George Berezhnoy 79f8660637 Version 2.13 (#719)
* Do not start multi-block selection on UI elements (#662)

* Do not start multi-block selection on UI elements

* Do not prevent mousedown event on inline toolbar actions

* Remove log

* Add comment

* Add link to issue

closes #646

* Fix loss of pointer (#666)

* Fix loss of pointer when click is outside of the editor but selection is inside

* Remove log

* Update shortcuts module (#685)

* Fixed possible grammatical typo (#681)


* Update shortcuts module

* update changelog

* update

* Remove margin top for inline-link icon (#690)

* Remove margin top for inline-link icon

resolves #674

* Update CHANGELOG.md

* Remove unused style

* Pull fresh tools

* Remove changelog contents from readme (#700)

* #665 API to open and close inline-toolbar (#711)

* API to open and close inline-toolbar

* Fixed documentation

* renamed inline -> inline-toolbar

* removed dist

* reset editor.js

* added editor.js bundle

* Fixed build error

* Null checks on toolbar/inline@open

* updated bundle

* Improve some comments

* Updatd api.md CHANGELOG.md

* Change feature to new instead of improvement

* Allow holderId work with ref on dom element (#710)

* done

* update types

* attempt to simplify code

* remove useless helper

* revert holderId logic and add holder property

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-Authored-By: dimensi <eddimensi@gmail.com>

* update holder type on string | HTMLElement

* fix typo

* add deprecated notice and fix typos

* fix wrong compare

* fix comments

* swap console.log on _.log

* update types for editor config

* update examples

* update docs

* update build

* Activating Open Collective (#736)

Hi, I'm making updates for Open Collective. Either you or a supporter signed this repo up for Open Collective. This pull request adds backers and sponsors from your Open Collective https://opencollective.com/editorjs❤️

It adds two badges at the top to show the latest number of backers and sponsors. It also adds placeholders so that the avatar/logo of new backers/sponsors can automatically be shown without having to update your README.md. [more info](https://github.com/opencollective/opencollective/wiki/Github-banner). See how it looks on this [repo](https://github.com/apex/apex#backers).

You can also add a postinstall script to let people know after npm|yarn install that you are welcoming donations (optional). [More info](https://github.com/OpenCollective/opencollective-cli)
You can also add a "Donate" button to your website and automatically show your backers and sponsors there with our widgets. Have a look here: https://opencollective.com/widgets

P.S: As with any pull request, feel free to comment or suggest changes. The only thing "required" are the placeholders on the README because we believe it's important to acknowledge the people in your community that are contributing (financially or with code!).

Thank you for your great contribution to the open source community. You are awesome! 🙌
And welcome to the open collective community! 😊

Come chat with us in the #opensource channel on https://slack.opencollective.com - great place to ask questions and share best practices with other open source sustainers!

* Do not install editor.js as dev-dependency (#731)

Resolves #730

* Move codex-notifier to dependencies for typescript declarations (#728)

* Close inline toolbar after creating new link by pressing ENTER (#722)

* Method to clear current selection and close inline toolbar

* clearSelection with optional collapsed range

* refactored selection.ts

* removed experimental function

* Update src/components/selection.ts

Co-Authored-By: tanmayv <12tanmayvijay@gmail.com>

* update version, add changelog

* Link Logo Image to homepage (#738)

* Update README.md (#744)

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

Co-Authored-By: neSpecc <specc.dev@gmail.com>

* Config minHeight option that allows to customize bottom zone (#745)

* issue-739: allow Block's editable element selection (#747)

* issue-739: allow Block's input selection

* little improvements

* update Changelog and cache inputs

* small fix

* delete map file

* fix inputs.count condition

* Fix typo in example paragraph (#749)

