2021-03-03 09:33:59 +03:00

465 lines
11 KiB

* TextRange interface for IE9-
import * as _ from './utils';
import $ from './dom';
interface TextRange {
boundingTop: number;
boundingLeft: number;
boundingBottom: number;
boundingRight: number;
boundingHeight: number;
boundingWidth: number;
* Interface for object returned by document.selection in IE9-
interface MSSelection {
createRange: () => TextRange;
type: string;
* Extends Document interface for IE9-
interface Document {
selection?: MSSelection;
* Working with selection
* @typedef {SelectionUtils} SelectionUtils
export default class SelectionUtils {
* Editor styles
* @returns {{editorWrapper: string, editorZone: string}}
public static get CSS(): { editorWrapper: string; editorZone: string } {
return {
editorWrapper: 'codex-editor',
editorZone: 'codex-editor__redactor',
* Returns selected anchor
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/Selection/anchorNode}
* @returns {Node|null}
public static get anchorNode(): Node | null {
const selection = window.getSelection();
return selection ? selection.anchorNode : null;
* Returns selected anchor element
* @returns {Element|null}
public static get anchorElement(): Element | null {
const selection = window.getSelection();
if (!selection) {
return null;
const anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;
if (!anchorNode) {
return null;
if (!$.isElement(anchorNode)) {
return anchorNode.parentElement;
} else {
return anchorNode;
* Returns selection offset according to the anchor node
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/Selection/anchorOffset}
* @returns {number|null}
public static get anchorOffset(): number | null {
const selection = window.getSelection();
return selection ? selection.anchorOffset : null;
* Is current selection range collapsed
* @returns {boolean|null}
public static get isCollapsed(): boolean | null {
const selection = window.getSelection();
return selection ? selection.isCollapsed : null;
* Check current selection if it is at Editor's zone
* @returns {boolean}
public static get isAtEditor(): boolean {
const selection = SelectionUtils.get();
* Something selected on document
let selectedNode = (selection.anchorNode || selection.focusNode) as HTMLElement;
if (selectedNode && selectedNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
selectedNode = selectedNode.parentNode as HTMLElement;
let editorZone = null;
if (selectedNode) {
editorZone = selectedNode.closest(`.${SelectionUtils.CSS.editorZone}`);
* SelectionUtils is not out of Editor because Editor's wrapper was found
return editorZone && editorZone.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
* Methods return boolean that true if selection exists on the page
public static get isSelectionExists(): boolean {
const selection = SelectionUtils.get();
return !!selection.anchorNode;
* Return first range
* @returns {Range|null}
public static get range(): Range | null {
const selection = window.getSelection();
return selection && selection.rangeCount ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : null;
* Calculates position and size of selected text
* @returns {DOMRect | ClientRect}
public static get rect(): DOMRect | ClientRect {
let sel: Selection | MSSelection = (document as Document).selection,
range: TextRange | Range;
let rect = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
} as DOMRect;
if (sel && sel.type !== 'Control') {
sel = sel as MSSelection;
range = sel.createRange() as TextRange;
rect.x = range.boundingLeft;
rect.y = range.boundingTop;
rect.width = range.boundingWidth;
rect.height = range.boundingHeight;
return rect;
if (!window.getSelection) {
_.log('Method window.getSelection is not supported', 'warn');
return rect;
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount === null || isNaN(sel.rangeCount)) {
_.log('Method SelectionUtils.rangeCount is not supported', 'warn');
return rect;
if (sel.rangeCount === 0) {
return rect;
range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange() as Range;
if (range.getBoundingClientRect) {
rect = range.getBoundingClientRect() as DOMRect;
// Fall back to inserting a temporary element
if (rect.x === 0 && rect.y === 0) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
if (span.getBoundingClientRect) {
// Ensure span has dimensions and position by
// adding a zero-width space character
rect = span.getBoundingClientRect() as DOMRect;
const spanParent = span.parentNode;
// Glue any broken text nodes back together
return rect;
* Returns selected text as String
* @returns {string}
public static get text(): string {
return window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().toString() : '';
* Selection instances
* @todo Check if this is still relevant
public instance: Selection = null;
public selection: Selection = null;
* This property can store SelectionUtils's range for restoring later
* @type {Range|null}
public savedSelectionRange: Range = null;
* Fake background is active
* @returns {boolean}
public isFakeBackgroundEnabled = false;
* Native Document's commands for fake background
private readonly commandBackground: string = 'backColor';
private readonly commandRemoveFormat: string = 'removeFormat';
* Returns window SelectionUtils
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/Window/getSelection}
* @returns {Selection}
public static get(): Selection {
return window.getSelection();
* Set focus to contenteditable or native input element
* @param element - element where to set focus
* @param offset - offset of cursor
* @returns {DOMRect} of range
public static setCursor(element: HTMLElement, offset = 0): DOMRect {
const range = document.createRange();
const selection = window.getSelection();
/** if found deepest node is native input */
if ($.isNativeInput(element)) {
if (!$.canSetCaret(element)) {
element.selectionStart = element.selectionEnd = offset;
return element.getBoundingClientRect();
range.setStart(element, offset);
range.setEnd(element, offset);
return range.getBoundingClientRect();
* Removes fake background
public removeFakeBackground(): void {
if (!this.isFakeBackgroundEnabled) {
this.isFakeBackgroundEnabled = false;
* Sets fake background
public setFakeBackground(): void {
document.execCommand(this.commandBackground, false, '#a8d6ff');
this.isFakeBackgroundEnabled = true;
* Save SelectionUtils's range
public save(): void {
this.savedSelectionRange = SelectionUtils.range;
* Restore saved SelectionUtils's range
public restore(): void {
if (!this.savedSelectionRange) {
const sel = window.getSelection();
* Clears saved selection
public clearSaved(): void {
this.savedSelectionRange = null;
* Collapse current selection
public collapseToEnd(): void {
const sel = window.getSelection();
const range = document.createRange();
* Looks ahead to find passed tag from current selection
* @param {string} tagName - tag to found
* @param {string} [className] - tag's class name
* @param {number} [searchDepth] - count of tags that can be included. For better performance.
* @returns {HTMLElement|null}
public findParentTag(tagName: string, className?: string, searchDepth = 10): HTMLElement | null {
const selection = window.getSelection();
let parentTag = null;
* If selection is missing or no anchorNode or focusNode were found then return null
if (!selection || !selection.anchorNode || !selection.focusNode) {
return null;
* Define Nodes for start and end of selection
const boundNodes = [
/** the Node in which the selection begins */
selection.anchorNode as HTMLElement,
/** the Node in which the selection ends */
selection.focusNode as HTMLElement,
* For each selection parent Nodes we try to find target tag [with target class name]
* It would be saved in parentTag variable
boundNodes.forEach((parent) => {
/** Reset tags limit */
let searchDepthIterable = searchDepth;
while (searchDepthIterable > 0 && parent.parentNode) {
* Check tag's name
if (parent.tagName === tagName) {
* Save the result
parentTag = parent;
* Optional additional check for class-name mismatching
if (className && parent.classList && !parent.classList.contains(className)) {
parentTag = null;
* If we have found required tag with class then go out from the cycle
if (parentTag) {
* Target tag was not found. Go up to the parent and check it
parent = parent.parentNode as HTMLElement;
* Return found tag or null
return parentTag;
* Expands selection range to the passed parent node
* @param {HTMLElement} element - element which contents should be selcted
public expandToTag(element: HTMLElement): void {
const selection = window.getSelection();
const range = document.createRange();