Peter Savchenko 23858e0025
fix(conversion): restore caret after conversion though the Inline Toolbar and API (#2699)
* fix caret loosing after caret

* Refactor convert method to return Promise in Blocks API

* changelog upd

* Fix missing semicolon in blocks.cy.ts and BlockTunes.cy.ts

* add test for inline toolbar conversion

* Fix missing semicolon in InlineToolbar.cy.ts

* add test for toolbox shortcut

* api caret.setToBlock now can accept block api or index or id

* eslint fix

* Refactor test descriptions in caret.cy.ts

* rm tsconfig change

* lint

* lint

* Update CHANGELOG.md
2024-04-29 22:24:31 +03:00

731 lines
20 KiB

import Module from '../../__module';
import $ from '../../dom';
import SelectionUtils from '../../selection';
import * as _ from '../../utils';
import { InlineTool as IInlineTool } from '../../../../types';
import Flipper from '../../flipper';
import I18n from '../../i18n';
import { I18nInternalNS } from '../../i18n/namespace-internal';
import Shortcuts from '../../utils/shortcuts';
import * as tooltip from '../../utils/tooltip';
import { ModuleConfig } from '../../../types-internal/module-config';
import InlineTool from '../../tools/inline';
import { CommonInternalSettings } from '../../tools/base';
import { IconChevronDown } from '@codexteam/icons';
* Inline Toolbar elements
interface InlineToolbarNodes {
wrapper: HTMLElement | undefined;
togglerAndButtonsWrapper: HTMLElement | undefined;
buttons: HTMLElement | undefined;
conversionToggler: HTMLElement | undefined;
conversionTogglerContent: HTMLElement | undefined;
* Zone below the buttons where Tools can create additional actions by 'renderActions()' method
* For example, input for the 'link' tool or textarea for the 'comment' tool
actions: HTMLElement | undefined;
* Inline toolbar with actions that modifies selected text fragment
* |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
* | B i [link] [mark] |
* |________________________|
export default class InlineToolbar extends Module<InlineToolbarNodes> {
* CSS styles
public CSS = {
inlineToolbar: 'ce-inline-toolbar',
inlineToolbarShowed: 'ce-inline-toolbar--showed',
inlineToolbarLeftOriented: 'ce-inline-toolbar--left-oriented',
inlineToolbarRightOriented: 'ce-inline-toolbar--right-oriented',
inlineToolbarShortcut: 'ce-inline-toolbar__shortcut',
buttonsWrapper: 'ce-inline-toolbar__buttons',
actionsWrapper: 'ce-inline-toolbar__actions',
inlineToolButton: 'ce-inline-tool',
inputField: 'cdx-input',
focusedButton: 'ce-inline-tool--focused',
conversionToggler: 'ce-inline-toolbar__dropdown',
conversionTogglerArrow: 'ce-inline-toolbar__dropdown-arrow',
conversionTogglerHidden: 'ce-inline-toolbar__dropdown--hidden',
conversionTogglerContent: 'ce-inline-toolbar__dropdown-content',
togglerAndButtonsWrapper: 'ce-inline-toolbar__toggler-and-button-wrapper',
* State of inline toolbar
* @type {boolean}
public opened = false;
* Margin above/below the Toolbar
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
private readonly toolbarVerticalMargin: number = _.isMobileScreen() ? 20 : 6;
* TODO: Get rid of this
* Currently visible tools instances
private toolsInstances: Map<string, IInlineTool>;
* Buttons List
* @type {NodeList}
private buttonsList: NodeList = null;
* Cache for Inline Toolbar width
* @type {number}
private width = 0;
* Instance of class that responses for leafing buttons by arrows/tab
private flipper: Flipper = null;
* @class
* @param moduleConfiguration - Module Configuration
* @param moduleConfiguration.config - Editor's config
* @param moduleConfiguration.eventsDispatcher - Editor's event dispatcher
constructor({ config, eventsDispatcher }: ModuleConfig) {
* Toggles read-only mode
* @param {boolean} readOnlyEnabled - read-only mode
public toggleReadOnly(readOnlyEnabled: boolean): void {
if (!readOnlyEnabled) {
window.requestIdleCallback(() => {
}, { timeout: 2000 });
} else {
* Moving / appearance
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Shows Inline Toolbar if something is selected
