/* This file is part of issue-bot. * * issue-bot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * issue-bot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with issue-bot. If not, see . */ use super::*; static BASE_ISSUE_URL: &str = "{base_url}/{repo}/issues"; pub fn new_issue_failure(e: Error, conf: &Configuration) -> String { format!("Hello, Unfortunately we were not able to create your issue. The reason was: `{}`. Please contact the repository's owners for assistance. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", e, local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name) } pub fn new_issue_success( title: String, password: Password, issue_id: i64, conf: &Configuration, ) -> String { format!("Hello, You have successfully submitted an issue titled \"{title}\". Your issue can be found at {url}/{issue_id} You will receive replies from other users. To unsubscribe from the conversation, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+unsubscribe@{domain}. To reply to other users or post new comments, send your text to {local_part}+{password}+reply@{domain}. To close the issue, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+close@{domain}. Please keep this email in order to be able to keep in touch with your issue. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", title = title, password = password, issue_id = issue_id, url = BASE_ISSUE_URL.replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url).replace("{repo}", &conf.repo), local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name) } pub fn new_reply_failure(e: Error, conf: &Configuration) -> String { format!("Hello, Unfortunately we were not able to post your reply. The reason was: `{}`. Please contact the repository's owners for assistance. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", e, local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name) } pub fn new_reply_success( title: String, password: Password, issue_id: i64, is_subscribed: bool, conf: &Configuration, ) -> String { if is_subscribed { format!("Hello, Your reply to issue \"{title}\" has been successfully posted. You can view the discussion here: {url}/{issue_id} You will receive replies from other users. To unsubscribe from the conversation, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+unsubscribe@{domain}. To reply to other users or post new comments, send your text to {local_part}+{password}+reply@{domain}. To close the issue, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+close@{domain}. Please keep this email in order to be able to keep in touch with your issue. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", title = title, password = password, issue_id = issue_id, url = BASE_ISSUE_URL.replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url).replace("{repo}", &conf.repo), local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name) } else { format!("Hello, Your reply to issue \"{title}\" has been successfully posted. You can view the discussion here: {url}/{issue_id} You will not receive replies from other users. To subscribe to the conversation, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+subscribe@{domain}. To reply to other users or post new comments, send your text to {local_part}+{password}+reply@{domain}. To close the issue, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+close@{domain}. Please keep this email in order to be able to keep in touch with your issue. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", title = title, password = password, issue_id = issue_id, url = BASE_ISSUE_URL.replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url).replace("{repo}", &conf.repo), local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name) } } pub fn close_success(title: String, issue_id: i64, conf: &Configuration) -> String { format!( "Hello, Your issue \"{title}\" has been successfully closed. You can view the discussion here: {url}/{issue_id} This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", title = title, issue_id = issue_id, url = BASE_ISSUE_URL .replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url) .replace("{repo}", &conf.repo), local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name, ) } pub fn close_failure(e: Error, conf: &Configuration) -> String { format!("Hello, Unfortunately we were not able to close this issue. The reason was: `{}`. Please contact the repository's owners for assistance. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", e, local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name) } pub fn invalid_request(conf: &Configuration) -> String { format!( "Hello, Your request was not correct. Here are the valid requests you can ask from this bot: - post a new issue eponymously: send an e-mail with the issue title as the subject and the issue body as the email body to {local_part}@{domain}. On success a password will be given that allows you to reply, close the issue, and also change your subscription to the discussion. - post a new issue anonymously: send an email as above to the address {local_part}+anonymous@{domain}. {bot_name} will replace your name with 'Anonymous' If p is the given password, you may perform actions on your issue as follows: - reply: {local_part}+p+reply@{domain}. Subject value can be anything. - close issue: {local_part}+p+close@{domain} email content can be anything - change subscription: {local_part}+p+unsubscribe@{domain} and {local_part}+p+subscribe@{domain} This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name, ) } pub fn change_subscription_success( title: String, password: Password, issue_id: i64, is_subscribed: bool, conf: &Configuration, ) -> String { format!("Hello, Your subscription change to issue \"{title}\" has been successfully performed. You can view the discussion here: {url}/{issue_id} You will {not}receive replies from other users. To {un}subscribe to the conversation, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+{un}subscribe@{domain}. To reply to other users or post new comments, send your text to {local_part}+{password}+reply@{domain}. To close the issue, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+close@{domain}. Please keep this email in order to be able to keep in touch with your issue. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", title = title, password = password, issue_id = issue_id, url = BASE_ISSUE_URL.replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url).replace("{repo}", &conf.repo), local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name, not = if is_subscribed { "" }else {"not "}, un = if is_subscribed { "un" } else { "" } ) } pub fn change_subscription_failure(is_subscribed: bool, conf: &Configuration) -> String { format!( "Hello, Your subscription change was unsuccessful. You are already {un}subscribed. This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name, un = if is_subscribed { "un" } else { "" } ) } pub fn reply_update(issue: &Issue, conf: &Configuration, comments: Vec) -> String { assert!(!comments.is_empty()); format!( "Hello, There have been new replies in issue `{title}`. You are receiving this notice because you are subscribed to the discussion. To unsubscribe, send an email to {local_part}+{password}+unsubscribe@{domain} {comments} This is an automated email from {bot_name} <{local_part}+help@{domain}>", local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain, bot_name = &conf.bot_name, password = &issue.password.to_string(), title = &issue.title, comments = comments.join("\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n") ) }