Tanya 6c0555a322
[Feature] Multiple toolbox items for single tool (#2050)
* the popover component, vertical toolbox

* toolbox position improved

* popover width improved

* always show the plus button

* search field added

* search input in popover

* trying to create mobile toolbox

* FIx mobile popover fixed positioning

* Add mobile popover overlay

* Hide mobile popover on scroll

* Tmp

* feat(toolbox): popover adapted for mobile devices (#2004)

* FIx mobile popover fixed positioning

* Add mobile popover overlay

* Hide mobile popover on scroll

* Alter toolbox buttons hover

* Fix closing popover on overlay click

* Tests fix

* Fix onchange test

* restore focus after toolbox closing by ESC

* don't move toolbar by block-hover on mobile

Resolves #1972

* popover mobile styles improved

* Cleanup

* Remove scroll event listener

* Lock scroll on mobile

* don't show shortcuts in mobile popover

* Change data attr name

* Remove unused styles

* Remove unused listeners

* disable hover on mobile popover

* Scroll fix

* Lint

* Revert "Scroll fix"

This reverts commit 82deae543e.

* Return back background color for active state of toolbox buttons

Co-authored-by: Peter Savchenko <specc.dev@gmail.com>

* Vertical toolbox fixes (#2017)

* Replace visibility property with display for hiding popover

* Disable arrow right and left keys for popover

* Revert "Replace visibility property with display for hiding popover"

This reverts commit af521cf6f2.

* Hide popover via setting max-height to 0 to fix animation in safari

* Remove redundant condition

* Extend element interface to avoid ts errors

* Do not subscribe to block hovered if mobile

* Add unsubscribing from overlay click event

* Rename isMobile to isMobileScreen

* Cleanup

* fix: popover opening direction (#2022)

* Change popover opening direction based on available space below it

* Update check

* Use cacheable decorator

* Update src/components/flipper.ts

Co-authored-by: George Berezhnoy <gohabereg@users.noreply.github.com>

* Fixes

* Fix test

* Clear search on popover hide

* Fix popover width

* Fix for tests

* Update todos

* Linter fixes

* rm todo about beforeInsert

because I have no idea what does it mean

* i18n for search labels done

* rm methods for hiding/showing of +

* some code style update

* Update CHANGELOG.md

* make the list items a little bit compact

* fix z-index issue caused by block-appearing animation

also, improve popover padding for two reasons:

- make the popover more consistent with the Table tool popover (in future, it can be done with the same api method)
- make popover looks better

* Some progress

Use overriden config


* Cleanup

* Proceed cleanup

* Update tool-settings.d.ts

* Get rid of isToolboxItemActive

* Get rid of key

* Filter out duplicates in conversion menu

* Rename hash to id

* Change function for generating hash

* Cleanup

* Further cleanup

* [Feature] Multiple toolbox items: using of data overrides instead of config overrides (#2064)

* Use data instead of config

* check if active toolbox entry exists

* comparison improved

* eslint fix

* rename toolbox types, simplify hasTools method

* add empty line

* wrong line

* add multiple toobox note to the doc

* Update toolbox configs merge logic

* Add a test case

* Add toolbox ui tests

* Update tests

* upd doc

* Update header

* Update changelog and package.json

* Update changelog

* Update jsdoc

* Remove unused dependency

* Make BlockTool's toolbox getter always return an array

* Fix for unconfigured toolbox

* Revert "Fix for unconfigured toolbox"

This reverts commit dff1df2304.

* Change return type

* Merge data overrides with actual block data when inserting a block

* Revert "Merge data overrides with actual block data when inserting a block"

This reverts commit eb0a59cc64.

* Merge tool's data with data overrides

* Move merging block data with data overrides to insertNewBlock

* Update changelog

* Rename getDefaultBlockData to composeBlockData

* Create block data on condition

* Update types/api/blocks.d.ts

Co-authored-by: Peter Savchenko <specc.dev@gmail.com>

* Update src/components/modules/api/blocks.ts

Co-authored-by: Peter Savchenko <specc.dev@gmail.com>

Co-authored-by: Peter Savchenko <specc.dev@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: George Berezhnoy <gohabereg@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-06-17 18:31:55 +03:00

106 lines
3.7 KiB

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