var codex = require('../editor'); var content = (function(content) { content.currentNode = null; /** * Synchronizes redactor with original textarea */ content.sync = function () { codex.core.log('syncing...'); /** * Save redactor content to codex.state */ codex.state.html = codex.nodes.redactor.innerHTML; }; /** * @deprecated */ content.getNodeFocused = function() { var selection = window.getSelection(), focused; if (selection.anchorNode === null) { return null; } if ( selection.anchorNode.nodeType == codex.core.nodeTypes.TAG ) { focused = selection.anchorNode; } else { focused = selection.focusNode.parentElement; } if ( !codex.parser.isFirstLevelBlock(focused) ) { /** Iterate with parent nodes to find first-level*/ var parent = focused.parentNode; while (parent && !codex.parser.isFirstLevelBlock(parent)){ parent = parent.parentNode; } focused = parent; } if (focused != codex.nodes.redactor){ return focused; } return null; }; /** * Appends background to the block */ content.markBlock = function() { codex.content.currentNode.classList.add(codex.ui.className.BLOCK_HIGHLIGHTED); }; /** * Clear background */ content.clearMark = function() { if (codex.content.currentNode) { codex.content.currentNode.classList.remove(codex.ui.className.BLOCK_HIGHLIGHTED); } }; /** * @private * * Finds first-level block * @param {Element} node - selected or clicked in redactors area node */ content.getFirstLevelBlock = function(node) { if (!codex.core.isDomNode(node)) { node = node.parentNode; } if (node === codex.nodes.redactor || node === document.body) { return null; } else { while(!node.classList.contains(codex.ui.className.BLOCK_CLASSNAME)) { node = node.parentNode; } return node; } }; /** * Trigger this event when working node changed * @param {Element} targetNode - first-level of this node will be current * If targetNode is first-level then we set it as current else we look for parents to find first-level */ content.workingNodeChanged = function (targetNode) { /** Clear background from previous marked block before we change */ codex.content.clearMark(); if (!targetNode) { return; } this.currentNode = this.getFirstLevelBlock(targetNode); }; /** * Replaces one redactor block with another * @protected * @param {Element} targetBlock - block to replace. Mostly currentNode. * @param {Element} newBlock * @param {string} newBlockType - type of new block; we need to store it to data-attribute * * [!] Function does not saves old block content. * You can get it manually and pass with newBlock.innerHTML */ content.replaceBlock = function function_name(targetBlock, newBlock) { if (!targetBlock || !newBlock){ codex.core.log('replaceBlock: missed params'); return; } /** If target-block is not a frist-level block, then we iterate parents to find it */ while(!targetBlock.classList.contains(codex.ui.className.BLOCK_CLASSNAME)) { targetBlock = targetBlock.parentNode; } /** Replacing */ codex.nodes.redactor.replaceChild(newBlock, targetBlock); /** * Set new node as current */ codex.content.workingNodeChanged(newBlock); /** * Add block handlers */ codex.ui.addBlockHandlers(newBlock); /** * Save changes */ codex.ui.saveInputs(); }; /** * @private * * Inserts new block to redactor * Wrapps block into a DIV with BLOCK_CLASSNAME class * * @param blockData {object} * @param blockData.block {Element} element with block content * @param blockData.type {string} block plugin * @param needPlaceCaret {bool} pass true to set caret in new block * */ content.insertBlock = function( blockData, needPlaceCaret ) { var workingBlock = codex.content.currentNode, newBlockContent = blockData.block, blockType = blockData.type, isStretched = blockData.stretched; var newBlock = codex.content.composeNewBlock(newBlockContent, blockType, isStretched); if (workingBlock) { codex.core.insertAfter(workingBlock, newBlock); } else { /** * If redactor is empty, append as first child */ codex.nodes.redactor.appendChild(newBlock); } /** * Block handler */ codex.ui.addBlockHandlers(newBlock); /** * Set new node as current */ codex.content.workingNodeChanged(newBlock); /** * Save changes */ codex.ui.saveInputs(); if ( needPlaceCaret ) { /** * If we don't know input index then we set default value -1 */ var currentInputIndex = codex.caret.getCurrentInputIndex() || -1; if (currentInputIndex == -1) { var editableElement = newBlock.querySelector('[contenteditable]'), emptyText = document.createTextNode(''); editableElement.appendChild(emptyText); codex.caret.set(editableElement, 0, 0); codex.toolbar.move(); codex.toolbar.showPlusButton(); } else { /** Timeout for browsers execution */ setTimeout(function () { /** Setting to the new input */ codex.caret.setToNextBlock(currentInputIndex); codex.toolbar.move();; }, 10); } } }; /** * Replaces blocks with saving content * @protected * @param {Element} noteToReplace * @param {Element} newNode * @param {Element} blockType */ content.switchBlock = function(blockToReplace, newBlock, tool){ var newBlockComposed = codex.content.composeNewBlock(newBlock, tool); /** Replacing */ codex.content.replaceBlock(blockToReplace, newBlockComposed); /** Save new Inputs when block is changed */ codex.ui.saveInputs(); }; /** * Iterates between child noted and looking for #text node on deepest level * @private * @param {Element} block - node where find * @param {int} postiton - starting postion * Example: childNodex.length to find from the end * or 0 to find from the start * @return {Text} block * @uses DFS */ content.getDeepestTextNodeFromPosition = function (block, position) { /** * Clear Block from empty and useless spaces with trim. * Such nodes we should remove */ var blockChilds = block.childNodes, index, node, text; for(index = 0; index < blockChilds.length; index++) { node = blockChilds[index]; if (node.nodeType == codex.core.nodeTypes.TEXT) { text = node.textContent.trim(); /** Text is empty. We should remove this child from node before we start DFS * decrease the quantity of childs. */ if (text === '') { block.removeChild(node); position--; } } } if (block.childNodes.length === 0) { return document.createTextNode(''); } /** Setting default position when we deleted all empty nodes */ if ( position < 0 ) position = 1; var looking_from_start = false; /** For looking from START */ if (position === 0) { looking_from_start = true; position = 1; } while ( position ) { /** initial verticle of node. */ if ( looking_from_start ) { block = block.childNodes[0]; } else { block = block.childNodes[position - 1]; } if ( block.nodeType == codex.core.nodeTypes.TAG ){ position = block.childNodes.length; } else if (block.nodeType == codex.core.nodeTypes.TEXT ){ position = 0; } } return block; }; /** * @private */ content.composeNewBlock = function (block, tool, isStretched) { var newBlock = codex.draw.node('DIV', codex.ui.className.BLOCK_CLASSNAME, {}), blockContent = codex.draw.node('DIV', codex.ui.className.BLOCK_CONTENT, {}); blockContent.appendChild(block); newBlock.appendChild(blockContent); if (isStretched) { blockContent.classList.add(codex.ui.className.BLOCK_STRETCHED); } newBlock.dataset.tool = tool; return newBlock; }; /** * Returns Range object of current selection */ content.getRange = function() { var selection = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); return selection; }; /** * Divides block in two blocks (after and before caret) * @private * @param {Int} inputIndex - target input index */ content.splitBlock = function(inputIndex) { var selection = window.getSelection(), anchorNode = selection.anchorNode, anchorNodeText = anchorNode.textContent, caretOffset = selection.anchorOffset, textBeforeCaret, textNodeBeforeCaret, textAfterCaret, textNodeAfterCaret; var currentBlock = codex.content.currentNode.querySelector('[contentEditable]'); textBeforeCaret = anchorNodeText.substring(0, caretOffset); textAfterCaret = anchorNodeText.substring(caretOffset); textNodeBeforeCaret = document.createTextNode(textBeforeCaret); if (textAfterCaret) { textNodeAfterCaret = document.createTextNode(textAfterCaret); } var previousChilds = [], nextChilds = [], reachedCurrent = false; if (textNodeAfterCaret) { nextChilds.push(textNodeAfterCaret); } for ( var i = 0, child; !!