import Paragraph from '../tools/paragraph/dist/bundle'; import Module from '../__module'; import * as _ from '../utils'; import { BlockToolConstructable, InlineTool, InlineToolConstructable, Tool, ToolConfig, ToolConstructable, ToolSettings, } from '../../../types'; import BoldInlineTool from '../inline-tools/inline-tool-bold'; import ItalicInlineTool from '../inline-tools/inline-tool-italic'; import LinkInlineTool from '../inline-tools/inline-tool-link'; import Stub from '../tools/stub'; /** * @module Editor.js Tools Submodule * * Creates Instances from Plugins and binds external config to the instances */ /** * Class properties: * * @typedef {Tools} Tools * @property {Tools[]} toolsAvailable - available Tools * @property {Tools[]} toolsUnavailable - unavailable Tools * @property {object} toolsClasses - all classes * @property {object} toolsSettings - Tools settings * @property {EditorConfig} config - Editor config */ export default class Tools extends Module { /** * Name of Stub Tool * Stub Tool is used to substitute unavailable block Tools and store their data * @type {string} */ public stubTool = 'stub'; /** * Returns available Tools * @return {Tool[]} */ public get available(): {[name: string]: ToolConstructable} { return this.toolsAvailable; } /** * Returns unavailable Tools * @return {Tool[]} */ public get unavailable(): {[name: string]: ToolConstructable} { return this.toolsUnavailable; } /** * Return Tools for the Inline Toolbar * @return {Object} - object of Inline Tool's classes */ public get inline(): {[name: string]: ToolConstructable} { if (this._inlineTools) { return this._inlineTools; } const tools = Object.entries(this.available).filter( ([name, tool]) => { if (!tool[this.INTERNAL_SETTINGS.IS_INLINE]) { return false; } /** * Some Tools validation */ const inlineToolRequiredMethods = ['render', 'surround', 'checkState']; const notImplementedMethods = inlineToolRequiredMethods.filter( (method) => !this.constructInline(tool)[method]); if (notImplementedMethods.length) { _.log( `Incorrect Inline Tool: ${}. Some of required methods is not implemented %o`, 'warn', notImplementedMethods, ); return false; } return true; }); /** * collected inline tools with key of tool name */ const result = {}; tools.forEach(([name, tool]) => result[name] = tool); /** * Cache prepared Tools */ this._inlineTools = result; return this._inlineTools; } /** * Return editor block tools */ public get blockTools(): {[name: string]: BlockToolConstructable} { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars const tools = Object.entries(this.available).filter( ([name, tool]) => { return !tool[this.INTERNAL_SETTINGS.IS_INLINE]; }); /** * collected block tools with key of tool name */ const result = {}; tools.forEach(([name, tool]) => result[name] = tool); return result; } /** * Constant for available Tools internal settings provided by Tool developer * * @return {object} */ public get INTERNAL_SETTINGS() { return { IS_ENABLED_LINE_BREAKS: 'enableLineBreaks', IS_INLINE: 'isInline', TITLE: 'title', // for Inline Tools. Block Tools can pass title along with icon through the 'toolbox' static prop. SHORTCUT: 'shortcut', TOOLBOX: 'toolbox', SANITIZE_CONFIG: 'sanitize', CONVERSION_CONFIG: 'conversionConfig', }; } /** * Constant for available Tools settings provided by user * * return {object} */ public get USER_SETTINGS() { return { SHORTCUT: 'shortcut', TOOLBOX: 'toolbox', ENABLED_INLINE_TOOLS: 'inlineToolbar', CONFIG: 'config', }; } /** * Map {name: Class, ...} where: * name — block type name in JSON. Got from keys * @type {Object} */ public readonly toolsClasses: {[name: string]: ToolConstructable} = {}; /** * Tools` classes available to use */ private readonly toolsAvailable: {[name: string]: ToolConstructable} = {}; /** * Tools` classes not available to use because of preparation failure */ private readonly toolsUnavailable: {[name: string]: ToolConstructable} = {}; /** * Tools settings in a map {name: settings, ...} * @type {Object} */ private readonly toolsSettings: {[name: string]: ToolSettings} = {}; /** * Cache for the prepared inline tools * @type {null|object} * @private */ private _inlineTools: {[name: string]: ToolConstructable} = {}; /** * @constructor * * @param {EditorConfig} config */ constructor({config}) { super({config}); this.toolsClasses = {}; this.toolsSettings = {}; /** * Available tools list * {name: Class, ...