Tanya Fomina a70eeae01a Lint
2024-05-04 16:58:09 +03:00

1012 lines
27 KiB

import {
BlockAPI as BlockAPIInterface,
BlockTool as IBlockTool,
BlockTune as IBlockTune,
} from '../../../types';
import { SavedData } from '../../../types/data-formats';
import $ from '../dom';
import * as _ from '../utils';
import ApiModules from '../modules/api';
import BlockAPI from './api';
import SelectionUtils from '../selection';
import BlockTool from '../tools/block';
import BlockTune from '../tools/tune';
import { BlockTuneData } from '../../../types/block-tunes/block-tune-data';
import ToolsCollection from '../tools/collection';
import EventsDispatcher from '../utils/events';
import { TunesMenuConfigItem } from '../../../types/tools';
import { isMutationBelongsToElement } from '../utils/mutations';
import { EditorEventMap, FakeCursorAboutToBeToggled, FakeCursorHaveBeenSet, RedactorDomChanged } from '../events';
import { RedactorDomChangedPayload } from '../events/RedactorDomChanged';
import { convertBlockDataToString, isSameBlockData } from '../utils/blocks';
* Interface describes Block class constructor argument
interface BlockConstructorOptions {
* Block's id. Should be passed for existed block, and omitted for a new one.
id?: string;
* Initial Block data
data: BlockToolData;
* Tool object
tool: BlockTool;
* Editor's API methods
api: ApiModules;
* This flag indicates that the Block should be constructed in the read-only mode.
readOnly: boolean;
* Tunes data for current Block
tunesData: { [name: string]: BlockTuneData };
* @class Block
* @classdesc This class describes editor`s block, including block`s HTMLElement, data and tool
* @property {BlockTool} tool — current block tool (Paragraph, for example)
* @property {object} CSS — block`s css classes
* Available Block Tool API methods
export enum BlockToolAPI {
* @todo remove method in 3.0.0
* @deprecated — use 'rendered' hook instead
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
APPEND_CALLBACK = 'appendCallback',
RENDERED = 'rendered',
MOVED = 'moved',
UPDATED = 'updated',
REMOVED = 'removed',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
ON_PASTE = 'onPaste',
* Names of events used in Block
interface BlockEvents {
'didMutated': Block,
* @classdesc Abstract Block class that contains Block information, Tool name and Tool class instance
* @property {BlockTool} tool - Tool instance
* @property {HTMLElement} holder - Div element that wraps block content with Tool's content. Has `ce-block` CSS class
* @property {HTMLElement} pluginsContent - HTML content that returns by Tool's render function
export default class Block extends EventsDispatcher<BlockEvents> {
* CSS classes for the Block
* @returns {{wrapper: string, content: string}}
public static get CSS(): { [name: string]: string } {
return {
wrapper: 'ce-block',
wrapperStretched: 'ce-block--stretched',
content: 'ce-block__content',
selected: 'ce-block--selected',
dropTarget: 'ce-block--drop-target',
* Block unique identifier
public id: string;
* Block Tool`s name
public readonly name: string;
* Instance of the Tool Block represents
public readonly tool: BlockTool;
* User Tool configuration
public readonly settings: ToolConfig;
* Wrapper for Block`s content
public readonly holder: HTMLDivElement;
* Tunes used by Tool
public readonly tunes: ToolsCollection<BlockTune>;
* Tool's user configuration
public readonly config: ToolConfig;
* Cached inputs
* @type {HTMLElement[]}
private cachedInputs: HTMLElement[] = [];
* We'll store a reference to the tool's rendered element to access it later
private toolRenderedElement: HTMLElement | null = null;
* Tool class instance
private readonly toolInstance: IBlockTool;
* User provided Block Tunes instances
private readonly tunesInstances: Map<string, IBlockTune> = new Map();
* Editor provided Block Tunes instances
private readonly defaultTunesInstances: Map<string, IBlockTune> = new Map();
* If there is saved data for Tune which is not available at the moment,
* we will store it here and provide back on save so data is not lost
private unavailableTunesData: { [name: string]: BlockTuneData } = {};
* Editor`s API module
private readonly api: ApiModules;
* Focused input index
* @type {number}
private inputIndex = 0;
* Common editor event bus
private readonly editorEventBus: EventsDispatcher<EditorEventMap> | null = null;
* Link to editor dom change callback. Used to remove listener on remove
private redactorDomChangedCallback: (payload: RedactorDomChangedPayload) => void;
* Current block API interface
private readonly blockAPI: BlockAPIInterface;
* @param options - block constructor options
* @param [options.id] - block's id. Will be generated if omitted.
