import Module from '../../__module'; import $ from '../../dom'; import * as _ from '../../utils'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import { I18nInternalNS } from '../../i18n/namespace-internal'; import * as tooltip from '../../utils/tooltip'; import { ModuleConfig } from '../../../types-internal/module-config'; import Block from '../../block'; import Toolbox, { ToolboxEvent } from '../../ui/toolbox'; import { IconMenu, IconPlus } from '@codexteam/icons'; import { BlockHovered } from '../../events/BlockHovered'; import { beautifyShortcut } from '../../utils'; /** * @todo Tab on non-empty block should open Block Settings of the hoveredBlock (not where caret is set) * - make Block Settings a standalone module * @todo - Keyboard-only mode bug: * press Tab, flip to the Checkbox. press Enter (block will be added), Press Tab * (Block Tunes will be opened with Move up focused), press Enter, press Tab ———— both Block Tunes and Toolbox will be opened * @todo TEST CASE - show toggler after opening and closing the Inline Toolbar * @todo TEST CASE - Click outside Editor holder should close Toolbar and Clear Focused blocks * @todo TEST CASE - Click inside Editor holder should close Toolbar and Clear Focused blocks * @todo TEST CASE - Click inside Redactor zone when Block Settings are opened: * - should close Block Settings * - should not close Toolbar * - should move Toolbar to the clicked Block * @todo TEST CASE - Toolbar should be closed on the Cross Block Selection * @todo TEST CASE - Toolbar should be closed on the Rectangle Selection * @todo TEST CASE - If Block Settings or Toolbox are opened, the Toolbar should not be moved by Bocks hovering */ /** * HTML Elements used for Toolbar UI */ interface ToolbarNodes { wrapper: HTMLElement | undefined; content: HTMLElement | undefined; actions: HTMLElement | undefined; plusButton: HTMLElement | undefined; settingsToggler: HTMLElement | undefined; } /** * * «Toolbar» is the node that moves up/down over current block * * ______________________________________ Toolbar ____________________________________________ * | | * | ..................... Content ......................................................... | * | . ........ Block Actions ........... | * | . . [Open Settings] . | * | . [Plus Button] [Toolbox: {Tool1}, {Tool2}] . . | * | . . [Settings Panel] . | * | . .................................. | * | ....................................................................................... | * | | * |___________________________________________________________________________________________| * * * Toolbox — its an Element contains tools buttons. Can be shown by Plus Button. * * _______________ Toolbox _______________ * | | * | [Header] [Image] [List] [Quote] ... | * |_______________________________________| * * * Settings Panel — is an Element with block settings: * * ____ Settings Panel ____ * | ...................... | * | . Tool Settings . | * | ...................... | * | . Default Settings . | * | ...................... | * |________________________| * * * @class * @classdesc Toolbar module * @typedef {Toolbar} Toolbar * @property {object} nodes - Toolbar nodes * @property {Element} nodes.wrapper - Toolbar main element * @property {Element} nodes.content - Zone with Plus button and toolbox. * @property {Element} nodes.actions - Zone with Block Settings and Remove Button * @property {Element} nodes.blockActionsButtons - Zone with Block Buttons: [Settings] * @property {Element} nodes.plusButton - Button that opens or closes Toolbox * @property {Element} nodes.toolbox - Container for tools * @property {Element} nodes.settingsToggler - open/close Settings Panel button * @property {Element} nodes.settings - Settings Panel * @property {Element} nodes.pluginSettings - Plugin Settings section of Settings Panel * @property {Element} nodes.defaultSettings - Default Settings section of Settings Panel */ export default class Toolbar extends Module { /** * Block near which we display the Toolbox */ private hoveredBlock: Block; /** * Toolbox class instance * It will be created in requestIdleCallback so it can be null in some period of time */ private toolboxInstance: Toolbox | null = null; /** * @class * @param moduleConfiguration - Module Configuration * @param moduleConfiguration.config - Editor's config * @param moduleConfiguration.eventsDispatcher - Editor's event dispatcher */ constructor({ config, eventsDispatcher }: ModuleConfig) { super({ config, eventsDispatcher, }); } /** * CSS styles * * @returns {object} */ public get CSS(): { [name: string]: string } { return { toolbar: 'ce-toolbar', content: 'ce-toolbar__content', actions: 'ce-toolbar__actions', actionsOpened: 'ce-toolbar__actions--opened', toolbarOpened: 'ce-toolbar--opened', openedToolboxHolderModifier: 'codex-editor--toolbox-opened', plusButton: 'ce-toolbar__plus', plusButtonShortcut: 'ce-toolbar__plus-shortcut', settingsToggler: 'ce-toolbar__settings-btn', settingsTogglerHidden: 'ce-toolbar__settings-btn--hidden', }; } /** * Returns the Toolbar opening state * * @returns {boolean} */ public get opened(): boolean { return this.nodes.wrapper.classList.contains(this.CSS.toolbarOpened); } /** * Public interface for accessing the Toolbox */ public get toolbox(): { opened: boolean | undefined; // undefined is for the case when Toolbox is not initialized yet close: () => void; open: () => void; toggle: () => void; hasFocus: () => boolean | undefined; } { return { opened: this.toolboxInstance?.opened, close: () => { this.toolboxInstance?.close(); }, open: () => { /** * If Toolbox is not initialized yet, do nothing */ if (this.toolboxInstance === null) { _.log(' called before initialization is finished', 'warn'); return; } /** * Set current block to cover the case when the Toolbar showed near hovered Block but caret is set to another Block. */ this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock = this.hoveredBlock;; }, toggle: () => { /** * If Toolbox is not initialized yet, do nothing */ if (this.toolboxInstance === null) { _.log('toolbox.toggle() called before initialization is finished', 'warn'); return; } this.toolboxInstance.toggle(); }, hasFocus: () => this.toolboxInstance?.hasFocus(), }; } /** * Block actions appearance manipulations */ private get blockActions(): { hide: () => void; show: () => void } { return { hide: (): void => { this.nodes.actions.classList.remove(this.CSS.actionsOpened); }, show: (): void => { this.nodes.actions.classList.add(this.CSS.actionsOpened); }, }; } /** * Methods for working with Block Tunes toggler */ private get blockTunesToggler(): { hide: () => void; show: () => void } { return { hide: (): void => this.nodes.settingsToggler.classList.add(this.CSS.settingsTogglerHidden), show: (): void => this.nodes.settingsToggler.classList.remove(this.CSS.settingsTogglerHidden), }; } /** * Toggles read-only mode * * @param {boolean} readOnlyEnabled - read-only mode */ public toggleReadOnly(readOnlyEnabled: boolean): void { if (!readOnlyEnabled) { window.requestIdleCallback(() => { this.drawUI(); this.enableModuleBindings(); }, { timeout: 2000 }); } else { this.destroy(); this.Editor.BlockSettings.destroy(); this.disableModuleBindings(); } } /** * Move Toolbar to the passed (or current) Block * * @param block - block to move Toolbar near it */ public moveAndOpen(block: Block = this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock): void { /** * Some UI elements creates inside requestIdleCallback, so the can be not ready yet */ if (this.toolboxInstance === null) { _.log('Can\'t open Toolbar since Editor initialization is not finished yet', 'warn'); return; } /** * Close Toolbox when we move toolbar */ if (this.toolboxInstance.opened) { this.toolboxInstance.close(); } if (this.Editor.BlockSettings.opened) { this.Editor.BlockSettings.close(); } /** * If no one Block selected as a Current */ if (!block) { return; } this.hoveredBlock = block; const targetBlockHolder = block.holder; const { isMobile } = this.Editor.UI; const renderedContent = block.pluginsContent; const renderedContentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(renderedContent); const blockRenderedElementPaddingTop = parseInt(renderedContentStyle.paddingTop, 10); const blockHeight = targetBlockHolder.offsetHeight; let toolbarY; /** * On mobile — Toolbar at the bottom of Block * On Desktop — Toolbar should be moved to the first line of block text * To do that, we compute the block offset and the padding-top of the plugin content */ if (isMobile) { toolbarY = targetBlockHolder.offsetTop + blockHeight; } else { toolbarY = targetBlockHolder.offsetTop + blockRenderedElementPaddingTop; } /** * Move Toolbar to the Top coordinate of Block */ = `${Math.floor(toolbarY)}px`; /** * Do not show Block Tunes Toggler near single and empty block */ if (this.Editor.BlockManager.blocks.length === 1 && block.isEmpty) { this.blockTunesToggler.hide(); } else {; }; } /** * Close the Toolbar */ public close(): void { if (this.Editor.ReadOnly.isEnabled) { return; } this.nodes.wrapper?.classList.remove(this.CSS.toolbarOpened); /** Close components */ this.blockActions.hide(); this.toolboxInstance?.close(); this.Editor.BlockSettings.close(); this.reset(); } /** * Reset the Toolbar position to prevent DOM height growth, for example after blocks deletion */ private reset(): void { = 'unset'; } /** * Open Toolbar with Plus Button and Actions * * @param {boolean} withBlockActions - by default, Toolbar opens with Block Actions. * This flag allows to open Toolbar without Actions. */ private open(withBlockActions = true): void { this.nodes.wrapper.classList.add(this.CSS.toolbarOpened); if (withBlockActions) {; } else { this.blockActions.hide(); } } /** * Draws Toolbar elements */ private make(): void { this.nodes.wrapper = $.make('div', this.CSS.toolbar); /** * @todo detect test environment and add data-cy="toolbar" to use it in tests instead of class name */ /** * Make Content Zone and Actions Zone */ ['content', 'actions'].forEach((el) => { this.nodes[el] = $.make('div', this.CSS[el]); }); /** * Actions will be included to the toolbar content so we can align in to the right of the content */ $.append(this.nodes.wrapper, this.nodes.content); $.append(this.nodes.content, this.nodes.actions); /** * Fill Content Zone: * - Plus Button * - Toolbox */ this.nodes.plusButton = $.make('div', this.CSS.plusButton, { innerHTML: IconPlus, }); $.append(this.nodes.actions, this.nodes.plusButton); this.readOnlyMutableListeners.on(this.nodes.plusButton, 'click', () => { tooltip.hide(true); this.plusButtonClicked(); }, false); /** * Add events to show/hide tooltip for plus button */ const tooltipContent = $.make('div'); tooltipContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.toolbar.toolbox, 'Add'))); tooltipContent.appendChild($.make('div', this.CSS.plusButtonShortcut, { textContent: '/', })); tooltip.onHover(this.nodes.plusButton, tooltipContent, { hidingDelay: 400, }); /** * Fill Actions Zone: * - Settings Toggler * - Remove Block Button * - Settings Panel */ this.nodes.settingsToggler = $.make('span', this.CSS.settingsToggler, { innerHTML: IconMenu, }); $.append(this.nodes.actions, this.nodes.settingsToggler); const blockTunesTooltip = $.make('div'); const blockTunesTooltipEl = $.text(I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.blockTunes.toggler, 'Click to tune')); blockTunesTooltip.appendChild(blockTunesTooltipEl); blockTunesTooltip.appendChild($.make('div', this.CSS.plusButtonShortcut, { textContent: beautifyShortcut('CMD + /'), })); tooltip.onHover(this.nodes.settingsToggler, blockTunesTooltip, { hidingDelay: 