Peter Savchenko ff91466b14
feat(toolbar): toolbar refactored and ui improved (#1815)
* chore(block-tune-toggler): toggler moved to the left (draft)

* toolbox ui updated

* fixd caret jumpling, improved some styles

* toolbar moving by block-hover

- UI module triggers 'block-hovered' event
- Toolbar uses 'block-hovered' for appearing
- `currentBlock` setter added to the BlockManager
- (reactangle-selection): the throttling added to the mousemove and scroll handlers
- `getBlockIndex` method added to the Api
- (api-blocks): toolbar moving logic removed from `blocks.move()` and `blocks.swap()` methods. Instead, MoveUp and MoveDown tunes uses Toolbar API

* the dark-theme to the example-dev.html

* positioning improved

* fix(rectangle-selection): first click after RS does not clears selection state

* toolbox position fixed

* the toolbox module became a standalone class

- Toolbox became a standalone class from the editor module. It can be accessed only via the owner (the Toolbar module)
- (api.blocks) the insert() method now has the `replace` param. Also, it returns inserted Block API now.

* new(api.listeners): `on()` now returns the listener id. The new `offById()` method added

* fix bug with Tab pressing on hovered but not focused block

* mobile version improved

* upd example dev

* small updaets

* add nested-list

* linting

* (api.toolbar): `toggleBlockSettings` now fires toggling event with the same state

* EventDispatcher used instead of callbacks for the Toolbox

* UIApi added

* fix ci

* git submodules removed from the ci flow

* add paragraph submodule to the ci flow

* Update CHANGELOG.md

* Update package.json

* use ubuntu-latest for chrome ci
2021-11-24 21:14:24 +03:00

103 lines
3.6 KiB

"name": "@editorjs/editorjs",
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