* @param options.data - Tool's initial data
* @param options.tool — block's tool
* @param options.api - Editor API module for pass it to the Block Tunes
* @param options.readOnly - Read-Only flag
* @param [eventBus] - Editor common event bus. Allows to subscribe on some Editor events. Could be omitted when "virtual" Block is created. See BlocksAPI@composeBlockData.
id = _.generateBlockId(),
}: BlockConstructorOptions, eventBus?: EventsDispatcher<EditorEventMap>) {
this.name = tool.name;
this.id = id;
this.settings = tool.settings;
this.config = tool.settings.config || {};
this.api = api;
this.editorEventBus = eventBus || null;
this.blockAPI = new BlockAPI(this);
this.tool = tool;
this.toolInstance = tool.create(data, this.blockAPI, readOnly);
* @type {BlockTune[]}
this.tunes = tool.tunes;
this.holder = this.compose();
* Bind block events in RIC for optimizing of constructing process time
window.requestIdleCallback(() => {
* Start watching block mutations
* Mutation observer doesn't track changes in "<input>" and "<textarea>"
* so we need to track focus events to update current input and clear cache.
* Find and return all editable elements (contenteditable and native inputs) in the Tool HTML
* @returns {HTMLElement[]}
public get inputs(): HTMLElement[] {
* Return from cache if existed
if (this.cachedInputs.length !== 0) {
return this.cachedInputs;
const inputs = $.findAllInputs(this.holder);
* If inputs amount was changed we need to check if input index is bigger then inputs array length
if (this.inputIndex > inputs.length - 1) {
this.inputIndex = inputs.length - 1;
* Cache inputs
this.cachedInputs = inputs;
return inputs;
* Return current Tool`s input
* @returns {HTMLElement}
public get currentInput(): HTMLElement | Node {
return this.inputs[this.inputIndex];
* Set input index to the passed element
* @param {HTMLElement | Node} element - HTML Element to set as current input
public set currentInput(element: HTMLElement | Node) {
const index = this.inputs.findIndex((input) => input === element || input.contains(element));
if (index !== -1) {
this.inputIndex = index;
* Return first Tool`s input
* @returns {HTMLElement}
public get firstInput(): HTMLElement {
return this.inputs[0];
* Return first Tool`s input
* @returns {HTMLElement}
public get lastInput(): HTMLElement {
const inputs = this.inputs;
return inputs[inputs.length - 1];
* Return next Tool`s input or undefined if it doesn't exist
* @returns {HTMLElement}
public get nextInput(): HTMLElement {
return this.inputs[this.inputIndex + 1];
* Return previous Tool`s input or undefined if it doesn't exist
* @returns {HTMLElement}
public get previousInput(): HTMLElement {
return this.inputs[this.inputIndex - 1];
* Get Block's JSON data
* @returns {object}
public get data(): Promise<BlockToolData> {
return this.save().then((savedObject) => {
if (savedObject && !_.isEmpty(savedObject.data)) {
return savedObject.data;
} else {
return {};
* Returns tool's sanitizer config
* @returns {object}
public get sanitize(): SanitizerConfig {
return this.tool.sanitizeConfig;
* is block mergeable
* We plugin have merge function then we call it mergeable
* @returns {boolean}
public get mergeable(): boolean {
return _.isFunction(this.toolInstance.merge);
* If Block contains inputs, it is focusable
public get focusable(): boolean {
return this.inputs.length !== 0;
* Check block for emptiness
* @returns {boolean}
public get isEmpty(): boolean {
const emptyText = $.isEmpty(this.pluginsContent, '/');
const emptyMedia = !this.hasMedia;
return emptyText && emptyMedia;
* Check if block has a media content such as images, iframe and other
* @returns {boolean}
public get hasMedia(): boolean {
* This tags represents media-content
* @type {string[]}
const mediaTags = [
return !!this.holder.querySelector(mediaTags.join(','));
* Set selected state
* We don't need to mark Block as Selected when it is empty
