import { PopoverItem } from './popover-item'; import Dom from '../../dom'; import { cacheable, keyCodes, isMobileScreen } from '../../utils'; import Flipper from '../../flipper'; import { PopoverItem as PopoverItemParams } from '../../../../types'; import SearchInput from './search-input'; import EventsDispatcher from '../events'; import Listeners from '../listeners'; import ScrollLocker from '../scroll-locker'; /** * Params required to render popover */ interface PopoverParams { /** * Popover items config */ items: PopoverItemParams[]; /** * Element of the page that creates 'scope' of the popover */ scopeElement?: HTMLElement; /** * Arbitrary html element to be inserted before items list */ customContent?: HTMLElement; /** * List of html elements inside custom content area that should be available for keyboard navigation */ customContentFlippableItems?: HTMLElement[]; /** * True if popover should contain search field */ searchable?: boolean; /** * Popover texts overrides */ messages?: PopoverMessages } /** * Texts used inside popover */ interface PopoverMessages { /** Text displayed when search has no results */ nothingFound?: string; /** Search input label */ search?: string } /** * Event that can be triggered by the Popover */ export enum PopoverEvent { /** * When popover closes */ Close = 'close' } /** * Events fired by the Popover */ interface PopoverEventMap { [PopoverEvent.Close]: undefined; } /** * Class responsible for rendering popover and handling its behaviour */ export default class Popover extends EventsDispatcher { /** * Flipper - module for keyboard iteration between elements */ public flipper: Flipper; /** * List of popover items */ private items: PopoverItem[]; /** * Element of the page that creates 'scope' of the popover. * If possible, popover will not cross specified element's borders when opening. */ private scopeElement: HTMLElement = document.body; /** * List of html elements inside custom content area that should be available for keyboard navigation */ private customContentFlippableItems: HTMLElement[] | undefined; /** * Instance of the Search Input */ private search: SearchInput | undefined; /** * Listeners util instance */ private listeners: Listeners = new Listeners(); /** * ScrollLocker instance */ private scrollLocker = new ScrollLocker(); /** * Popover CSS classes */ private static get CSS(): { popover: string; popoverOpenTop: string; popoverOpened: string; search: string; nothingFoundMessage: string; nothingFoundMessageDisplayed: string; customContent: string; customContentHidden: string; items: string; overlay: string; overlayHidden: string; } { return { popover: 'ce-popover', popoverOpenTop: 'ce-popover--open-top', popoverOpened: 'ce-popover--opened', search: 'ce-popover__search', nothingFoundMessage: 'ce-popover__nothing-found-message', nothingFoundMessageDisplayed: 'ce-popover__nothing-found-message--displayed', customContent: 'ce-popover__custom-content', customContentHidden: 'ce-popover__custom-content--hidden', items: 'ce-popover__items', overlay: 'ce-popover__overlay', overlayHidden: 'ce-popover__overlay--hidden', }; } /** * Refs to created HTML elements */ private nodes: { wrapper: HTMLElement | null; popover: HTMLElement | null; nothingFoundMessage: HTMLElement | null; customContent: HTMLElement | null; items: HTMLElement | null; overlay: HTMLElement | null; } = { wrapper: null, popover: null, nothingFoundMessage: null, customContent: null, items: null, overlay: null, }; /** * Messages that will be displayed in popover */ private messages: PopoverMessages = { nothingFound: 'Nothing found', search: 'Search', }; /** * Constructs the instance * * @param params - popover construction params */ constructor(params: PopoverParams) { super(); this.items = => new PopoverItem(item)); if (params.scopeElement !