Peter Savchenko b1b582b150
feat(icons): codex icons package is used instead of svg sprite (#2173)
* chore(icons): migrating to the coded icon pack

* conversion toolbar

* inline toolbar, part 1

* inline-link tool has the new icons

* added a test for creating a link by Enter keydown in link input

* rm last icons, svg sprite, loaders

* rollback .ce-settings styles

* Update CHANGELOG.md

* Update settings.json
2022-11-25 22:26:23 +04:00

114 lines
3 KiB

import $ from '../../components/dom';
import { API, BlockTool, BlockToolConstructorOptions, BlockToolData } from '../../../types';
export interface StubData extends BlockToolData {
title: string;
savedData: BlockToolData;
* This tool will be shown in place of a block without corresponding plugin
* It will store its data inside and pass it back with article saving
export default class Stub implements BlockTool {
* Notify core that tool supports read-only mode
public static isReadOnlySupported = true;
* Stub styles
* @type {{wrapper: string, info: string, title: string, subtitle: string}}
private CSS = {
wrapper: 'ce-stub',
info: 'ce-stub__info',
title: 'ce-stub__title',
subtitle: 'ce-stub__subtitle',
* Main stub wrapper
private readonly wrapper: HTMLElement;
* Editor.js API
private readonly api: API;
* Stub title — tool name
private readonly title: string;
* Stub hint
private readonly subtitle: string;
* Original Tool data
private readonly savedData: BlockToolData;
* @param options - constructor options
* @param options.data - stub tool data
* @param options.api - Editor.js API
constructor({ data, api }: BlockToolConstructorOptions<StubData>) {
this.api = api;
this.title = data.title || this.api.i18n.t('Error');
this.subtitle = this.api.i18n.t('The block can not be displayed correctly.');
this.savedData = data.savedData;
this.wrapper = this.make();
* Returns stub holder
* @returns {HTMLElement}
public render(): HTMLElement {
return this.wrapper;
* Return original Tool data
* @returns {BlockToolData}
public save(): BlockToolData {
return this.savedData;
* Create Tool html markup
* @returns {HTMLElement}
private make(): HTMLElement {
const wrapper = $.make('div', this.CSS.wrapper);
const icon = `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52" height="52" viewBox="0 0 52 52"><path fill="#D76B6B" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M26 52C11.64 52 0 40.36 0 26S11.64 0 26 0s26 11.64 26 26-11.64 26-26 26zm0-3.25c12.564 0 22.75-10.186 22.75-22.75S38.564 3.25 26 3.25 3.25 13.436 3.25 26 13.436 48.75 26 48.75zM15.708 33.042a2.167 2.167 0 1 1 0-4.334 2.167 2.167 0 0 1 0 4.334zm23.834 0a2.167 2.167 0 1 1 0-4.334 2.167 2.167 0 0 1 0 4.334zm-15.875 5.452a1.083 1.083 0 1 1-1.834-1.155c1.331-2.114 3.49-3.179 6.334-3.179 2.844 0 5.002 1.065 6.333 3.18a1.083 1.083 0 1 1-1.833 1.154c-.913-1.45-2.366-2.167-4.5-2.167s-3.587.717-4.5 2.167z"/></svg>`;
const infoContainer = $.make('div', this.CSS.info);
const title = $.make('div', this.CSS.title, {
textContent: this.title,
const subtitle = $.make('div', this.CSS.subtitle, {
textContent: this.subtitle,
wrapper.innerHTML = icon;
return wrapper;