* @param {boolean} state - 'true' to select, 'false' to remove selection
public set selected(state: boolean) {
this.holder.classList.toggle(Block.CSS.selected, state);
const fakeCursorWillBeAdded = state === true && SelectionUtils.isRangeInsideContainer(this.holder);
const fakeCursorWillBeRemoved = state === false && SelectionUtils.isFakeCursorInsideContainer(this.holder);
if (fakeCursorWillBeAdded || fakeCursorWillBeRemoved) {
this.editorEventBus?.emit(FakeCursorAboutToBeToggled, { state }); // mutex
if (fakeCursorWillBeAdded) {
} else {
this.editorEventBus?.emit(FakeCursorHaveBeenSet, { state });
* Returns True if it is Selected
* @returns {boolean}
public get selected(): boolean {
return this.holder.classList.contains(Block.CSS.selected);
* Set stretched state
* @param {boolean} state - 'true' to enable, 'false' to disable stretched state
public set stretched(state: boolean) {
this.holder.classList.toggle(Block.CSS.wrapperStretched, state);
* Return Block's stretched state
* @returns {boolean}
public get stretched(): boolean {
return this.holder.classList.contains(Block.CSS.wrapperStretched);
* Toggle drop target state
* @param {boolean} state - 'true' if block is drop target, false otherwise
public set dropTarget(state) {
this.holder.classList.toggle(Block.CSS.dropTarget, state);
* Returns Plugins content
* @returns {HTMLElement}
public get pluginsContent(): HTMLElement {
return this.toolRenderedElement;
* Calls Tool's method
* Method checks tool property {MethodName}. Fires method with passes params If it is instance of Function
* @param {string} methodName - method to call
* @param {object} params - method argument
public call(methodName: string, params?: object): void {
* call Tool's method with the instance context
if (_.isFunction(this.toolInstance[methodName])) {
if (methodName === BlockToolAPI.APPEND_CALLBACK) {
'`appendCallback` hook is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. ' +
'Use `rendered` hook instead',
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call
this.toolInstance[methodName].call(this.toolInstance, params);
} catch (e) {
_.log(`Error during '${methodName}' call: ${e.message}`, 'error');
* Call plugins merge method
* @param {BlockToolData} data - data to merge
public async mergeWith(data: BlockToolData): Promise<void> {
await this.toolInstance.merge(data);
* Extracts data from Block
* Groups Tool's save processing time
* @returns {object}
public async save(): Promise<undefined | SavedData> {
const extractedBlock = await this.toolInstance.save(this.pluginsContent as HTMLElement);
const tunesData: { [name: string]: BlockTuneData } = this.unavailableTunesData;
.forEach(([name, tune]) => {
if (_.isFunction(tune.save)) {
try {
tunesData[name] = tune.save();
} catch (e) {
_.log(`Tune ${tune.constructor.name} save method throws an Error %o`, 'warn', e);
* Measuring execution time
const measuringStart = window.performance.now();
let measuringEnd;
return Promise.resolve(extractedBlock)
.then((finishedExtraction) => {
/** measure promise execution */
measuringEnd = window.performance.now();
return {
id: this.id,
tool: this.name,
data: finishedExtraction,
tunes: tunesData,
time: measuringEnd - measuringStart,
.catch((error) => {
_.log(`Saving process for ${this.name} tool failed due to the ${error}`, 'log', 'red');
* Uses Tool's validation method to check the correctness of output data
* Tool's validation method is optional
* @description Method returns true|false whether data passed the validation or not
* @param {BlockToolData} data - data to validate
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} valid
public async validate(data: BlockToolData): Promise<boolean> {
let isValid = true;
if (this.toolInstance.validate instanceof Function) {
isValid = await this.toolInstance.validate(data);
return isValid;
* Returns data to render in Block Tunes menu.