(child = currentBlock.childNodes[i]); i++) { if ( child != anchorNode ) { if ( !reachedCurrent ){ previousChilds.push(child); } else { nextChilds.push(child); } } else { reachedCurrent = true; } } /** Clear current input */ codex.state.inputs[inputIndex].innerHTML = ''; /** * Append all childs founded before anchorNode */ var previousChildsLength = previousChilds.length; for(i = 0; i < previousChildsLength; i++) { codex.state.inputs[inputIndex].appendChild(previousChilds[i]); } codex.state.inputs[inputIndex].appendChild(textNodeBeforeCaret); /** * Append text node which is after caret */ var nextChildsLength = nextChilds.length, newNode = document.createElement('div'); for(i = 0; i < nextChildsLength; i++) { newNode.appendChild(nextChilds[i]); } newNode = newNode.innerHTML; /** This type of block creates when enter is pressed */ var NEW_BLOCK_TYPE = 'paragraph'; /** * Make new paragraph with text after caret */ codex.content.insertBlock({ type : NEW_BLOCK_TYPE, block :[NEW_BLOCK_TYPE].render({ text : newNode, }) }, true ); }; /** * Merges two blocks — current and target * If target index is not exist, then previous will be as target */ content.mergeBlocks = function(currentInputIndex, targetInputIndex) { /** If current input index is zero, then prevent method execution */ if (currentInputIndex === 0) { return; } var targetInput, currentInputContent = codex.state.inputs[currentInputIndex].innerHTML; if (!targetInputIndex) { targetInput = codex.state.inputs[currentInputIndex - 1]; } else { targetInput = codex.state.inputs[targetInputIndex]; } targetInput.innerHTML += currentInputContent; }; /** * @private * * Callback for HTML Mutations * @param {Array} mutation - Mutation Record */ content.paste = function(mutation) { var workingNode = codex.content.currentNode, tool = workingNode.dataset.tool; if ([tool].allowedToPaste) { codex.content.sanitize(mutation.addedNodes); } else { codex.content.pasteTextContent(mutation.addedNodes); } }; /** * @private * * gets only text/plain content of node * @param {Element} target - HTML node */ content.pasteTextContent = function(nodes) { var node = nodes[0], textNode = document.createTextNode(node.textContent); if (codex.core.isDomNode(node)) { node.parentNode.replaceChild(textNode, node); } }; /** * @private * * Sanitizes HTML content * @param {Element} target - inserted element * @uses DFS function for deep searching */ content.sanitize = function(target) { if (!target) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < target.childNodes.length; i++) { this.dfs(target.childNodes[i]); } }; /** * Clears styles * @param {Element|Text} */ content.clearStyles = function(target) { var href, newNode = null, blockTags = ['P', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'UL', 'CODE', 'OL', 'LI', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'DIV', 'PRE', 'HEADER', 'SECTION'], allowedTags = ['P', 'B', 'I', 'A', 'U', 'BR'], needReplace = !allowedTags.includes(target.tagName), isDisplayedAsBlock = blockTags.includes(target.tagName); if (!codex.core.isDomNode(target)){ return target; } if (!target.parentNode){ return target; } if (needReplace) { if (isDisplayedAsBlock) { newNode = document.createElement('P'); newNode.innerHTML = target.innerHTML; target.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, target); target = newNode; } else { newNode = document.createTextNode(` ${target.textContent} `); newNode.textContent = newNode.textContent.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '); target.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, target); } } /** keep href attributes of tag A */ if (target.tagName == 'A') { href = target.getAttribute('href'); } /** Remove all tags */ while(target.attributes.length > 0) { target.removeAttribute(target.attributes[0].name); } /** return href */ if (href) { target.setAttribute('href', href); } return target; }; /** * Depth-first search Algorithm * returns all childs * @param {Element} */ content.dfs = function(el) { if (!codex.core.isDomNode(el)) return; var sanitized = this.clearStyles(el); for(var i = 0; i < sanitized.childNodes.length; i++) { this.dfs(sanitized.childNodes[i]); } }; return content; })({}); codex.content = content; module.exports = content;