Polina Shneider fc3e146764
Validate saved data (#591)
* Specify submodule branch for test

* Change branch for testing convenience

Just run: git submodule update --remote

* Added checklist submodule for test

* Attempt to validate data on save

* Rewrite promise.then to async/await

* Move validate logic to saver

* Remove extra space

* Fix tabs

* Don't need async/await here

* Remove submodule

* Improve logging, remove empty blocks from data array

* Remove warning

* Loop over blocks only once

* Make validate non-async

* Get rid of await Promise.all

* Make validate async

* Call plugin's validate method with await

* Add docs

* Update docs

* Make separate function for tools validation

* Rename method

* Add data types interfaces

* Improve logging

* Desctructure extraction object

* Remove useless argument

* Update README and changelog

* Make separate changelog for version

* Increase version

* Bump version

* Keep logs at their places

* Fix logs order

* Pull submodules

* Improve logs grouping

* log styles improved

* Describe allExtractedData type

* Improve JSDoc
2019-01-12 19:39:43 +03:00

113 lines
2.8 KiB

* Codex Editor Saver
* @module Saver
* @author Codex Team
* @version 2.0.0
import Module from '../__module';
import {OutputData} from '../../../types';
import {ValidatedData} from '../../types-internal/block-data';
import Block from '../block';
import _ from '../utils';
declare const VERSION: string;
* @classdesc This method reduces all Blocks asyncronically and calls Block's save method to extract data
* @typedef {Saver} Saver
* @property {Element} html - Editor HTML content
* @property {String} json - Editor JSON output
export default class Saver extends Module {
* Composes new chain of Promises to fire them alternatelly
* @return {OutputData}
public async save(): Promise<OutputData> {
const {BlockManager, Sanitizer, ModificationsObserver} = this.Editor;
const blocks = BlockManager.blocks,
chainData = [];
* Disable modifications observe while saving
blocks.forEach((block: Block) => {
const extractedData = await Promise.all(chainData);
const sanitizedData = await Sanitizer.sanitizeBlocks(extractedData);
return this.makeOutput(sanitizedData);
* Saves and validates
* @param {Block} block - Editor's Tool
* @return {ValidatedData} - Tool's validated data
private async getSavedData(block: Block): Promise<ValidatedData> {
const blockData = await block.save();
const isValid = blockData && await block.validate(blockData.data);
return {...blockData, isValid};
* Creates output object with saved data, time and version of editor
* @param {ValidatedData} allExtractedData
* @return {OutputData}
private makeOutput(allExtractedData): OutputData {
let totalTime = 0;
const blocks = [];
console.groupCollapsed('[CodexEditor saving]:');
allExtractedData.forEach(({tool, data, time, isValid}) => {
totalTime += time;
* Capitalize Tool name
console.group(`${tool.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tool.slice(1)}`);
if (isValid) {
/** Group process info */
} else {
console.log(`Block «${tool}» skipped because saved data is invalid`);
/** If it was stub Block, get original data */
if (tool === this.Editor.Tools.stubTool) {
type: tool,
console.log('Total', totalTime);
return {
time: +new Date(),
version: VERSION,