* Splits block tunes into 2 groups: block specific tunes and common tunes
public getTunes(): {
toolTunes: PopoverItemParams[];
commonTunes: PopoverItemParams[];
} {
const toolTunesPopoverParams: TunesMenuConfigItem[] = [];
const commonTunesPopoverParams: TunesMenuConfigItem[] = [];
/** Tool's tunes: may be defined as return value of optional renderSettings method */
const tunesDefinedInTool = typeof this.toolInstance.renderSettings === 'function' ? this.toolInstance.renderSettings() : [];
if ($.isElement(tunesDefinedInTool)) {
type: 'custom',
element: tunesDefinedInTool,
} else if (Array.isArray(tunesDefinedInTool)) {
} else {
/** Common tunes: combination of default tunes (move up, move down, delete) and third-party tunes connected via tunes api */
const commonTunes = [
].map(tuneInstance => tuneInstance.render());
/** Separate custom html from Popover items params for common tunes */
commonTunes.forEach(tuneConfig => {
if ($.isElement(tuneConfig)) {
type: 'custom',
element: tuneConfig,
} else if (Array.isArray(tuneConfig)) {
} else {
return {
toolTunes: toolTunesPopoverParams,
commonTunes: commonTunesPopoverParams,
* Update current input index with selection anchor node
public updateCurrentInput(): void {
* If activeElement is native input, anchorNode points to its parent.
* So if it is native input use it instead of anchorNode
* If anchorNode is undefined, also use activeElement
this.currentInput = $.isNativeInput(document.activeElement) || !SelectionUtils.anchorNode
? document.activeElement
: SelectionUtils.anchorNode;
* Allows to say Editor that Block was changed. Used to manually trigger Editor's 'onChange' callback
* Can be useful for block changes invisible for editor core.
public dispatchChange(): void {
* Call Tool instance destroy method
public destroy(): void {
if (_.isFunction(this.toolInstance.destroy)) {
* Tool could specify several entries to be displayed at the Toolbox (for example, "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Heading 3")
* This method returns the entry that is related to the Block (depended on the Block data)
public async getActiveToolboxEntry(): Promise<ToolboxConfigEntry | undefined> {
const toolboxSettings = this.tool.toolbox;
* If Tool specifies just the single entry, treat it like an active
if (toolboxSettings.length === 1) {
return Promise.resolve(this.tool.toolbox[0]);
* If we have several entries with their own data overrides,
* find those who matches some current data property
* Example:
* Tools' toolbox: [
* {title: "Heading 1", data: {level: 1} },
* {title: "Heading 2", data: {level: 2} }
* ]
* the Block data: {
* text: "Heading text",
* level: 2
* }
* that means that for the current block, the second toolbox item (matched by "{level: 2}") is active
const blockData = await this.data;
const toolboxItems = toolboxSettings;
return toolboxItems?.find((item) => {
return isSameBlockData(item.data, blockData);
* Exports Block data as string using conversion config
public async exportDataAsString(): Promise<string> {
const blockData = await this.data;
return convertBlockDataToString(blockData, this.tool.conversionConfig);
* Make default Block wrappers and put Tool`s content there
* @returns {HTMLDivElement}
private compose(): HTMLDivElement {
const wrapper = $.make('div', Block.CSS.wrapper) as HTMLDivElement,
contentNode = $.make('div', Block.CSS.content),
pluginsContent = this.toolInstance.render();
if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'test') {
wrapper.setAttribute('data-cy', 'block-wrapper');
* Export id to the DOM three
* Useful for standalone modules development. For example, allows to identify Block by some child node. Or scroll to a particular Block by id.
