/** * Inline toolbar * * Contains from tools: * Bold, Italic, Underline and Anchor * * @author Codex Team * @version 1.0 */ module.exports = (function (inline) { let editor = codex.editor; inline.buttonsOpened = null; inline.actionsOpened = null; inline.wrappersOffset = null; /** * saving selection that need for execCommand for styling * */ inline.storedSelection = null; /** * @protected * * Open inline toobar */ inline.show = function () { var currentNode = editor.content.currentNode, tool = currentNode.dataset.tool, plugin; /** * tool allowed to open inline toolbar */ plugin = editor.tools[tool]; if (!plugin.showInlineToolbar) return; var selectedText = inline.getSelectionText(), toolbar = editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.wrapper; if (selectedText.length > 0) { /** Move toolbar and open */ editor.toolbar.inline.move(); /** Open inline toolbar */ toolbar.classList.add('opened'); /** show buttons of inline toolbar */ editor.toolbar.inline.showButtons(); } }; /** * @protected * * Closes inline toolbar */ inline.close = function () { var toolbar = editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.wrapper; toolbar.classList.remove('opened'); }; /** * @private * * Moving toolbar */ inline.move = function () { if (!this.wrappersOffset) { this.wrappersOffset = this.getWrappersOffset(); } var coords = this.getSelectionCoords(), defaultOffset = 0, toolbar = editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.wrapper, newCoordinateX, newCoordinateY; if (toolbar.offsetHeight === 0) { defaultOffset = 40; } newCoordinateX = coords.x - this.wrappersOffset.left; newCoordinateY = coords.y + window.scrollY - this.wrappersOffset.top - defaultOffset - toolbar.offsetHeight; toolbar.style.transform = `translate3D(${Math.floor(newCoordinateX)}px, ${Math.floor(newCoordinateY)}px, 0)`; /** Close everything */ editor.toolbar.inline.closeButtons(); editor.toolbar.inline.closeAction(); }; /** * @private * * Tool Clicked */ inline.toolClicked = function (event, type) { /** * For simple tools we use default browser function * For more complicated tools, we should write our own behavior */ switch (type) { case 'createLink' : editor.toolbar.inline.createLinkAction(event, type); break; default : editor.toolbar.inline.defaultToolAction(type); break; } /** * highlight buttons * after making some action */ editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.buttons.childNodes.forEach(editor.toolbar.inline.hightlight); }; /** * @private * * Saving wrappers offset in DOM */ inline.getWrappersOffset = function () { var wrapper = editor.nodes.wrapper, offset = this.getOffset(wrapper); this.wrappersOffset = offset; return offset; }; /** * @private * * Calculates offset of DOM element * * @param el * @returns {{top: number, left: number}} */ inline.getOffset = function ( el ) { var _x = 0; var _y = 0; while( el && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) ) { _x += (el.offsetLeft + el.clientLeft); _y += (el.offsetTop + el.clientTop); el = el.offsetParent; } return { top: _y, left: _x }; }; /** * @private * * Calculates position of selected text * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} */ inline.getSelectionCoords = function () { var sel = document.selection, range; var x = 0, y = 0; if (sel) { if (sel.type != 'Control') { range = sel.createRange(); range.collapse(true); x = range.boundingLeft; y = range.boundingTop; } } else if (window.getSelection) { sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange(); if (range.getClientRects) { range.collapse(true); var rect = range.getClientRects()[0]; if (!rect) { return; } x = rect.left; y = rect.top; } } } return { x: x, y: y }; }; /** * @private * * Returns selected text as String * @returns {string} */ inline.getSelectionText = function () { var selectedText = ''; // all modern browsers and IE9+ if (window.getSelection) { selectedText = window.getSelection().toString(); } return selectedText; }; /** Opens buttons block */ inline.showButtons = function () { var buttons = editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.buttons; buttons.classList.add('opened'); editor.toolbar.inline.buttonsOpened = true; /** highlight buttons */ editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.buttons.childNodes.forEach(editor.toolbar.inline.hightlight); }; /** Makes buttons disappear */ inline.closeButtons = function () { var buttons = editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.buttons; buttons.classList.remove('opened'); editor.toolbar.inline.buttonsOpened = false; }; /** Open buttons defined action if exist */ inline.showActions = function () { var action = editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.actions; action.classList.add('opened'); editor.toolbar.inline.actionsOpened = true; }; /** Close actions block */ inline.closeAction = function () { var action = editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.actions; action.innerHTML = ''; action.classList.remove('opened'); editor.toolbar.inline.actionsOpened = false; }; /** * Callback for keydowns in inline toolbar "Insert link..." input */ let inlineToolbarAnchorInputKeydown_ = function (event) { if (event.keyCode != editor.core.keys.ENTER) { return; } let editable = editor.content.currentNode, storedSelection = editor.toolbar.inline.storedSelection; editor.toolbar.inline.restoreSelection(editable, storedSelection); editor.toolbar.inline.setAnchor(this.value); /** * Preventing events that will be able to happen */ event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); editor.toolbar.inline.clearRange(); }; /** Action for link creation or for setting anchor */ inline.createLinkAction = function (event) { var isActive = this.isLinkActive(); var editable = editor.content.currentNode, storedSelection = editor.toolbar.inline.saveSelection(editable); /** Save globally selection */ editor.toolbar.inline.storedSelection = storedSelection; if (isActive) { /** * Changing stored selection. if we want to remove anchor from word * we should remove anchor from whole word, not only selected part. * The solution is than we get the length of current link * Change start position to - end of selection minus length of anchor */ editor.toolbar.inline.restoreSelection(editable, storedSelection); editor.toolbar.inline.defaultToolAction('unlink'); } else { /** Create input and close buttons */ var action = editor.draw.inputForLink(); editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.actions.appendChild(action); editor.toolbar.inline.closeButtons(); editor.toolbar.inline.showActions(); /** * focus to input * Solution: https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus * Prevents event after showing input and when we need to focus an input which is in unexisted form */ action.focus(); event.preventDefault(); /** Callback to link action */ editor.listeners.add(action, 'keydown', inlineToolbarAnchorInputKeydown_, false); } }; inline.isLinkActive = function () { var isActive = false; editor.nodes.inlineToolbar.buttons.childNodes.forEach(function (tool) { var dataType = tool.dataset.type; if (dataType == 'link' && tool.classList.contains('hightlighted')) { isActive = true; } }); return isActive; }; /** default action behavior of tool */ inline.defaultToolAction = function (type) { document.execCommand(type, false, null); }; /** * @private * * Sets URL * * @param {String} url - URL */ inline.setAnchor = function (url) { document.execCommand('createLink', false, url); /** Close after URL inserting */ editor.toolbar.inline.closeAction(); }; /** * @private * * Saves selection */ inline.saveSelection = function (containerEl) { var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0), preSelectionRange = range.cloneRange(), start; preSelectionRange.selectNodeContents(containerEl); preSelectionRange.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startOffset); start = preSelectionRange.toString().length; return { start: start, end: start + range.toString().length }; }; /** * @private * * Sets to previous selection (Range) * * @param {Element} containerEl - editable element where we restore range * @param {Object} savedSel - range basic information to restore */ inline.restoreSelection = function (containerEl, savedSel) { var range = document.createRange(), charIndex = 0; range.setStart(containerEl, 0); range.collapse(true); var nodeStack = [ containerEl ], node, foundStart = false, stop = false, nextCharIndex; while (!stop && (node = nodeStack.pop())) { if (node.nodeType == 3) { nextCharIndex = charIndex + node.length; if (!foundStart && savedSel.start >= charIndex && savedSel.start <= nextCharIndex) { range.setStart(node, savedSel.start - charIndex); foundStart = true; } if (foundStart && savedSel.end >= charIndex && savedSel.end <= nextCharIndex) { range.setEnd(node, savedSel.end - charIndex); stop = true; } charIndex = nextCharIndex; } else { var i = node.childNodes.length; while (i--) { nodeStack.push(node.childNodes[i]); } } } var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); }; /** * @private * * Removes all ranges from window selection */ inline.clearRange = function () { var selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); }; /** * @private * * sets or removes hightlight */ inline.hightlight = function (tool) { var dataType = tool.dataset.type; if (document.queryCommandState(dataType)) { editor.toolbar.inline.setButtonHighlighted(tool); } else { editor.toolbar.inline.removeButtonsHighLight(tool); } /** * * hightlight for anchors */ var selection = window.getSelection(), tag = selection.anchorNode.parentNode; if (tag.tagName == 'A' && dataType == 'link') { editor.toolbar.inline.setButtonHighlighted(tool); } }; /** * @private * * Mark button if text is already executed */ inline.setButtonHighlighted = function (button) { button.classList.add('hightlighted'); /** At link tool we also change icon */ if (button.dataset.type == 'link') { var icon = button.childNodes[0]; icon.classList.remove('ce-icon-link'); icon.classList.add('ce-icon-unlink'); } }; /** * @private * * Removes hightlight */ inline.removeButtonsHighLight = function (button) { button.classList.remove('hightlighted'); /** At link tool we also change icon */ if (button.dataset.type == 'link') { var icon = button.childNodes[0]; icon.classList.remove('ce-icon-unlink'); icon.classList.add('ce-icon-link'); } }; return inline; })({});