Murod Khaydarov 6a90784b69
Block selection (#483)
* initial commit for feature

* selection with cmd+a

* copy to clipboard

* use div instead of textarea

* select and copy improvements

* requested changes

* update

* improve styles

* remove missclick

* clear selection with escape and other keydowns except shift

* copy to clipboard with cmd+a&cmd+c

* restore selection after clearing block selection

* update submodules

* update

* rename func name

* rename getter selected

* small naming changes

* native selection fix

* fix with appendCallback

* add light animations to selection

* move appendcallback to the toolbox insertnew function

* upd styles

* update

* missed {}

* last fixes

* upgrade version
2018-11-13 19:11:47 +03:00

422 lines
11 KiB

import ITool from '../interfaces/tools/tool';
declare var Module: any;
declare var $: any;
import EditorConfig from '../interfaces/editor-config';
import InlineTool from '../interfaces/tools/inline-tool';
import SelectionUtils from '../selection';
import _ from '../utils';
* Inline toolbar with actions that modifies selected text fragment
* |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
* | B i [link] [mark] |
* |________________________|
export default class InlineToolbar extends Module {
* CSS styles
public CSS = {
inlineToolbar: 'ce-inline-toolbar',
inlineToolbarShowed: 'ce-inline-toolbar--showed',
buttonsWrapper: 'ce-inline-toolbar__buttons',
actionsWrapper: 'ce-inline-toolbar__actions',
inlineToolButton: 'ce-inline-tool',
inlineToolButtonLast: 'ce-inline-tool--last',
* Inline Toolbar elements
private nodes = {
wrapper: null,
buttons: null,
* Zone below the buttons where Tools can create additional actions by 'renderActions()' method
* For example, input for the 'link' tool or textarea for the 'comment' tool
actions: null,
* Margin above/below the Toolbar
private readonly toolbarVerticalMargin: number = 20;
* Tools instances
private toolsInstances: Map<string, InlineTool>;
* @constructor
* @param {EditorConfig} config
constructor({config}) {
* Inline Toolbar Tools
* @returns Map<string, InlineTool>
get tools(): Map<string, InlineTool> {
if (!this.toolsInstances || this.toolsInstances.size === 0) {
const allTools = this.inlineTools;
this.toolsInstances = new Map();
for (const tool in allTools) {
if (allTools.hasOwnProperty(tool)) {
this.toolsInstances.set(tool, allTools[tool]);
return this.toolsInstances;
* Making DOM
public make() {
this.nodes.wrapper = $.make('div', this.CSS.inlineToolbar);
this.nodes.buttons = $.make('div', this.CSS.buttonsWrapper);
this.nodes.actions = $.make('div', this.CSS.actionsWrapper);
* Append Inline Toolbar to the Editor
$.append(this.nodes.wrapper, [this.nodes.buttons, this.nodes.actions]);
$.append(this.Editor.UI.nodes.wrapper, this.nodes.wrapper);
* Append Inline Toolbar Tools
* Moving / appearance
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Shows Inline Toolbar by keyup/mouseup
* @param {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent} event
public handleShowingEvent(event): void {
if (!this.allowedToShow(event)) {
/** Check Tools state for selected fragment */
/** Clear selection */
* Move Toolbar to the selected text
public move(): void {
const selectionRect = SelectionUtils.rect as DOMRect;
const wrapperOffset = this.Editor.UI.nodes.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
const newCoords = {
x: selectionRect.x - wrapperOffset.left,
y: selectionRect.y
+ selectionRect.height
// + window.scrollY
- wrapperOffset.top
+ this.toolbarVerticalMargin,
* If we know selections width, place InlineToolbar to center
if (selectionRect.width) {
newCoords.x += Math.floor(selectionRect.width / 2);
this.nodes.wrapper.style.left = Math.floor(newCoords.x) + 'px';
this.nodes.wrapper.style.top = Math.floor(newCoords.y) + 'px';
* Shows Inline Toolbar
private open() {
* Filter inline-tools and show only allowed by Block's Tool
* Show Inline Toolbar
* Call 'clear' method for Inline Tools (for example, 'link' want to clear input)
this.tools.forEach( (toolInstance, toolName) => {
if (typeof toolInstance.clear === 'function') {
* Hides Inline Toolbar
private close() {
this.tools.forEach( (toolInstance, toolName) => {
if (typeof toolInstance.clear === 'function') {
* Need to show Inline Toolbar or not
* @param {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent} event
private allowedToShow(event): boolean {
* Tags conflicts with window.selection function.
* Ex. IMG tag returns null (Firefox) or Redactors wrapper (Chrome)
const tagsConflictsWithSelection = ['IMG', 'INPUT'];
