George Berezhnoy a88dc8e30b
refactoring(modules): sanitizer module is util now (#1574)
* refactoring(modules): sanitizer module is util now

* Remove Sanitizer from Editor modules signature

* Bind context to config composition method

* Make sanitizer singletone

* Make sanitizer a module instead of class

* Fix

* Add test cases for default values

* Fix inline tools default value

* Move inline tools and block tunes to BlockTool instance

* Fixes after review & some test cases for sanitisation

* Upgrade test case

Co-authored-by: Peter Savchenko <specc.dev@gmail.com>
2021-04-08 21:17:23 +03:00

132 lines
3.1 KiB

* Editor.js Saver
* @module Saver
* @author Codex Team
* @version 2.0.0
import Module from '../__module';
import { OutputData } from '../../../types';
import { ValidatedData } from '../../../types/data-formats';
import Block from '../block';
import * as _ from '../utils';
import { sanitizeBlocks } from '../utils/sanitizer';
declare const VERSION: string;
* @classdesc This method reduces all Blocks asyncronically and calls Block's save method to extract data
* @typedef {Saver} Saver
* @property {Element} html - Editor HTML content
* @property {string} json - Editor JSON output
export default class Saver extends Module {
* Composes new chain of Promises to fire them alternatelly
* @returns {OutputData}
public async save(): Promise<OutputData> {
const { BlockManager, ModificationsObserver, Tools } = this.Editor;
const blocks = BlockManager.blocks,
chainData = [];
* Disable modifications observe while saving
try {
blocks.forEach((block: Block) => {
const extractedData = await Promise.all(chainData);
const sanitizedData = await sanitizeBlocks(extractedData, (name) => {
return Tools.blockTools.get(name).sanitizeConfig;
return this.makeOutput(sanitizedData);
} finally {
* Saves and validates
* @param {Block} block - Editor's Tool
* @returns {ValidatedData} - Tool's validated data
private async getSavedData(block: Block): Promise<ValidatedData> {
const blockData = await block.save();
const isValid = blockData && await block.validate(blockData.data);
return {
* Creates output object with saved data, time and version of editor
* @param {ValidatedData} allExtractedData - data extracted from Blocks
* @returns {OutputData}
private makeOutput(allExtractedData): OutputData {
let totalTime = 0;
const blocks = [];
_.log('[Editor.js saving]:', 'groupCollapsed');
allExtractedData.forEach(({ tool, data, tunes, time, isValid }) => {
totalTime += time;
* Capitalize Tool name
_.log(`${tool.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tool.slice(1)}`, 'group');
if (isValid) {
/** Group process info */
_.log(undefined, 'groupEnd');
} else {
_.log(`Block «${tool}» skipped because saved data is invalid`);
_.log(undefined, 'groupEnd');
/** If it was stub Block, get original data */
if (tool === this.Editor.Tools.stubTool) {
const output: any = {
type: tool,
if (!_.isEmpty(tunes)) {
output.tunes = tunes;
_.log('Total', 'log', totalTime);
_.log(undefined, 'groupEnd');
return {
time: +new Date(),
version: VERSION,