== undefined) { this.scopeElement = params.scopeElement; } if (params.messages) { this.messages = { ...this.messages, ...params.messages, }; } if (params.customContentFlippableItems) { this.customContentFlippableItems = params.customContentFlippableItems; } this.make(); if (params.customContent) { this.addCustomContent(params.customContent); } if (params.searchable) { this.addSearch(); } this.initializeFlipper(); } /** * Returns HTML element corresponding to the popover */ public getElement(): HTMLElement { return this.nodes.wrapper as HTMLElement; } /** * Returns true if some item inside popover is focused */ public hasFocus(): boolean { return this.flipper.hasFocus(); } /** * Open popover */ public show(): void { if (!this.shouldOpenBottom) {'--popover-height', this.height + 'px'); this.nodes.popover.classList.add(Popover.CSS.popoverOpenTop); } this.nodes.overlay.classList.remove(Popover.CSS.overlayHidden); this.nodes.popover.classList.add(Popover.CSS.popoverOpened); this.flipper.activate(this.flippableElements); if ( !== undefined) {; } if (isMobileScreen()) { this.scrollLocker.lock(); } } /** * Closes popover */ public hide(): void { this.nodes.popover.classList.remove(Popover.CSS.popoverOpened); this.nodes.popover.classList.remove(Popover.CSS.popoverOpenTop); this.nodes.overlay.classList.add(Popover.CSS.overlayHidden); this.flipper.deactivate(); this.items.forEach(item => item.reset()); if ( !== undefined) {; } if (isMobileScreen()) { this.scrollLocker.unlock(); } this.emit(PopoverEvent.Close); } /** * Clears memory */ public destroy(): void { this.flipper.deactivate(); this.listeners.removeAll(); if (isMobileScreen()) { this.scrollLocker.unlock(); } } /** * Constructs HTML element corresponding to popover */ private make(): void { this.nodes.popover = Dom.make('div', [ Popover.CSS.popover ]); this.nodes.nothingFoundMessage = Dom.make('div', [ Popover.CSS.nothingFoundMessage ], { textContent: this.messages.nothingFound, }); this.nodes.popover.appendChild(this.nodes.nothingFoundMessage); this.nodes.items = Dom.make('div', [ Popover.CSS.items ]); this.items.forEach(item => { this.nodes.items.appendChild(item.getElement()); }); this.nodes.popover.appendChild(this.nodes.items); this.listeners.on(this.nodes.popover, 'click', (event: PointerEvent) => { const item = this.getTargetItem(event); if (item === undefined) { return; } this.handleItemClick(item); }); this.nodes.wrapper = Dom.make('div'); this.nodes.overlay = Dom.make('div', [Popover.CSS.overlay, Popover.CSS.overlayHidden]); this.listeners.on(this.nodes.overlay, 'click', () => { this.hide(); }); this.nodes.wrapper.appendChild(this.nodes.overlay); this.nodes.wrapper.appendChild(this.nodes.popover); } /** * Adds search to the popover */ private addSearch(): void { = new SearchInput({ items: this.items, placeholder:, onSearch: (query: string, result: PopoverItem[]): void => { this.items.forEach(item => { const isHidden = !result.includes(item); item.toggleHidden(isHidden); }); this.toggleNothingFoundMessage(result.length === 0); this.toggleCustomContent(query !== ''); /** List of elements available for keyboard navigation considering search query applied */ const flippableElements = query === '' ? this.flippableElements : => item.getElement()); if (this.flipper.isActivated) { /** Update flipper items with only visible */ this.flipper.deactivate(); this.flipper.activate(flippableElements); } }, }); const searchElement =; searchElement.classList.add(; this.nodes.popover.insertBefore(searchElement, this.nodes.popover.firstChild); } /** * Adds custom html content to the popover * * @param content - html content to append */ private addCustomContent(content: HTMLElement): void { this.nodes.customContent = content; this.nodes.customContent.classList.add(Popover.CSS.customContent); this.nodes.popover.insertBefore(content, this.nodes.popover.firstChild); } /** * Retrieves popover item that is the target of the specified event * * @param event - event to retrieve popover item from */ private getTargetItem(event: PointerEvent): PopoverItem | undefined { return this.items.find(el => event.composedPath().includes(el.getElement())); } /** * Handles item clicks * * @param item - item to handle click of */ private handleItemClick(item: PopoverItem): void { if (item.isDisabled) { return; } /** Cleanup other items state */ this.items.filter(x => x !