* @param [needToClose] - pass true to close toolbar if it is not allowed.
* Avoid to use it just for closing IT, better call .close() clearly.
* @param [needToShowConversionToolbar] - pass false to not to show Conversion Toolbar
public async tryToShow(needToClose = false, needToShowConversionToolbar = true): Promise<void> {
if (needToClose) {
if (!this.allowedToShow()) {
await this.addToolsFiltered(needToShowConversionToolbar);
* Hides Inline Toolbar
public close(): void {
if (!this.opened) {
if (this.Editor.ReadOnly.isEnabled) {
Array.from(this.toolsInstances.entries()).forEach(([name, toolInstance]) => {
const shortcut = this.getToolShortcut(name);
if (shortcut) {
Shortcuts.remove(this.Editor.UI.nodes.redactor, shortcut);
* @todo replace 'clear' with 'destroy'
if (_.isFunction(toolInstance.clear)) {
this.opened = false;
* Check if node is contained by Inline Toolbar
* @param {Node} node — node to check
public containsNode(node: Node): boolean {
if (this.nodes.wrapper === undefined) {
return false;
return this.nodes.wrapper.contains(node);
* Removes UI and its components
public destroy(): void {
* Sometimes (in read-only mode) there is no Flipper
if (this.flipper) {
this.flipper = null;
* Making DOM
private make(): void {
this.nodes.wrapper = $.make('div', [
...(this.isRtl ? [ this.Editor.UI.CSS.editorRtlFix ] : []),
if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'test') {
this.nodes.wrapper.setAttribute('data-cy', 'inline-toolbar');
* Creates a different wrapper for toggler and buttons.
this.nodes.togglerAndButtonsWrapper = $.make('div', this.CSS.togglerAndButtonsWrapper);
this.nodes.buttons = $.make('div', this.CSS.buttonsWrapper);
this.nodes.actions = $.make('div', this.CSS.actionsWrapper);
// To prevent reset of a selection when click on the wrapper
this.listeners.on(this.nodes.wrapper, 'mousedown', (event) => {
const isClickedOnActionsWrapper = (event.target as Element).closest(`.${this.CSS.actionsWrapper}`);
// If click is on actions wrapper,
// do not prevent default behavior because actions might include interactive elements
if (!isClickedOnActionsWrapper) {
* Append the intermediary wrapper which contains toggler and buttons and button actions.
$.append(this.nodes.wrapper, [this.nodes.togglerAndButtonsWrapper, this.nodes.actions]);
* Append the inline toolbar to the editor.
$.append(this.Editor.UI.nodes.wrapper, this.nodes.wrapper);
* Add button that will allow switching block type
* Wrapper for the inline tools
* Will be appended after the Conversion Toolbar toggler
$.append(this.nodes.togglerAndButtonsWrapper, this.nodes.buttons);
* Prepare conversion toolbar.
* If it has any conversion tool then it will be enabled in the Inline Toolbar
* Recalculate initial width with all buttons
* We use RIC to prevent forced layout during editor initialization to make it faster
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
* Allow to leaf buttons by arrows / tab
* Buttons will be filled on opening
* Shows Inline Toolbar
private open(): void {
if (this.opened) {
* Show Inline Toolbar
this.buttonsList = this.nodes.buttons.querySelectorAll(`.${this.CSS.inlineToolButton}`);
this.opened = true;
* Get currently visible buttons to pass it to the Flipper
let visibleTools = Array.from(this.buttonsList);
visibleTools = visibleTools.filter((tool) => !(tool as HTMLElement).hidden);
this.flipper.activate(visibleTools as HTMLElement[]);
* Move Toolbar to the selected text
private move(): void {
const selectionRect = SelectionUtils.rect as DOMRect;
const wrapperOffset = this.Editor.UI.nodes.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
const newCoords = {
x: selectionRect.x - wrapperOffset.x,
y: selectionRect.y +
selectionRect.height -
// + window.scrollY
wrapperOffset.top +
const realRightCoord = newCoords.x + this.width + wrapperOffset.x;
* Prevent InlineToolbar from overflowing the content zone on the right side
if (realRightCoord > this.Editor.UI.contentRect.right) {
newCoords.x = this.Editor.UI.contentRect.right - this.width - wrapperOffset.x;
this.nodes.wrapper.style.left = Math.floor(newCoords.x) + 'px';
