Murod Khaydarov 7acf321454
Mutation callback (#444)
* modification observer initials

* add debouncer to callback execution

* change feature name

* update

* code improvements

* tslint fixes

* use debouncer from utils

* add types

* upgrade

* fix

* update
2018-09-05 00:34:11 +03:00

58 lines
1 KiB

import ISanitizerConfig from './sanitizer-config';
import IInputOutputData from './input-output-data';
import IToolSettings from './tools/tool-settings';
import ITool from './tools/tool';
* Editor Instance config
export default interface IEditorConfig {
* Element to append Editor
holderId: string;
* Map of used Tools with or without configuration
tools: {[toolName: string]: ITool|IToolSettings};
* This Tool will be added by default
* Name should be equal a one Tool's key of Editor's Tools
initialBlock: string;
* Blocks list in JSON-format
data?: IInputOutputData;
* First Block placeholder
placeholder?: string;
* Define tags not to be stripped off while pasting
* @see {@link sanitizer}
sanitizer?: ISanitizerConfig;
* Do not show toolbar
hideToolbar?: boolean;
* Editor initialization callback
onReady?(): void;
* Trigger callback if Content has beed changed
onChange?(): void;