use super::*; static ISSUES_BASE_URL: &'static str = "{base_url}/api/v1/repos/{repo}/issues"; static ISSUES_COMMENTS_URL: &'static str = "{base_url}/api/v1/repos/{repo}/issues/{index}/comments"; use serde::Serialize; #[derive(Serialize, Default)] struct CreateIssueOption { assignee: String, assignees: Vec, body: String, closed: bool, title: String, } pub fn new_issue( conn: &Connection, title: String, body: String, anonymous: bool, submitter: Address, conf: &Config, ) -> Result<(Password, i64)> { let issue = CreateIssueOption { title, body: format!( "{} reports:\n\n{}", if anonymous { "Anonymous".to_string() } else { submitter.to_string() }, body ), ..CreateIssueOption::default() }; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let res = client .post( &ISSUES_BASE_URL .replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url) .replace("{repo}", &conf.repo), ) .header("Authorization", format!("token {}", &conf.auth_token)) .json(&issue) .send() .unwrap() .text() .unwrap(); let map: serde_json::map::Map = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap(); let issue = Issue { id: map["number"].as_i64().unwrap(), submitter, password: Uuid::new_v4(), time_created: time::get_time(), anonymous, subscribed: true, title: issue.title, last_update: map["created_at"].to_string(), }; conn.execute( "INSERT INTO issue (id, submitter, password, time_created, anonymous, subscribed, title, last_update) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8)", &[ &, &issue.submitter.to_string() as &dyn ToSql, &issue.password.as_bytes().to_vec(), &issue.time_created, &issue.anonymous, &issue.subscribed, &issue.title, &issue.last_update, ], ) .unwrap(); Ok((issue.password, } #[derive(Serialize, Default)] struct CreateIssueCommentOption { body: String, } pub fn new_reply( conn: &Connection, body: String, password: Password, submitter: Address, conf: &Config, ) -> Result<(String, i64, bool)> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, title, subscribed, anonymous FROM issue WHERE password = ?")?; let mut results = stmt .query_map(&[password.as_bytes().to_vec()], |row| { Ok((row.get(0)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?, row.get(3)?)) })? .map(|r| r.unwrap()) .collect::>(); if results.is_empty() { return Err(IssueError::new("Not found".to_string())); } let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let response = client .post( &ISSUES_COMMENTS_URL .replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url) .replace("{repo}", &conf.repo) .replace("{index}", &results[0].0.to_string()), ) .header("Authorization", format!("token {}", &conf.auth_token)) .json(&CreateIssueCommentOption { body: format!( "{} replies:\n\n{}", if results[0].3 { "Anonymous".to_string() } else { submitter.to_string() }, body ), }) .send()?; if response.status().is_success() { let (issue_id, title, is_subscribed, _) = results.remove(0); Ok((title, issue_id, is_subscribed)) } else { eprintln!( "New reply could not be created: {:?}\npassword: {}\nsubmitter: {}\nbody: {}", response.status(), password.to_string(), submitter.to_string(), body ); Err(IssueError::new( "You can not reply to this issue due to an internal error.", )) } } #[derive(Serialize, Default)] struct EditIssueOption { state: String, } pub fn close(conn: &Connection, password: Password, conf: &Config) -> Result<(String, i64, bool)> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, title, subscribed FROM issue WHERE password = ?")?; let mut results = stmt .query_map(&[password.as_bytes().to_vec()], |row| { Ok((row.get(0)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?)) })? .map(|r| r.unwrap()) .collect::>(); if results.is_empty() { return Err(IssueError::new("Not found".to_string())); } let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let res = client .patch(&format!( "{}/{}", ISSUES_BASE_URL .replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url) .replace("{repo}", &conf.repo), &results[0].0.to_string() )) .header("Authorization", format!("token {}", &conf.auth_token)) .json(&EditIssueOption { state: "closed".to_string(), }) .send()? .text()?; let map: serde_json::map::Map = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap(); if map["state"] == "closed" { let (issue_id, title, is_subscribed) = results.remove(0); Ok((title, issue_id, is_subscribed)) } else { eprintln!("Issue could not be closed: {:#?}", map); Err(IssueError::new( "Issue cannot be closed due to an internal error.", )) } } pub fn change_subscription( conn: &Connection, password: Password, new_val: bool, ) -> Result<(String, i64, bool)> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, title, subscribed FROM issue WHERE password = ?")?; let mut results = stmt .query_map(&[password.as_bytes().to_vec()], |row| { Ok((row.get(0)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?)) })? .map(|r| r.unwrap()) .collect::>(); if results.is_empty() { return Err(IssueError::new("Issue not found".to_string())); } let (issue_id, title, is_subscribed) = results.remove(0); if !is_subscribed && !new_val { return Err(IssueError::new(format!( "You are not subscribed to issue `{}`", &title ))); } else if is_subscribed && new_val { return Err(IssueError::new(format!( "You are already subscribed to issue `{}`", &title ))); } let mut stmt = conn.prepare("UPDATE issue SET subscribed = (:subscribed) WHERE password = (:password)")?; assert_eq!( stmt.execute_named(&[ (":subscribed", &new_val), (":password", &password.as_bytes().to_vec()) ])?, 1 ); Ok((title, issue_id, is_subscribed)) } pub fn comments( id: i64, since: &str, conf: &Config, ) -> Vec> { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let result = client .get( &ISSUES_COMMENTS_URL .replace("{base_url}", &conf.base_url) .replace("{repo}", &conf.repo) .replace("{index}", &id.to_string()), ) .header("Authorization", format!("token {}", &conf.auth_token)) .query(&[("since", since)]) .send() .unwrap() .text() .unwrap(); let result: Vec<_> = serde_json::from_str(&result).unwrap(); result }