wrapper.dataset.id = this.id;
* Saving a reference to plugin's content element for guaranteed accessing it later
this.toolRenderedElement = pluginsContent;
* Block Tunes might wrap Block's content node to provide any UI changes
* <tune2wrapper>
* <tune1wrapper>
* <blockContent />
* </tune1wrapper>
* </tune2wrapper>
let wrappedContentNode: HTMLElement = contentNode;
[...this.tunesInstances.values(), ...this.defaultTunesInstances.values()]
.forEach((tune) => {
if (_.isFunction(tune.wrap)) {
try {
wrappedContentNode = tune.wrap(wrappedContentNode);
} catch (e) {
_.log(`Tune ${tune.constructor.name} wrap method throws an Error %o`, 'warn', e);
return wrapper;
* Instantiate Block Tunes
* @param tunesData - current Block tunes data
* @private
private composeTunes(tunesData: { [name: string]: BlockTuneData }): void {
Array.from(this.tunes.values()).forEach((tune) => {
const collection = tune.isInternal ? this.defaultTunesInstances : this.tunesInstances;
collection.set(tune.name, tune.create(tunesData[tune.name], this.blockAPI));
* Check if there is some data for not available tunes
Object.entries(tunesData).forEach(([name, data]) => {
if (!this.tunesInstances.has(name)) {
this.unavailableTunesData[name] = data;
* Is fired when text input or contentEditable is focused
private handleFocus = (): void => {
* Drop inputs cache to query the new ones
* Update current input
* Adds focus event listeners to all inputs and contenteditable
private addInputEvents(): void {
this.inputs.forEach(input => {
input.addEventListener('focus', this.handleFocus);
* If input is native input add oninput listener to observe changes
if ($.isNativeInput(input)) {
input.addEventListener('input', this.didMutated as EventListener);
* removes focus event listeners from all inputs and contenteditable
private removeInputEvents(): void {
this.inputs.forEach(input => {
input.removeEventListener('focus', this.handleFocus);
if ($.isNativeInput(input)) {
input.removeEventListener('input', this.didMutated as EventListener);
* Is fired when DOM mutation has been happened
* @param mutationsOrInputEvent - actual changes
* - MutationRecord[] - any DOM change
* - InputEvent — <input> change
* - undefined — manual triggering of block.dispatchChange()
private readonly didMutated = (mutationsOrInputEvent: MutationRecord[] | InputEvent = undefined): void => {
* Block API have dispatchChange() method. In this case, mutations list will be undefined.
const isManuallyDispatched = mutationsOrInputEvent === undefined;
* True if didMutated has been called as "input" event handler
const isInputEventHandler = mutationsOrInputEvent instanceof InputEvent;
* If tool updates its own root element, we need to renew it in our memory
if (!isManuallyDispatched && !isInputEventHandler) {
* We won't fire a Block mutation event if mutation contain only nodes marked with 'data-mutation-free' attributes
let shouldFireUpdate;
if (isManuallyDispatched) {
shouldFireUpdate = true;
} else if (isInputEventHandler) {
shouldFireUpdate = true;
} else {
* Update from 2023, Feb 17:
* Changed mutationsOrInputEvent.some() to mutationsOrInputEvent.every()
* since there could be a real mutations same-time with mutation-free changes,
* for example when Block Tune change: block is changing along with FakeCursor (mutation-free) removing
* — we should fire 'didMutated' event in that case
const everyRecordIsMutationFree = mutationsOrInputEvent.length > 0 && mutationsOrInputEvent.every((record) => {
const { addedNodes, removedNodes, target } = record;
const changedNodes = [
return changedNodes.some((node) => {
if (!$.isElement(node)) {
* "characterData" mutation record has Text node as a target, so we need to get parent element to check it for mutation-free attribute
node = node.parentElement;
return node && (node as HTMLElement).closest('[data-mutation-free="true"]') !== null;
shouldFireUpdate = !everyRecordIsMutationFree;
* In case some mutation free elements are added or removed, do not trigger didMutated event
if (!shouldFireUpdate) {
* Update current input
* Emit a Block Event with current Block instance.
* Block Manager subscribed to these events
this.emit('didMutated', this);
* Listen common editor Dom Changed event and detect mutations related to the Block
private watchBlockMutations(): void {
* Save callback to a property to remove it on Block destroy
* @param payload - event payload
this.redactorDomChangedCallback = (payload) => {
const { mutations } = payload;
const mutationBelongsToBlock = mutations.some(record => isMutationBelongsToElement(record, this.toolRenderedElement));
if (mutationBelongsToBlock) {
this.editorEventBus?.on(RedactorDomChanged, this.redactorDomChangedCallback);
* Remove redactor dom change event listener
private unwatchBlockMutations(): void {
this.editorEventBus?.off(RedactorDomChanged, this.redactorDomChangedCallback);
* Sometimes Tool can replace own main element, for example H2 -> H4 or UL -> OL
* We need to detect such changes and update a link to tools main element with the new one
* @param mutations - records of block content mutations
private detectToolRootChange(mutations: MutationRecord[]): void {
mutations.forEach(record => {
const toolRootHasBeenUpdated = Array.from(record.removedNodes).includes(this.toolRenderedElement);
if (toolRootHasBeenUpdated) {
const newToolElement = record.addedNodes[record.addedNodes.length - 1];
this.toolRenderedElement = newToolElement as HTMLElement;
* Clears inputs cached value
private dropInputsCache(): void {
this.cachedInputs = [];