== item).forEach(x => x.reset()); item.handleClick(); this.toggleItemActivenessIfNeeded(item); if (item.closeOnActivate) { this.hide(); } } /** * Creates Flipper instance which allows to navigate between popover items via keyboard */ private initializeFlipper(): void { this.flipper = new Flipper({ items: this.flippableElements, focusedItemClass: PopoverItem.CSS.focused, allowedKeys: [ keyCodes.TAB, keyCodes.UP, keyCodes.DOWN, keyCodes.ENTER, ], }); this.flipper.onFlip(this.onFlip); } /** * Returns list of elements available for keyboard navigation. * Contains both usual popover items elements and custom html content. */ private get flippableElements(): HTMLElement[] { const popoverItemsElements = => item.getElement()); const customContentControlsElements = this.customContentFlippableItems || []; /** * Combine elements inside custom content area with popover items elements */ return customContentControlsElements.concat(popoverItemsElements); } /** * Helps to calculate height of popover while it is not displayed on screen. * Renders invisible clone of popover to get actual height. */ @cacheable private get height(): number { let height = 0; if (this.nodes.popover === null) { return height; } const popoverClone = this.nodes.popover.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement; = 'hidden'; = 'absolute'; = '-1000px'; popoverClone.classList.add(Popover.CSS.popoverOpened); document.body.appendChild(popoverClone); height = popoverClone.offsetHeight; popoverClone.remove(); return height; } /** * Checks if popover should be opened bottom. * It should happen when there is enough space below or not enough space above */ private get shouldOpenBottom(): boolean { const popoverRect = this.nodes.popover.getBoundingClientRect(); const scopeElementRect = this.scopeElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const popoverHeight = this.height; const popoverPotentialBottomEdge = + popoverHeight; const popoverPotentialTopEdge = - popoverHeight; const bottomEdgeForComparison = Math.min(window.innerHeight, scopeElementRect.bottom); return popoverPotentialTopEdge < || popoverPotentialBottomEdge <= bottomEdgeForComparison; } /** * Called on flipper navigation */ private onFlip = (): void => { const focusedItem = this.items.find(item => item.isFocused); focusedItem.onFocus(); }; /** * Toggles nothing found message visibility * * @param isDisplayed - true if the message should be displayed */ private toggleNothingFoundMessage(isDisplayed: boolean): void { this.nodes.nothingFoundMessage.classList.toggle(Popover.CSS.nothingFoundMessageDisplayed, isDisplayed); } /** * Toggles custom content visibility * * @param isDisplayed - true if custom content should be displayed */ private toggleCustomContent(isDisplayed: boolean): void { this.nodes.customContent?.classList.toggle(Popover.CSS.customContentHidden, isDisplayed); } /** * - Toggles item active state, if clicked popover item has property 'toggle' set to true. * * - Performs radiobutton-like behavior if the item has property 'toggle' set to string key. * (All the other items with the same key get inactive, and the item gets active) * * @param clickedItem - popover item that was clicked */ private toggleItemActivenessIfNeeded(clickedItem: PopoverItem): void { if (clickedItem.toggle === true) { clickedItem.toggleActive(); } if (typeof clickedItem.toggle === 'string') { const itemsInToggleGroup = this.items.filter(item => item.toggle === clickedItem.toggle); /** If there's only one item in toggle group, toggle it */ if (itemsInToggleGroup.length === 1) { clickedItem.toggleActive(); return; } /** Set clicked item as active and the rest items with same toggle key value as inactive */ itemsInToggleGroup.forEach(item => { item.toggleActive(item === clickedItem); }); } } }