} * @type {Object} */ this.toolsAvailable = {}; /** * Tools that rejected a prepare method * {name: Class, ... } * @type {Object} */ this.toolsUnavailable = {}; this._inlineTools = null; } /** * Creates instances via passed or default configuration * @return {Promise} */ public prepare() { this.validateTools(); /** * Assign internal tools */ = _.deepMerge({}, this.internalTools,; if (!this.config.hasOwnProperty('tools') || Object.keys( === 0) { throw Error('Can\'t start without tools'); } /** * Save Tools settings to a map */ for (const toolName in { /** * If Tool is an object not a Tool's class then * save class and settings separately */ if (typeof[toolName] === 'object') { /** * Save Tool's class from 'class' field * @type {Tool} */ this.toolsClasses[toolName] = ([toolName] as ToolSettings).class; /** * Save Tool's settings * @type {ToolSettings} */ this.toolsSettings[toolName] =[toolName] as ToolSettings; /** * Remove Tool's class from settings */ delete this.toolsSettings[toolName].class; } else { /** * Save Tool's class * @type {Tool} */ this.toolsClasses[toolName] =[toolName] as ToolConstructable; /** * Set empty settings for Block by default * @type {{}} */ this.toolsSettings[toolName] = {class:[toolName] as ToolConstructable}; } } /** * getting classes that has prepare method */ const sequenceData = this.getListOfPrepareFunctions(); /** * if sequence data contains nothing then resolve current chain and run other module prepare */ if (sequenceData.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } /** * to see how it works {@link Util#sequence} */ return _.sequence(sequenceData, (data: any) => { this.success(data); }, (data) => { this.fallback(data); }); } /** * @param {} data - append tool to available list */ public success(data) { this.toolsAvailable[data.toolName] = this.toolsClasses[data.toolName]; } /** * @param {} data - append tool to unavailable list */ public fallback(data) { this.toolsUnavailable[data.toolName] = this.toolsClasses[data.toolName]; } /** * Return Tool`s instance * * @param {String} tool — tool name * @param {BlockToolData} data — initial data * @return {BlockTool} */ public construct(tool, data) { const plugin = this.toolsClasses[tool]; /** * Configuration to be passed to the Tool's constructor */ const config = this.toolsSettings[tool][this.USER_SETTINGS.CONFIG] || {}; // Pass placeholder to initial Block config if (tool === this.config.initialBlock && !config.placeholder) { config.placeholder = this.config.placeholder; } /** * @type {{api: API, config: ({}), data: BlockToolData}} */ const constructorOptions = { api: this.Editor.API.methods, config, data, }; return new plugin(constructorOptions); } /** * Return Inline Tool's instance * * @param {InlineTool} tool * @param {ToolSettings} toolSettings * @return {InlineTool} — instance */ public constructInline(tool: InlineToolConstructable, toolSettings: ToolSettings = {} as ToolSettings): InlineTool { /** * @type {{api: API}} */ const constructorOptions = { api: this.Editor.API.methods, config: (toolSettings[this.USER_SETTINGS.CONFIG] || {}) as ToolSettings, }; return new tool(constructorOptions) as InlineTool; } /** * Check if passed Tool is an instance of Initial Block Tool * @param {Tool} tool - Tool to check * @return {Boolean} */ public isInitial(tool) { return tool instanceof this.available[this.config.initialBlock]; } /** * Return Tool's config by name * @param {string} toolName * @return {ToolSettings} */ public getToolSettings(toolName): ToolSettings { return this.toolsSettings[toolName]; } /** * Binds prepare function of plugins with user or default config * @return {Array} list of functions that needs to be fired sequentially */ private getListOfPrepareFunctions(): Array<{ function: (data: {toolName: string, config: ToolConfig}) => void, data: {toolName: string, config: ToolConfig}, }> { const toolPreparationList: Array<{ function: (data: {toolName: string, config: ToolConfig}) => void, data: {toolName: string, config: ToolConfig}} > = []; for (const toolName in this.toolsClasses) { if (this.toolsClasses.hasOwnProperty(toolName)) { const toolClass = this.toolsClasses[toolName]; if (typeof toolClass.prepare === 'function') { toolPreparationList.push({ function: toolClass.prepare, data: { toolName, config: this.toolsSettings[toolName][this.USER_SETTINGS.CONFIG], }, }); } else { /** * If Tool hasn't a prepare method, mark it as available */ this.toolsAvailable[toolName] = toolClass; } } } return toolPreparationList; } /** * Validate Tools configuration objects and throw Error for user if it is invalid */ private validateTools() { /** * Check Tools for a class containing */ for (const toolName in { if ( { if (toolName in this.internalTools) { return; } const tool =[toolName]; if (!_.isFunction(tool) && !_.isFunction((tool as ToolSettings).class)) { throw Error( `Tool «${toolName}» must be a constructor function or an object with function in the «class» property`, ); } } } } /** * Returns internal tools * Includes Bold, Italic, Link and Paragraph */ get internalTools() { return { bold: {class: BoldInlineTool}, italic: {class: ItalicInlineTool}, link: {class: LinkInlineTool}, paragraph: { class: Paragraph, inlineToolbar: true, }, stub: {class: Stub}, }; } }