/** * Codex Sanitizer */ module.exports = (function (sanitizer) { /** HTML Janitor library */ let janitor = require('html-janitor'); /** Codex Editor */ let editor = codex.editor; sanitizer.prepare = function () { if (editor.settings.sanitizer && !editor.core.isEmpty(editor.settings.sanitizer)) { Config.CUSTOM = editor.settings.sanitizer; } }; /** * Basic config */ var Config = { /** User configuration */ CUSTOM : null, BASIC : { tags: { p: {}, a: { href: true, target: '_blank', rel: 'nofollow' }, i: {}, b: {}, strong: {}, em: {}, span: {} } } }; sanitizer.Config = Config; /** * * @param userCustomConfig * @returns {*} * @private * * @description If developer uses editor's API, then he can customize sane restrictions. * Or, sane config can be defined globally in editors initialization. That config will be used everywhere * At least, if there is no config overrides, that API uses BASIC Default configation */ let init_ = function (userCustomConfig) { let configuration = userCustomConfig || Config.CUSTOM || Config.BASIC; return new janitor(configuration); }; /** * Cleans string from unwanted tags * @protected * @param {String} dirtyString - taint string * @param {Object} customConfig - allowed tags */ sanitizer.clean = function (dirtyString, customConfig) { let janitorInstance = init_(customConfig); return janitorInstance.clean(dirtyString); }; return sanitizer; })({});