if (event && tagsConflictsWithSelection.includes(event.target.tagName)) {
return false;
const currentSelection = SelectionUtils.get(),
selectedText = SelectionUtils.text;
// old browsers
if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.anchorNode) {
return false;
// empty selection
if (currentSelection.isCollapsed || selectedText.length < 1) {
return false;
// is enabled by current Block's Tool
const currentBlock = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlock(currentSelection.anchorNode);
if (!currentBlock) {
return false;
const toolSettings = this.Editor.Tools.getToolSettings(currentBlock.name);
return toolSettings && toolSettings[this.Editor.Tools.apiSettings.IS_ENABLED_INLINE_TOOLBAR];
* Show only allowed Tools
private filterTools(): void {
const currentSelection = SelectionUtils.get(),
currentBlock = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlock(currentSelection.anchorNode);
const toolSettings = this.Editor.Tools.getToolSettings(currentBlock.name),
inlineToolbarSettings = toolSettings && toolSettings[this.Editor.Tools.apiSettings.IS_ENABLED_INLINE_TOOLBAR];
* All Inline Toolbar buttons
* @type {HTMLElement[]}
const buttons = Array.from(this.nodes.buttons.querySelectorAll(`.${this.CSS.inlineToolButton}`)) as HTMLElement[];
* Show previously hided
buttons.forEach((button) => {
button.hidden = false;
* Filter buttons if Block Tool pass config like inlineToolbar=['link']
if (Array.isArray(inlineToolbarSettings)) {
buttons.forEach((button) => {
button.hidden = !inlineToolbarSettings.includes(button.dataset.tool);
* Tick for removing right-margin from last visible button.
* Current generation of CSS does not allow to filter :visible elements
const lastVisibleButton = buttons.filter((button) => !button.hidden).pop();
if (lastVisibleButton) {
* Working with Tools
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Fill Inline Toolbar with Tools
private addTools(): void {
this.tools.forEach( (toolInstance, toolName) => {
this.addTool(toolName, toolInstance);
* Add tool button and activate clicks
private addTool(toolName: string, tool: InlineTool): void {
const {
} = this.Editor;
const button = tool.render();
if (!button) {
_.log('Render method must return an instance of Node', 'warn', toolName);
button.dataset.tool = toolName;
if (typeof tool.renderActions === 'function') {
const actions = tool.renderActions();
Listeners.on(button, 'click', (event) => {
* Enable shortcuts
* Ignore tool that doesn't have shortcut or empty string
const toolSettings = Tools.getToolSettings(toolName);
let shortcut = null;
* Get internal inline tools
const internalTools: string[] = Object
.filter(([name, toolClass]: [string, ITool]) => toolClass[Tools.apiSettings.IS_INLINE])
.map(([name, toolClass]: [string, ITool]) => name);
* 1) For internal tools, check public getter 'shortcut'
* 2) For external tools, check tool's settings
if (internalTools.includes(toolName)) {
shortcut = this.inlineTools[toolName].shortcut;
} else if (toolSettings && toolSettings[Tools.apiSettings.SHORTCUT]) {
shortcut = toolSettings[Tools.apiSettings.SHORTCUT];
if (shortcut) {
this.enableShortcuts(tool, shortcut);
* Enable Tool shortcut with Editor Shortcuts Module
* @param {InlineTool} tool - Tool instance
* @param {string} shortcut - shortcut according to the Shortcut Module format
private enableShortcuts(tool: InlineTool, shortcut: string): void {
name: shortcut,
handler: (event) => {
const {currentBlock} = this.Editor.BlockManager;
* Editor is not focused
if (!currentBlock) {
* We allow to fire shortcut with empty selection (isCollapsed=true)
* it can be used by tools like «Mention» that works without selection:
* Example: by SHIFT+@ show dropdown and insert selected username
// if (SelectionUtils.isCollapsed) return;
const toolSettings = this.Editor.Tools.getToolSettings(currentBlock.name);
if (!toolSettings || !toolSettings[this.Editor.Tools.apiSettings.IS_ENABLED_INLINE_TOOLBAR]) {
* Inline Tool button clicks
* @param {InlineTool} tool - Tool's instance
private toolClicked(tool: InlineTool): void {
const range = SelectionUtils.range;
* Check Tools` state by selection
private checkToolsState(): void {
this.tools.forEach( (toolInstance, toolName) => {
* Get inline tools tools
* Tools that has isInline is true
private get inlineTools(): {[name: string]: InlineTool} {
const result = {};
for (const tool in this.Editor.Tools.inline) {
if (this.Editor.Tools.inline.hasOwnProperty(tool)) {
result[tool] = this.Editor.Tools.constructInline(this.Editor.Tools.inline[tool]);
return result;