const { Command } = require('commander') const Sync = require('firefox-sync') const { version } = require('./package') const auth = { password: require('./password'), oauth: require('./oauth') } const program = new Command() program .helpOption('-h, --help', 'Show this screen.') .version(version, '--version', 'Show version.') .addHelpCommand('help [command]', 'Display help for command.') .allowExcessArguments(false) program .option('-c, --creds ', 'File to get Firefox Sync creds from (or write to during authentication and refresh).') .option('-v, --verbose', 'Output more details.') program.hook('preAction', (program, command) => { const credsFile = program.opts().creds const sync = Sync({ credsFile, oauthOptions: { access_type: 'offline' } }) if (!['password', 'oauth'].includes( { if (!credsFile) { program._displayError(1, 'sync.missingCreds', "error: missing creds, see '--creds'") } } // Inject Sync instance. command.setOptionValue('sync', sync) }) async function handleCreds (args, creds) { if (!args['--creds']) { log(creds) return } // Library alrady took care of this with `credsFile`. console.error(`Wrote creds to '${args['--creds']}'`) } program .command('auth [email] [password]') .description('Sign in using email and password.') .action(async (email, password, options) => handleCreds(options, await auth.password(email, password, options))) program .command('oauth') .description('Sign in using OAuth.') .action(async options => handleCreds(options, await auth.oauth(options))) function log (object) { console.log(JSON.stringify(object, null, 2)) } program .command('collections') .description('List available collections.') .action(async options => log(await options.sync.getCollections())) program .command('get [id...]') .description("Get some or all items from a collection. When getting all items, pass '--full' to get the full objects.") .option('--full', 'Retrieve full objects (implicit when selecting specific objects).') .action(async (collection, ids, options) => { const params = {} if (options.full) { params.full = true } if (ids.length > 0) { params.full = true params.ids = ids } log(await options.sync.getCollection(collection, params)) }) program .command('set ') .description("Store one or multiple payloads from 'stdin' in the given collection.") .action((collection, id) => { console.error(`Write methods not yet implemented! Feel free to contribute at !`) process.exit(1) }) program .command('delete ') .description('Delete the given items by ID.') .action((collection, id) => { console.error(`Write methods not yet implemented! Feel free to contribute at !`) process.exit(1) }) program .command('quota') .description('Get the current usage and storage quota.') .action(async options => log(await options.sync.getQuota())) program .command('collection-usage') .description('Get the usage in kB of all collections.') .action(async options => log(await options.sync.getCollectionUsage())) program .command('collection-counts') .description('Get the number of items in each collection.') .action(async options => log(await options.sync.getCollectionCounts())) program .command('configuration') .description('Get the storage server configuration.') .action(async options => log(await options.sync.getConfiguration())) function cli (argv) { return program.parseAsync(argv) } module.exports = cli