this.nodes.wrapper.style.top = Math.floor(newCoords.y) + 'px';
* Clear orientation classes and reset position
private reset(): void {
this.nodes.wrapper.style.left = '0';
this.nodes.wrapper.style.top = '0';
* Need to show Inline Toolbar or not
private allowedToShow(): boolean {
* Tags conflicts with window.selection function.
* Ex. IMG tag returns null (Firefox) or Redactors wrapper (Chrome)
const tagsConflictsWithSelection = ['IMG', 'INPUT'];
const currentSelection = SelectionUtils.get();
const selectedText = SelectionUtils.text;
// old browsers
if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.anchorNode) {
return false;
// empty selection
if (currentSelection.isCollapsed || selectedText.length < 1) {
return false;
const target = !$.isElement(currentSelection.anchorNode)
? currentSelection.anchorNode.parentElement
: currentSelection.anchorNode;
if (currentSelection && tagsConflictsWithSelection.includes(target.tagName)) {
return false;
// The selection of the element only in contenteditable
const contenteditable = target.closest('[contenteditable="true"]');
if (contenteditable === null) {
return false;
// is enabled by current Block's Tool
const currentBlock = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlock(currentSelection.anchorNode as HTMLElement);
if (!currentBlock) {
return false;
return currentBlock.tool.inlineTools.size !== 0;
* Recalculate inline toolbar width
private recalculateWidth(): void {
this.width = this.nodes.wrapper.offsetWidth;
* Create a toggler for Conversion Dropdown
* and prepend it to the buttons list
private addConversionToggler(): void {
this.nodes.conversionToggler = $.make('div', this.CSS.conversionToggler);
this.nodes.conversionTogglerContent = $.make('div', this.CSS.conversionTogglerContent);
const iconWrapper = $.make('div', this.CSS.conversionTogglerArrow, {
innerHTML: IconChevronDown,
if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'test') {
this.nodes.conversionToggler.setAttribute('data-cy', 'conversion-toggler');
this.listeners.on(this.nodes.conversionToggler, 'click', () => {
this.Editor.ConversionToolbar.toggle((conversionToolbarOpened) => {
* When ConversionToolbar is opening on activated InlineToolbar flipper
* Then we need to temporarily deactivate InlineToolbar flipper so that we could flip ConversionToolbar items
* Other case when ConversionToolbar is closing (for example, by escape) but we need to continue flipping
* InlineToolbar items, we activate InlineToolbar flipper
const canActivateInlineToolbarFlipper = !conversionToolbarOpened && this.opened;
if (canActivateInlineToolbarFlipper) {
} else if (this.opened) {
if (_.isMobileScreen() === false ) {
tooltip.onHover(this.nodes.conversionToggler, I18n.ui(I18nInternalNS.ui.inlineToolbar.converter, 'Convert to'), {
placement: 'top',
hidingDelay: 100,
* Changes Conversion Dropdown content for current block's Tool
private async setConversionTogglerContent(): Promise<void> {
const { BlockManager } = this.Editor;
const { currentBlock } = BlockManager;
const toolName = currentBlock.name;
* If tool does not provide 'export' rule, hide conversion dropdown
const conversionConfig = currentBlock.tool.conversionConfig;
const exportRuleDefined = conversionConfig && conversionConfig.export;
this.nodes.conversionToggler.hidden = !exportRuleDefined;
this.nodes.conversionToggler.classList.toggle(this.CSS.conversionTogglerHidden, !exportRuleDefined);
* Get icon or title for dropdown
const toolboxSettings = await currentBlock.getActiveToolboxEntry() || {};
this.nodes.conversionTogglerContent.innerHTML =
toolboxSettings.icon ||
toolboxSettings.title ||
* Makes the Conversion Dropdown
private prepareConversionToolbar(): void {
const ct = this.Editor.ConversionToolbar.make();
$.append(this.nodes.wrapper, ct);
* Working with Tools
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Append only allowed Tools
* @param {boolean} needToShowConversionToolbar - pass false to not to show Conversion Toolbar (e.g. for Footnotes-like tools)