400, }); /** * Appending Toolbar components to itself */ $.append(this.nodes.actions, this.makeToolbox()); $.append(this.nodes.actions, this.Editor.BlockSettings.getElement()); /** * Append toolbar to the Editor */ $.append(this.Editor.UI.nodes.wrapper, this.nodes.wrapper); } /** * Creates the Toolbox instance and return it's rendered element */ private makeToolbox(): Element { /** * Make the Toolbox */ this.toolboxInstance = new Toolbox({ api: this.Editor.API.methods, tools: this.Editor.Tools.blockTools, i18nLabels: { filter: I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.popover, 'Filter'), nothingFound: I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.popover, 'Nothing found'), }, }); this.toolboxInstance.on(ToolboxEvent.Opened, () => { this.Editor.UI.nodes.wrapper.classList.add(this.CSS.openedToolboxHolderModifier); }); this.toolboxInstance.on(ToolboxEvent.Closed, () => { this.Editor.UI.nodes.wrapper.classList.remove(this.CSS.openedToolboxHolderModifier); }); this.toolboxInstance.on(ToolboxEvent.BlockAdded, ({ block }) => { const { BlockManager, Caret } = this.Editor; const newBlock = BlockManager.getBlockById(; /** * If the new block doesn't contain inputs, insert the new paragraph below */ if (newBlock.inputs.length === 0) { if (newBlock === BlockManager.lastBlock) { BlockManager.insertAtEnd(); Caret.setToBlock(BlockManager.lastBlock); } else { Caret.setToBlock(BlockManager.nextBlock); } } }); return this.toolboxInstance.make(); } /** * Handler for Plus Button */ private plusButtonClicked(): void { /** * We need to update Current Block because user can click on the Plus Button (thanks to appearing by hover) without any clicks on editor * In this case currentBlock will point last block */ this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock = this.hoveredBlock; this.toolboxInstance?.toggle(); } /** * Enable bindings */ private enableModuleBindings(): void { /** * Settings toggler * * mousedown is used because on click selection is lost in Safari and FF */ this.readOnlyMutableListeners.on(this.nodes.settingsToggler, 'mousedown', (e) => { /** * Stop propagation to prevent block selection clearance * * @see UI.documentClicked */ e.stopPropagation(); this.settingsTogglerClicked(); if (this.toolboxInstance?.opened) { this.toolboxInstance.close(); } tooltip.hide(true); }, true); /** * Subscribe to the 'block-hovered' event if current view is not mobile * * @see */ if (!_.isMobileScreen()) { /** * Subscribe to the 'block-hovered' event */ this.eventsDispatcher.on(BlockHovered, (data) => { /** * Do not move toolbar if Block Settings or Toolbox opened */ if (this.Editor.BlockSettings.opened || this.toolboxInstance?.opened) { return; } this.moveAndOpen(data.block); }); } } /** * Disable bindings */ private disableModuleBindings(): void { this.readOnlyMutableListeners.clearAll(); } /** * Clicks on the Block Settings toggler */ private settingsTogglerClicked(): void { /** * We need to update Current Block because user can click on toggler (thanks to appearing by hover) without any clicks on editor * In this case currentBlock will point last block */ this.Editor.BlockManager.currentBlock = this.hoveredBlock; if (this.Editor.BlockSettings.opened) { this.Editor.BlockSettings.close(); } else {; } } /** * Draws Toolbar UI * * Toolbar contains BlockSettings and Toolbox. * That's why at first we draw its components and then Toolbar itself * * Steps: * - Make Toolbar dependent components like BlockSettings, Toolbox and so on * - Make itself and append dependent nodes to itself * */ private drawUI(): void { /** * Make BlockSettings Panel */ this.Editor.BlockSettings.make(); /** * Make Toolbar */ this.make(); } /** * Removes all created and saved HTMLElements * It is used in Read-Only mode */ private destroy(): void { this.removeAllNodes(); if (this.toolboxInstance) { this.toolboxInstance.destroy(); } } }