import Dom from '../../../../../dom'; import { IconDotCircle, IconChevronRight } from '@codexteam/icons'; import { PopoverItemDefaultParams as PopoverItemDefaultParams, PopoverItemParams as PopoverItemParams } from '../popover-item.types'; import { PopoverItem } from '../popover-item'; import { css } from './popover-item-default.const'; /** * Represents sigle popover item node * * @todo move nodes initialization to constructor * @todo replace multiple make() usages with constructing separate instaces * @todo split regular popover item and popover item with confirmation to separate classes */ export class PopoverItemDefault extends PopoverItem { /** * True if item is disabled and hence not clickable */ public get isDisabled(): boolean { return this.params.isDisabled === true; } /** * Exposes popover item toggle parameter */ public get toggle(): boolean | string | undefined { return this.params.toggle; } /** * Item title */ public get title(): string | undefined { return this.params.title; } /** * True if popover should close once item is activated */ public get closeOnActivate(): boolean | undefined { return this.params.closeOnActivate; } /** * True if confirmation state is enabled for popover item */ public get isConfirmationStateEnabled(): boolean { return this.confirmationState !== null; } /** * True if item is focused in keyboard navigation process */ public get isFocused(): boolean { if (this.nodes.root === null) { return false; } return this.nodes.root.classList.contains(css.focused); } /** * Item html elements */ private nodes: { root: null | HTMLElement, icon: null | HTMLElement } = { root: null, icon: null, }; /** * Popover item params */ private params: PopoverItemDefaultParams; /** * If item is in confirmation state, stores confirmation params such as icon, label, onActivate callback and so on */ private confirmationState: PopoverItemDefaultParams | null = null; /** * Constructs popover item instance * * @param params - popover item construction params */ constructor(params: PopoverItemDefaultParams) { super(); this.params = params; this.nodes.root = this.make(params); } /** * Returns popover item root element */ public getElement(): HTMLElement | null { return this.nodes.root; } /** * Called on popover item click */ public handleClick(): void { if (this.isConfirmationStateEnabled && this.confirmationState !== null) { this.activateOrEnableConfirmationMode(this.confirmationState); return; } this.activateOrEnableConfirmationMode(this.params); } /** * Toggles item active state * * @param isActive - true if item should strictly should become active */ public toggleActive(isActive?: boolean): void { this.nodes.root?.classList.toggle(, isActive); } /** * Toggles item hidden state * * @param isHidden - true if item should be hidden */ public override toggleHidden(isHidden: boolean): void { this.nodes.root?.classList.toggle(css.hidden, isHidden); } /** * Resets popover item to its original state */ public reset(): void { if (this.isConfirmationStateEnabled) { this.disableConfirmationMode(); } } /** * Method called once item becomes focused during keyboard navigation */ public onFocus(): void { this.disableSpecialHoverAndFocusBehavior(); } /** * Returns list of item children */ public get children(): PopoverItemParams[] { return 'children' in this.params && this.params.children?.items !== undefined ? this.params.children.items : []; } /** * Constructs HTML element corresponding to popover item params * * @param params - item construction params */ private make(params: PopoverItemDefaultParams): HTMLElement { const el = Dom.make('div', css.container); if ( { el.dataset.itemName =; } this.nodes.icon = Dom.make('div', [css.icon, css.iconTool], { innerHTML: params.icon || IconDotCircle, }); el.appendChild(this.nodes.icon); el.appendChild(Dom.make('div', css.title, { innerHTML: params.title || '', })); if (params.secondaryLabel) { el.appendChild(Dom.make('div', css.secondaryTitle, { textContent: params.secondaryLabel, })); } if (this.children.length > 0) { el.appendChild(Dom.make('div', [css.icon, css.iconChevronRight], { innerHTML: IconChevronRight, })); } if (params.isActive) { el.classList.add(; } if (params.isDisabled) { el.classList.add(css.disabled); } return el; } /** * Activates confirmation mode for the item. * * @param newState - new popover item params that should be applied */ private enableConfirmationMode(newState: PopoverItemDefaultParams): void { if (this.nodes.root === null) { return; } const params = { ...this.params, ...newState, confirmation: newState.confirmation, } as PopoverItemDefaultParams; const confirmationEl = this.make(params); this.nodes.root.innerHTML = confirmationEl.innerHTML; this.nodes.root.classList.add(css.confirmationState); this.confirmationState = newState; this.enableSpecialHoverAndFocusBehavior(); } /** * Returns item to its original state */ private disableConfirmationMode(): void { if (this.nodes.root === null) { return; } const itemWithOriginalParams = this.make(this.params); this.nodes.root.innerHTML = itemWithOriginalParams.innerHTML; this.nodes.root.classList.remove(css.confirmationState); this.confirmationState = null; this.disableSpecialHoverAndFocusBehavior(); } /** * Enables special focus and hover behavior for item in confirmation state. * This is needed to prevent item from being highlighted as hovered/focused just after click. */ private enableSpecialHoverAndFocusBehavior(): void { this.nodes.root?.classList.add(css.noHover); this.nodes.root?.classList.add(css.noFocus); this.nodes.root?.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.removeSpecialHoverBehavior, { once: true }); } /** * Disables special focus and hover behavior */ private disableSpecialHoverAndFocusBehavior(): void { this.removeSpecialFocusBehavior(); this.removeSpecialHoverBehavior(); this.nodes.root?.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this.removeSpecialHoverBehavior); } /** * Removes class responsible for special focus behavior on an item */ private removeSpecialFocusBehavior = (): void => { this.nodes.root?.classList.remove(css.noFocus); }; /** * Removes class responsible for special hover behavior on an item */ private removeSpecialHoverBehavior = (): void => { this.nodes.root?.classList.remove(css.noHover); }; /** * Executes item's onActivate callback if the item has no confirmation configured * * @param item - item to activate or bring to confirmation mode */ private activateOrEnableConfirmationMode(item: PopoverItemDefaultParams): void { if (item.confirmation === undefined) { try { item.onActivate?.(item); this.disableConfirmationMode(); } catch { this.animateError(); } } else { this.enableConfirmationMode(item.confirmation); } } /** * Animates item which symbolizes that error occured while executing 'onActivate()' callback */ private animateError(): void { if (this.nodes.icon?.classList.contains(css.wobbleAnimation)) { return; } this.nodes.icon?.classList.add(css.wobbleAnimation); this.nodes.icon?.addEventListener('animationend', this.onErrorAnimationEnd); } /** * Handles finish of error animation */ private onErrorAnimationEnd = (): void => { this.nodes.icon?.classList.remove(css.wobbleAnimation); this.nodes.icon?.removeEventListener('animationend', this.onErrorAnimationEnd); }; }