/** * * Quote plugin */ var quote = (function(quote) { /** * @private * * CSS styles */ var elementClasses_ = { ce_quote : 'ce-quote', quoteText : 'ce_quote--text', quoteAuthor : 'ce_quote--author', authorsJob : 'ce_quote--job', authorsPhoto : 'authorsPhoto', authorsPhotoWrapper : 'authorsPhoto-wrapper', authorsPhotoWrapper_preview : 'authorsPhotoWrapper_preview', simple : { text : 'quoteStyle-simple--text' }, withCaption : { blockquote : 'quoteStyle-withCaption--blockquote', author : 'quoteStyle-withCaption--author' }, withPhoto : { photo : 'quoteStyle-withPhoto--photo', author : 'quoteStyle-withPhoto--author', job : 'quoteStyle-withPhoto--job', quote : 'quoteStyle-withPhoto--quote', wrapper : 'quoteStyle-withPhoto--wrapper', authorHolder : 'quoteStyle-withPhoto--authorWrapper' }, settings : { holder : 'ce_plugin_quote--settings', caption : 'ce_plugin_quote--caption', buttons : 'ce_plugin_quote--select_button', selectedType : 'ce-quote-settings--selected' } }; /** * @private * * */ var methods_ = { changeStyleClicked : function() { var changeStyleButton = this, quote = codex.content.currentNode.querySelector('.' + elementClasses_.ce_quote), newStyle = changeStyleButton.dataset.style, styleSelectors = this.parentNode.childNodes; quote.dataset.quoteStyle = newStyle; /** * Mark selected style button */ for (var i = styleSelectors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { styleSelectors[i].classList.remove(elementClasses_.settings.selectedType); } this.classList.add(elementClasses_.settings.selectedType); }, /** * @deprecated */ selectTypeQuoteStyle : function(type) { var quoteStyleFunction; /** * Choose Quote style to replace */ switch (type) { case 'simple': quoteStyleFunction = methods_.makeSimpleQuote; break; case 'withCaption': quoteStyleFunction = methods_.makeQuoteWithCaption; break; case 'withPhoto': quoteStyleFunction = methods_.makeQuoteWithPhoto; break; } return quoteStyleFunction; }, /** * @deprecated */ addSelectTypeClickListener : function(el, quoteStyle) { el.addEventListener('click', function () { /** * Parsing currentNode to JSON. */ var parsedOldQuote = methods_.parseBlockQuote(), newStyledQuote = quoteStyle(parsedOldQuote); var wrapper = codex.content.composeNewBlock(newStyledQuote, 'quote'); wrapper.appendChild(newStyledQuote); codex.content.switchBlock(codex.content.currentNode, newStyledQuote, 'quote'); /** Close settings after replacing */ codex.toolbar.settings.close(); }, false); }, /** * @deprecated */ makeSimpleQuote : function(data) { var wrapper = ui_.makeBlock('BLOCKQUOTE', [elementClasses_.simple.text, elementClasses_.quoteText]); wrapper.innerHTML = data.text || ''; wrapper.dataset.quoteStyle = 'simple'; wrapper.classList.add(elementClasses_.ce_quote); wrapper.contentEditable = 'true'; return wrapper; }, /** * @deprecated */ makeQuoteWithCaption : function(data) { var wrapper = ui_.blockquote(), text = ui_.makeBlock('DIV', [elementClasses_.withCaption.blockquote, elementClasses_.quoteText]), author = ui_.makeBlock('DIV', [elementClasses_.withCaption.author, elementClasses_.quoteAuthor]); /* make text block ontentEditable */ text.contentEditable = 'true'; text.innerHTML = data.text; /* make Author contentEditable */ author.contentEditable = 'true'; author.textContent = data.cite; /* Appending created components */ wrapper.dataset.quoteStyle = 'withCaption'; wrapper.classList.add(elementClasses_.ce_quote); wrapper.appendChild(text); wrapper.appendChild(author); return wrapper; }, makeQuoteWithPhoto : function(data) { var wrapper = ui_.blockquote(), photo = ui_.makeBlock('DIV', [elementClasses_.withPhoto.photo]), author = ui_.makeBlock('DIV', [elementClasses_.withPhoto.author, elementClasses_.quoteAuthor]), job = ui_.makeBlock('DIV', [elementClasses_.withPhoto.job, elementClasses_.authorsJob]), quote = ui_.makeBlock('DIV', [elementClasses_.withPhoto.quote, elementClasses_.quoteText]); /* Default Image src */ if (!data.image) { var icon = ui_.makeBlock('SPAN', ['ce-icon-picture']); photo.appendChild(icon); } else { var authorsPhoto = ui_.img(elementClasses_.authorsPhoto); authorsPhoto.src = data.image; authorsPhoto.dataset.bigUrl = data.image; photo.classList.add(elementClasses_.authorsPhotoWrapper); photo.appendChild(authorsPhoto); } photo.addEventListener('click', fileUploadClicked_, false); /* make author block contentEditable */ author.contentEditable = 'true'; author.textContent = data.cite; /* Author's position and job */ job.contentEditable = 'true'; job.textContent = data.caption; var authorsWrapper = ui_.makeBlock('DIV', [elementClasses_.withPhoto.authorHolder]); authorsWrapper.appendChild(author); authorsWrapper.appendChild(job); /* make quote text contentEditable */ quote.contentEditable = 'true'; quote.innerHTML = data.text; wrapper.classList.add(elementClasses_.ce_quote); wrapper.classList.add(elementClasses_.withPhoto.wrapper); wrapper.dataset.quoteStyle = 'withPhoto'; wrapper.appendChild(quote); wrapper.appendChild(photo); wrapper.appendChild(authorsWrapper); return wrapper; }, parseBlockQuote : function(block) { var currentNode = block || codex.content.currentNode, photo = currentNode.getElementsByTagName('img')[0], author = currentNode.querySelector('.' + elementClasses_.quoteAuthor), job = currentNode.querySelector('.' + elementClasses_.authorsJob), quote ; /** Simple quote text placed in Blockquote tag*/ if ( currentNode.dataset.quoteStyle == 'simple' ) quote = currentNode.innerHTML; else quote = currentNode.querySelector('.' + elementClasses_.quoteText).innerHTML; if (job) job = job.textContent; if (author) author = author.textContent; if (photo) photo = photo.dataset.bigUrl; var data = { style : currentNode.dataset.quoteStyle, text : quote, author : author, job : job, photo : photo }; return data; } }; /** * @private * * Author image Uploader */ var fileUploadClicked_ = function() { var beforeSend = photoUploadingCallbacks_.beforeSend, success = photoUploadingCallbacks_.success, error = photoUploadingCallbacks_.error; codex.transport.selectAndUpload({ beforeSend: beforeSend, success: success, error: error }); }; /** * @private * */ var ui_ = { wrapper : function($classList) { var el = document.createElement('DIV'); el.classList.add($classList); return el; }, blockquote : function() { var el = document.createElement('BLOCKQUOTE'); return el; }, img : function(attribute) { var imageTag = document.createElement('IMG'); imageTag.classList.add(attribute); return imageTag; }, makeBlock : function(tag, classList) { var el = document.createElement(tag); if ( classList ) { for( var i = 0; i < classList.length; i++) el.className += ' ' + classList[i]; } return el; } }; /** * @private * * Callbacks */ var photoUploadingCallbacks_ = { preview_ : function(e) { var uploadImageWrapper = codex.content.currentNode.querySelector('.' + elementClasses_.withPhoto.photo), authorsPhoto = ui_.img(elementClasses_.authorsPhoto); authorsPhoto.src = e.target.result; /** Remove icon from image wrapper */ uploadImageWrapper.innerHTML = ''; /** Appending uploaded image */ uploadImageWrapper.classList.add(elementClasses_.authorsPhotoWrapper, elementClasses_.authorsPhotoWrapper_preview); uploadImageWrapper.appendChild(authorsPhoto); }, beforeSend : function() { var input = codex.transport.input, files = input.files, file = files[0], fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); fileReader.onload = photoUploadingCallbacks_.preview_; }, /** * Success callbacks for uploaded photo. * Replace upload icon with uploaded photo */ success : function(result) { var parsed = JSON.parse(result), filename = parsed.filename, uploadImageWrapper = codex.content.currentNode.querySelector('.' + elementClasses_.withPhoto.photo); var img = uploadImageWrapper.querySelector('IMG'); img.src = parsed.data.file.bigUrl; img.dataset.bigUrl = parsed.data.file.bigUrl; uploadImageWrapper.classList.remove(elementClasses_.authorsPhotoWrapper_preview); }, /** Error callback. Sends notification to user that something happend or plugin doesn't supports method */ error : function(result) { console.log('Can\'t upload an image'); } }; /** * @private * * Make Quote from JSON datasets */ var make_ = function(data) { var tag; if (data && data.size) { data.style = quote.config.defaultStyle; /** * Supported types */ switch (data.style) { case 'simple': tag = methods_.makeSimpleQuote(data); break; case 'withCaption': tag = methods_.makeQuoteWithCaption(data); break; case 'withPhoto': tag = methods_.makeQuoteWithPhoto(data); break; } tag.dataset.quoteStyle = data.size; } else { var settings = { "text" : null, "format" : "html", "cite" : null, "caption": null, "size" : null, "image" : null }; tag = methods_.makeQuoteWithPhoto(settings); } return tag; }; var prepareDataForSave_ = function(data) { var TEXTNODE = 3; if (data.size == 'withPhoto') { data.size = 'small'; } var wrapper = document.createElement('DIV'); wrapper.innerHTML = data.text; var child, paragraph; for (child = 0; child < wrapper.childNodes.length; child++) { // is TEXT node ? if (wrapper.childNodes[child].nodeType === TEXTNODE) { paragraph = document.createElement('P'); paragraph.innerHTML = wrapper.childNodes[child].textContent; wrapper.childNodes[child].replaceWith(paragraph); } } data.text = wrapper.innerHTML; return data; }; /** * @public * * Renderer * * @param data */ quote.render = function(data) { return make_(data); }; quote.validate = function(output) { if (typeof output.text != "string") { return; } return output; }; quote.save = function(blockContent) { /** * Extracts JSON quote data from HTML block * @param {Text} text, {Text} author, {Object} photo */ var parsedblock = methods_.parseBlockQuote(blockContent); var data = { "text" : parsedblock.text, "format" : "html", "cite" : parsedblock.author, "caption": parsedblock.job, "size" : parsedblock.style, "image" : parsedblock.photo }; return prepareDataForSave_(data); }; /** * @public * * Draws settings */ quote.makeSettings = function(data) { var holder = document.createElement('DIV'), types = { big : 'По центру', small : 'Врезка' }, selectTypeButton; /** Add holder classname */ holder.className = elementClasses_.settings.holder; /** Now add type selectors */ for (var type in types){ selectTypeButton = document.createElement('SPAN'); selectTypeButton.textContent = types[type]; selectTypeButton.className = elementClasses_.settings.buttons; selectTypeButton.dataset.style = type; if ( type == quote.config.defaultStyle ){ selectTypeButton.classList.add(quoteTools.styles.settings.selectedType); } // var quoteStyle = quoteTools.selectTypeQuoteStyle(type); selectTypeButton.addEventListener('click', methods_.changeStyleClicked, false); // quoteTools.addSelectTypeClickListener(selectTypeButton, quoteStyle); holder.appendChild(selectTypeButton); } return holder; }; /** * @public * Default path to redactors images * @type {null} */ quote.path = null; /** * @public * * @type {null} */ quote.config = null; /** * @public * * @param config */ quote.prepare = function(config) { quote.config = config; }; return quote; })({});