private async addToolsFiltered(needToShowConversionToolbar = true): Promise<void> {
const currentSelection = SelectionUtils.get();
const currentBlock = this.Editor.BlockManager.getBlock(currentSelection.anchorNode as HTMLElement);
* Clear buttons list
this.nodes.buttons.innerHTML = '';
this.nodes.actions.innerHTML = '';
this.toolsInstances = new Map();
Array.from(currentBlock.tool.inlineTools.values()).forEach(tool => {
if (needToShowConversionToolbar && this.Editor.ConversionToolbar.hasTools()) {
* Change Conversion Dropdown content for current tool
await this.setConversionTogglerContent();
} else {
* hide Conversion Dropdown with there are no tools
this.nodes.conversionToggler.hidden = true;
* Recalculate width because some buttons can be hidden
* Add tool button and activate clicks
* @param {InlineTool} tool - InlineTool object
private addTool(tool: InlineTool): void {
const instance = tool.create();
const button = instance.render();
if (!button) {
_.log('Render method must return an instance of Node', 'warn', tool.name);
button.dataset.tool = tool.name;
this.toolsInstances.set(tool.name, instance);
if (_.isFunction(instance.renderActions)) {
const actions = instance.renderActions();
this.listeners.on(button, 'click', (event) => {
const shortcut = this.getToolShortcut(tool.name);
if (shortcut) {
try {
this.enableShortcuts(instance, shortcut);
} catch (e) {}
* Enable tooltip module on button
const tooltipContent = $.make('div');
const toolTitle = I18n.t(
tool.title || _.capitalize(tool.name)
if (shortcut) {
tooltipContent.appendChild($.make('div', this.CSS.inlineToolbarShortcut, {
textContent: _.beautifyShortcut(shortcut),
if (_.isMobileScreen() === false ) {
tooltip.onHover(button, tooltipContent, {
placement: 'top',
hidingDelay: 100,
* Get shortcut name for tool
* @param toolName — Tool name
private getToolShortcut(toolName): string | void {
const { Tools } = this.Editor;
* Enable shortcuts
* Ignore tool that doesn't have shortcut or empty string
const tool = Tools.inlineTools.get(toolName);
* 1) For internal tools, check public getter 'shortcut'
* 2) For external tools, check tool's settings
* 3) If shortcut is not set in settings, check Tool's public property
const internalTools = Tools.internal.inlineTools;
if (Array.from(internalTools.keys()).includes(toolName)) {
return this.inlineTools[toolName][CommonInternalSettings.Shortcut];
return tool.shortcut;
* Enable Tool shortcut with Editor Shortcuts Module
* @param {InlineTool} tool - Tool instance
* @param {string} shortcut - shortcut according to the ShortcutData Module format
private enableShortcuts(tool: IInlineTool, shortcut: string): void {
name: shortcut,
handler: (event) => {
const { currentBlock } = this.Editor.BlockManager;
* Editor is not focused
if (!currentBlock) {
* We allow to fire shortcut with empty selection (isCollapsed=true)
* it can be used by tools like «Mention» that works without selection:
* Example: by SHIFT+@ show dropdown and insert selected username
// if (SelectionUtils.isCollapsed) return;
if (!currentBlock.tool.enabledInlineTools) {
on: this.Editor.UI.nodes.redactor,
* Inline Tool button clicks
* @param {InlineTool} tool - Tool's instance
private toolClicked(tool: IInlineTool): void {
const range = SelectionUtils.range;
* If tool has "actions", so after click it will probably toggle them on.
* For example, the Inline Link Tool will show the URL-input.
* So we disable the Flipper for that case to allow Tool bind own Enter listener
if (tool.renderActions !== undefined) {
* Check Tools` state by selection
private checkToolsState(): void {
this.toolsInstances.forEach((toolInstance) => {
* Get inline tools tools
* Tools that has isInline is true
private get inlineTools(): { [name: string]: IInlineTool } {
const result = {};
.forEach(([name, tool]) => {
result[name] = tool.create();
return result;
* Allow to leaf buttons by arrows / tab
* Buttons will be filled on opening
private enableFlipper(): void {
this.flipper = new Flipper({
focusedItemClass: this.CSS.focusedButton,
allowedKeys: [