* Fix typo

* Update example-dev.html

* minor release
2019-04-29 15:52:54 +03:00

379 lines
8.7 KiB

import SelectionUtils from '../selection';
import $ from '../dom';
import _ from '../utils';
import {API, InlineTool, SanitizerConfig} from '../../../types';
import {Notifier, Toolbar} from '../../../types/api';
* Link Tool
* Inline Toolbar Tool
* Wrap selected text with <a> tag
export default class LinkInlineTool implements InlineTool {
* Specifies Tool as Inline Toolbar Tool
* @return {boolean}
public static isInline = true;
* Sanitizer Rule
* Leave <a> tags
* @return {object}
static get sanitize(): SanitizerConfig {
return {
a: {
href: true,
target: '_blank',
rel: 'nofollow',
} as SanitizerConfig;
* Native Document's commands for link/unlink
private readonly commandLink: string = 'createLink';
private readonly commandUnlink: string = 'unlink';
* Enter key code
private readonly ENTER_KEY: number = 13;
* Styles
private readonly CSS = {
button: 'ce-inline-tool',
buttonActive: 'ce-inline-tool--active',
buttonModifier: 'ce-inline-tool--link',
buttonUnlink: 'ce-inline-tool--unlink',
input: 'ce-inline-tool-input',
inputShowed: 'ce-inline-tool-input--showed',
* Elements
private nodes: {
button: HTMLButtonElement;
input: HTMLInputElement;
} = {
button: null,
input: null,
* SelectionUtils instance
private selection: SelectionUtils;
* Input opening state
private inputOpened: boolean = false;
* Available Toolbar methods (open/close)
private toolbar: Toolbar;
* Available inline toolbar methods (open/close)
private inlineToolbar: Toolbar;
* Notifier API methods
private notifier: Notifier;
* @param {{api: API}} - Editor.js API
constructor({api}) {
this.toolbar = api.toolbar;
this.inlineToolbar = api.inlineToolbar;
this.notifier = api.notifier;
this.selection = new SelectionUtils();
* Create button for Inline Toolbar
public render(): HTMLElement {
this.nodes.button = document.createElement('button') as HTMLButtonElement;
this.nodes.button.type = 'button';
this.nodes.button.classList.add(this.CSS.button, this.CSS.buttonModifier);
this.nodes.button.appendChild($.svg('link', 15, 14));
this.nodes.button.appendChild($.svg('unlink', 16, 18));
return this.nodes.button;
* Input for the link
public renderActions(): HTMLElement {
this.nodes.input = document.createElement('input') as HTMLInputElement;
this.nodes.input.placeholder = 'Add a link';
this.nodes.input.addEventListener('keydown', (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (event.keyCode === this.ENTER_KEY) {
return this.nodes.input;
* Handle clicks on the Inline Toolbar icon
* @param {Range} range
public surround(range: Range): void {
* Range will be null when user makes second click on the 'link icon' to close opened input
if (range) {
* Save selection before change focus to the input
if (!this.inputOpened) {
/** Create blue background instead of selection */
} else {
const parentAnchor = this.selection.findParentTag('A');
* Unlink icon pressed
if (parentAnchor) {
* Check selection and set activated state to button if there are <a> tag
* @param {Selection} selection
public checkState(selection?: Selection): boolean {
const anchorTag = this.selection.findParentTag('A');
if (anchorTag) {
* Fill input value with link href
const hrefAttr = anchorTag.getAttribute('href');
this.nodes.input.value = hrefAttr !== 'null' ? hrefAttr : '';
} else {
return !!anchorTag;
* Function called with Inline Toolbar closing
public clear(): void {
* Set a shortcut
public get shortcut(): string {
return 'CMD+K';
private toggleActions(): void {
if (!this.inputOpened) {
} else {
* @param {boolean} needFocus - on link creation we need to focus input. On editing - nope.
private openActions(needFocus: boolean = false): void {
if (needFocus) {
this.inputOpened = true;
* Close input
* @param {boolean} clearSavedSelection — we don't need to clear saved selection
* on toggle-clicks on the icon of opened Toolbar
private closeActions(clearSavedSelection: boolean = true): void {
if (this.selection.isFakeBackgroundEnabled) {
// if actions is broken by other selection We need to save new selection
const currentSelection = new SelectionUtils();
// and recover new selection after removing fake background
this.nodes.input.value = '';
if (clearSavedSelection) {
this.inputOpened = false;
* Enter pressed on input
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event
private enterPressed(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
let value = this.nodes.input.value || '';
if (!value.trim()) {
if (!this.validateURL(value)) {
message: 'Pasted link is not valid.',
style: 'error',
_.log('Incorrect Link pasted', 'warn', value);
value = this.prepareLink(value);
* Preventing events that will be able to happen
* Detects if passed string is URL
* @param {string} str
* @return {Boolean}
private validateURL(str: string): boolean {
* Don't allow spaces
return !/\s/.test(str);
* Process link before injection
* - sanitize
* - add protocol for links like 'google.com'
* @param {string} link - raw user input
private prepareLink(link: string): string {
link = link.trim();
link = this.addProtocol(link);
return link;
* Add 'http' protocol to the links like 'vc.ru', 'google.com'
* @param {String} link
private addProtocol(link: string): string {
* If protocol already exists, do nothing
if (/^(\w+):\/\//.test(link)) {
return link;
* We need to add missed HTTP protocol to the link, but skip 2 cases:
* 1) Internal links like "/general"
* 2) Anchors looks like "#results"
* 3) Protocol-relative URLs like "//google.com"
const isInternal = /^\/[^\/\s]/.test(link),
isAnchor = link.substring(0, 1) === '#',
isProtocolRelative = /^\/\/[^\/\s]/.test(link);
if (!isInternal && !isAnchor && !isProtocolRelative) {
link = 'http://' + link;
return link;
* Inserts <a> tag with "href"
* @param {string} link - "href" value
private insertLink(link: string): void {
* Edit all link, not selected part
const anchorTag = this.selection.findParentTag('A');
if (anchorTag) {
document.execCommand(this.commandLink, false, link);
* Removes <a> tag
private unlink(): void {