(): boolean | string[] { return this.config[UserSettings.EnabledBlockTunes]; } /** * Returns Tool paste configuration */ public get pasteConfig(): PasteConfig { return this.constructable[InternalBlockToolSettings.PasteConfig] || {}; } /** * Returns sanitize configuration for Block Tool including conifgs from Inline Tools */ @_.cacheable public get sanitizeConfig(): SanitizerConfig { const toolRules = super.sanitizeConfig; const baseConfig = this.baseSanitizeConfig; if (_.isEmpty(toolRules)) { return baseConfig; } const toolConfig = {} as SanitizerConfig; for (const fieldName in toolRules) { if (, fieldName)) { const rule = toolRules[fieldName]; /** * If rule is object, merge it with Inline Tools configuration * * Otherwise pass as it is */ if (_.isObject(rule)) { toolConfig[fieldName] = Object.assign({}, baseConfig, rule); } else { toolConfig[fieldName] = rule; } } } return toolConfig; } /** * Returns sanitizer configuration composed from sanitize config of Inline Tools enabled for Tool */ @_.cacheable public get baseSanitizeConfig(): SanitizerConfig { const baseConfig = {}; Array .from(this.inlineTools.values()) .forEach(tool => Object.assign(baseConfig, tool.sanitizeConfig)); return baseConfig; } }