Peter Savchenko 922dfd8741
chore(api): blocks.update(id, data) method improved (#2443)
* add custom Chai assertion "be.calledWithBatchedEvents" for testing onchange

* chore(api): blocks.update(id, data) method improved

- `blocks.update(id, data)` now can accept partial data object — it will update only passed properties, others will remain the same.
- `blocks.update(id, data)` now will trigger onChange with only `block-change` event.
- `blocks.update(id, data)` will return a promise with BlockAPI object of changed block.

* fix tests

* Update blocks.cy.ts
2023-08-19 07:53:42 +03:00

60 lines
1.9 KiB

/* global chai */
// because this file is imported from cypress/support/e2e.js
// that means all other spec files will have this assertion plugin
// available to them because the supportFile is bundled and served
// prior to any spec files loading
import PartialBlockMutationEvent from '../fixtures/types/PartialBlockMutationEvent';
* Chai plugin for checking if passed onChange method is called with an array of passed events
* @param _chai - Chai instance
const beCalledWithBatchedEvents = (_chai): void => {
* Check if passed onChange method is called with an array of passed events
* @param expectedEvents - batched events to check
function assertToBeCalledWithBatchedEvents(expectedEvents: PartialBlockMutationEvent[]): void {
* EditorJS API is passed as the first parameter of the onChange callback
const EditorJSApiMock = Cypress.sinon.match.any;
const $onChange = this._obj;
'expected #{this} to be called once',
'expected #{this} to not be called once'
Cypress.sinon.match((events: PartialBlockMutationEvent[]) => {
return events.every((event, index) => {
const eventToCheck = expectedEvents[index];
return expect(event).to.containSubset(eventToCheck);
'expected #{this} to be called with #{exp}, but it was called with #{act}',
'expected #{this} to not be called with #{exp}, but it was called with #{act} ',
_chai.Assertion.addMethod('calledWithBatchedEvents', assertToBeCalledWithBatchedEvents);
* registers our assertion function "beCalledWithBatchedEvents" with Chai